Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 679: Candle shade

People in sovereign countries love to describe them as being out of sight. What outsiders don’t know is that compared to them, the guys on the opposite side are the ones who are out of sight. They never play cards according to common sense. Even if the two sides have fought for a long time, the organization still has not obtained detailed information. . Where they came from, where their sphere of influence was, and what the purpose of their formation was, I don't know.

Sovereign countries call them "Dragon Whispers". Only the people of the Supreme Council and the Third Committee know this. This is only a very general term. In fact, they have many branches.

Jeff Onassis was angry, and there were some feelings of aggrieved feelings. The **** of the Anubis Legion have clearly said that they have been restrained. Why did the "Candle Yin" fleet appear here and set up an ambush, just as it has long been known that the mixed warship will pass here.

Is the "Abyss Knight" lying, or is the "Dragon Whisperer" omniscient and omnipotent like a god?

Different from the expression of Jeff Onassis in the biological cabin, the three crew members of the equipment pool looked at the nine battleships opposite with fear.

The hybrid warship was forced into the ion space, the pyloric crystal was overloaded and off the assembly line under the impact of the ‘peristaltic field’ coupling, and the mother nest core was also affected and was in a semi-paralyzed state. How do you fight the opponent in such a situation?

The nine warships belonging to the "Dragon Whisperer" did not give them much room for thinking. After the hybrid warship entered the real universe, the weapon system was operated as soon as possible.

They did not use two-string guns, nor did they activate the two heavy guns on the bow of the ship. The column + pointed cone structure that occupies two-thirds of the ship's body length expands to the left and right, like an open pliers, revealing the round shape that connects the belly of the ship. Connecting compartment-to be precise, the hexagonal muzzle that is larger than the two heavy guns in the bow of the ship is exposed in front of the circular connecting compartment.

One, two, three, four... the ring indicator light around the hexagonal muzzle lights up clockwise.

Ten seconds later, a brilliant light burst out from the muzzle. With the trajectory expanding to the left and right, the silver-white fan-shaped wide-field rays were excited, covering the mixed warship and its surrounding airspace.

There are a total of 6 such rays, which are excited by different directions, and shroud the mixed battleship in the overlapping field of action.

Surprisingly. In that sea of ​​white light, the biological tissues covering the surface of the hybrid warship did not absorb the ray energy as it did in the past. Those fibrous materials quickly shrank and hardened at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye, as if they lost their biological activity.

This process continued for a few minutes, and the part of the v-00 phagosome appeared to crystallize, and it was composed of biological tissues that had been wriggling from time to time. Become a crystal sculpture.

At this time, the overlapping wide-field rays dispersed, and the first two hadron guns of the other three "Dragon Whisperers" warships that did not fire suddenly burst into full bloom.

Six thick neutron beams crossed the barrier of time and space, and hit the crystalized battleship severely.

In the next blink of an eye, the hybrid battleship that is enough to dominate the human world burst into countless tiny pieces like glass hit by a boulder. Flashing little bit of fluorescence, dissipated in this airspace.

A large ship with a body length of more than 600 meters disappeared. In just ten minutes, it turned into powder and dissipated.

Tang Fang didn't know what happened here, and Anthem also didn't know what happened in his own territory. No one knew except the two sides of the battle - of course, there was only one side left in the battle now.

The 6 "Dragon Whisperer" battleships that stimulated crystallized rays also seemed to consume a lot of energy and "hardened" in the air for a long time. Only then resurrected, put away the left and right open "arms" and interception equipment, and quickly turned the bow of the ship. The main thruster burst out with a bright light, which turned into 9 points of light that flashed continuously, disappearing into this dark and deep space.

Jeff Onassis was dead, and died with his beloved Void Tyrant-class hybrid warship. He came to avenge Bourwell with confidence and anger, but sadly. He didn't even see Captain Tang's face, and was killed by a group of strong men who killed him halfway.

The powerful hybrid warship failed to fire a shot. Without firing a shot, under the attack of the "Dragon Whisperer" battleship. He didn't even have a chance to activate the emergency plan and use the nerve tree to escape.

If it is known that the chairman of the Supreme Council is so easily killed, it will definitely cause a disturbance in the Hillenberg region. Unfortunately, this is destined to be an unknown little splash in the long river of history.

The void returned to calm, and the invisible surge of energy slowly faded away. Just like in the past, it was empty, dark, cold, and lifeless.


The fierce battle between the Void Tyrant-class hybrid battleship of the Supreme Council and the nine warships belonging to the "Dragon Whisperer" is destined to be unknown, but at the same moment, it was far near the border between the Phoenix Empire and the Star Alliance in the Tianchao star area. The battle is based on the turbulent situation in the Helumbel region, adding a little more haze.

The conquering fleet of Prince Sfinkel, a representative of the empire’s radicals, has been wandering along the border between the two countries since the "Aradère" coup, frequently provoking the Star Alliance navy, and even sending a small group of assault troops to sweep the guard area of ​​the Star Alliance territory. Speed ​​probe and unmanned sentry,

The Star Alliance has focused most of its energy on the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandal No Man’s Land and the Karilan-Rutonado No Man’s Land, which border the Sulu and Monya empires. The provocative actions of the Phoenix Imperial Navy in the Kannada Defense Line and surrounding areas maintained restraint. Unfortunately, this restraint not only failed to make the opponent retreat, but also contributed to the radical factions such as the Conquest Fleet, Spectre Fleet, Kindler Fleet, etc. belonging to the radicals of the Empire. Armed arrogance.

This kind of deliberate indulgence on the one hand, and a conservative response on the other hand, further strengthened after the "Georgia Massacre". In particular, the Vanguard Commando of Prince Sfinkel’s conquering fleet invaded the hinterland of the Covenant Security Zone on several occasions. The 32nd Fleet Task Force confronted the Alliance for more than an hour.

For this kind of provocative behavior, the Phoenix Empire did not feel unreasonable, on the contrary, they were very hard-hearted, because they had a high-sounding excuse-hand over Tang Fang and hand over "Morning Star Casting."

A female member of the Singh family where the Duke of Tripatti is married to the Phoenix Empire 30 years ago, and married a younger member of the family of Prince Sfinkel’s mother. It is this kind of extremely indifferent relationship, but was caught by Phoenix. The radicals of the Empire used it as the guilt star alliance. An excuse to stir up trouble.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the radicals of the Phoenix Empire did not really want to go to war with the Star Alliance, but used the theme of the "Georgia Massacre" incident to pull the Star Alliance hind legs, and by the way, let Captain Tang feel sick. Take advantage of it.

As a recognized rogue country in the Hilumbel region, how could he watch the Star Alliance use troops against Monya and Sulu? What if you don’t go hand in hand to eat something sweet?

If the Star Alliance wants to stabilize the domestic situation, it must turn a blind eye to what Tang did in "Georgia". The best way is to condemn it on the surface and actually maintain it to avoid fire in the backyard.

The demands of the Phoenix Empire cannot be ignored. Anyway, this time Mr. Rogue talked about the truth. As a country that advocates democracy, freedom, fairness and the rule of law, he must always respond. As long as the Star Alliance responds, it will naturally inevitably walk on the negotiating table.

Rogue, there is always a way to take advantage.

However, it was beyond the expectations of the radicals. There has been no movement from the Star Alliance, only to restrain the border defense fleet to maintain restraint and avoid the possibility of gunfire.

This made Sphinkel very annoyed, because it was a shameful thing to make so many small moves, but the other party remained unmoved and ignored his interests. Although the conservatives in the court did not say anything, the mocking eyes made him feel uncomfortable. So he made up his mind to tear off a piece of flesh from the Star Alliance.

This is a face-to-face dispute!

For such a noble status as a member of the Phoenix royal family, glory is life, so. The Star Alliance must be subdued.

Sphinkel's anger poured on the blade of the conquering fleet, which became hot and bloodthirsty.

Interestingly, when the Conquering Fleet, carrying the anger of His Royal Highness, left the supply port again to the garrison airspace of the Star Alliance 12th Fleet led by Lieutenant Admiral Edgworth Williams, who was known for his short temper, prepared to give the Star Alliance government something. Look at the color, let them understand the consequences of ignoring the Prince. An unexpected thing happened.

They were intercepted in the guard zone of the Phoenix Empire, and the enemy was not the Covenant fleet. It is not a large pirate group like the Third Committee, but a very strange fleet. It was able to evade the speed probe perception like Captain Tang did, invade the hinterland of the guard zone, and gave the arrogant conquering fleet a good drink.

Of course, this is far from enough. They are not here to scare people, but to kill people.

Conquered the fleet of 1,189 large and small warships, and less than 300 survived in this battle. It can be described as a big defeat and the establishment of the system was broken. The standard valiant went out and went home miserably.

According to the image data recorded by the sensor system of the warship that escaped from the battlefield, the origin of the unfamiliar fleet is very strange. It is neither a standard warship of a sovereign state in the Hiromberg region, nor a Supreme Council or "Dragon Whisperer". The rare warships of the hidden forces, not even the modified ships of the Pirate Group with mixed good and bad —— even though they are flying the Pirate Flag.

Yes, in this era of rapid development of aerospace science and technology, those battleships are hung with the Pirate Flag-a Pirate Flag with a black background, white skull and red turban!

Not only the Pirate flag, but also the ship style is also the Carrick sailing style that prevailed in the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages of the Earth Civilization, with tall masts, undulating canvas, and arc-shaped stern.

As a product of space civilization, it is naturally not a true medieval pirate ship. The wooden hull was replaced by dark alloy steel, followed by a diamond-shaped propeller group at the tail, a row of guns on the side of the ship, and a plasma gun turret at the bow.

Simply put, they are just space warships in pirate ship costumes.

It was just such a battleship, with 500 battleships large and small, it froze the conquering fleet of 1189 battleships to the ground, and even the flagship of the Kurdish Lieutenant General, "Sinking Demon" was destroyed in this battle.

People were shocked by the news. Some people did not believe that the broken ship in the Middle Ages could defeat the Phoenix Imperial Navy? This is simply the most ridiculous joke in the world. It is very likely that those who conquer the fleet lost to the 12th Fleet of the Star Alliance. They feel that it is embarrassing to say it and will affect the overall situation. They use this clumsy lie to cover up the truth. Justify yourself from your superiors.

In fact, Sfinkel wanted the 12th Fleet and his conquering fleet to be upright, so that he had an excuse to call on the radicals to expand the scale of the war and set off a vigorous military storm.

It wasn't until the video materials of that battle were uploaded to the Internet by mysterious people that people believed the gossip they had heard before, which sparked a wave of discussion again. There are speculations about the origin of these pretending offenders.

Following the style of the medieval ship and flying the pirate flag in a decent manner, what is this not pretending? Even the Third Committee was not so arrogant, and Captain Tang, who was in the limelight, would not do it either.

The conquering fleet was beaten back home by this unknown fleet just after leaving the house. Does it mean that they have enemies with the Phoenix Empire? Why else hurt the killer?

Since they hung the pirate flag. Are you telling people that there will be another powerful pirate group in the Tianchao star area?

Few pirate regiments can defeat a conventional expeditionary fleet of a sovereign country with 500 warships. They are absolutely worthy of the adjective "super first-class" and become a powerful organization like the Third Committee and the Bahamut Pirates. The presence.

A very small number of people thought of a somewhat different question. Compared with Captain Tang’s Apollo Pirates, which is stronger and weaker than the Apollo Pirates, which is rapidly expanding under the command of Captain Tang?

the other side. This war was a major earthquake for the officialdom of the Phoenix Empire.

Although some people suspected that this unfamiliar fleet came from the Star Alliance, it was a powerful counterattack from the old parliament against the radical provocations of the Empire. For one thing, no evidence was available, and secondly, its existence was frightening. Whether it is the Spectre Fleet or the Kindler Fleet, or other nobles around the corner, they are very wise to suspend military operations against the Star Alliance.

Only Prince Sfinkel was dissatisfied. He called for battles before His Majesty the Holy Emperor all day, and was rejected again and again.

Virginia Alexander not only dismissed Sphinkel's request for war, but also ordered the radical nobles on the front line to exercise maximum restraint and not to test the bottom line of the Star Alliance, in case they encounter the strange pirate group again. Even if the frontier defense fleet is willing to support it, I am afraid it will be beyond reach. Conquering the fleet is a good example.

Member of the Star League Council, the Adam government. There are also some senior current affairs commentators who are surprised by Virginia's reaction. As the supreme power of the Phoenix Empire, is this kind of statement too weak? It is seriously inconsistent with his previous ruling style.

With the silver eagle group holding back from the side, he certainly didn't want to go to war with the Star Alliance. This feeling is understandable, but it is so unclear that a fleet will be killed by a strange pirate group. Is he always going to do something? Is such a negative response really good? Isn't your prince chilling? What would the ministers think?

In short, Virginia's attitude towards this matter is very wrong.


Tang Fang didn't know the story between the "Dragon Whisperer" fleet and Jeff Onassis. Because no one knows except the person involved.

Tang Fang also didn't know that from the period of the "Aradère" coup to the present, the conquering fleet was broken up by a group of pretending criminals and became the laughing stock of the entire Tianchao star area. Because the "Zai Angel" is sailing at war speed.

He is having a headache for one thing, really a headache.

Zhou Ai looked at his face, smiled and said, "This pain is nothing."

This was a lie, and he knew it very well, because how many times he had seen her painful profile through the glass windows of the medical laboratory. What is it? That was just because of her stubbornness, maybe... it also contained a kind of heart for him and everyone, not wanting to be a burden to everyone.

Linglong clasped her right hand with five fingers, very hard, thinking she was still so...how do you say, handsome? stubborn? tender? That emotion is very complicated and difficult to describe in words.

Roy supported Yingluo and stood on the opposite side. The light from "Fairy Elegy" shone on Zhou Ai, and the purple veins remained motionless, like a monster subdued by the Holy Light.

Facts have proved that his guess is very accurate. "Fairy Elegy" can control biochemical modulators and inhibit phagosome polymers, which is naturally beneficial to Zhou Ai's condition.

It's just that under the current situation, we are in an embarrassing situation of treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Fairy Elegy"'s suppression of the phagosome genetic material can relieve Zhou Ai's pain and restore her soberness, but it cannot cooperate with the Epsilon genetic material to re-seal them.

According to Valentin, Zhou Ai’s physical condition is more complicated. The behavior of eating giant snake gallbladder caused her body to change ~ www.novelmtl.com~ Later she encountered Tai Sui in "Christier" because of the invasion of phagosomes. Activated the re-encoded Epsilon human gene components in the giant snake gene library, thereby sealing the phagosome gene, and combining with human genes to recombine into a polyhedral gene, which is completely different from the artificial work performed by Terrow modulation.

To put it simply, Zhou Ai's body is like a library. Epsilon genes and human genes form the framework and bookshelves of the library. Different biological genes and phagosome genes are equivalent to various books and are placed in the bookshelves. Therefore, in essence, Zhou Ai is a mixed race dominated by human genes and epsilon genes.

The current situation is that the capacity of the bookshelf is not enough to hold the newly purchased books (phagosome genes) and can only be stacked on the ground. The key is that these books are very special. They are like a group of troublemakers, crying because they are dissatisfied that they have no place for themselves , Thus creating a state of confusion.

"Fairy Elegy" is like a temporary security officer, who can frighten this group of troublemakers with intimidation, but can't keep doing it. He always wants to go home, always eat, always sleep.

According to the research data on human cloning obtained by the "Gypsell" scientific research base, the most appropriate method is to use primitive parasites to inject more epsilon genes into Zhou Ai. In other words, it is to buy more bookshelves to satisfy the demands of those troublemakers. (To be continued)

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