Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 703: Those different

The indicator light in the eye sockets has gone out, as if sleeping soundly. It may also be a sensible way to turn off his sensor system and let the two people talk in private.

Tang Fang slowly calmed down his irritability and quietly waited for her next story.

Elena said that her mother had a sad smile on the photo, but she is now. She is beautiful, beautiful and clean, beautiful and thorough, but now she is a kind of beauty that makes people distressed, not the beauty that makes people stunning or moving.

"My mother is a journalist. She was born in the Charles Union and grew up in the Charles Union. If there weren't those things, she might not have contact with the nobles in her life..." She paused and noticed something a little bit like this. It's not right, and he corrected it: "Communications in life."

Laura Passy is a journalist. During her work, she will inevitably interact with some small and medium-sized nobles in specialized countries. Therefore, Elena's previous words are a bit rigorous.

"Until 16 years ago, she was 29 years old that year and I was not born yet."

"That year, His Majesty the Regent was very energetic, and that year His Majesty the King endured a heavy burden. It was also that year that Duke Knell finally made up his mind to reform the decadent social system."

"His first substantial reform measure was to open up media control and allow foreign media to settle in'Aitiya'. It is conceivable what such a measure represents in a special country, if it is the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, A country with the supremacy of power like the Phoenix Empire, I am afraid that his majesty will be exempted from knighthood and fiefdom the next day, and be punished with treason."

"The situation in the Turanx United Kingdom is better, because the power of the royal power is not so absolute. It hasn't been long since Hymn Will became the throne. He is not stable and needs to win over the domestic aristocracy against the thriving regent. After weighing the pros and cons, Choosing to turn a blind eye to his father's reform measures."

"His Majesty is very clever. He does not think that the reforms of his father can be carried out. There will be many people, many families, and many vested interest groups who will jump out to obstruct the reforms. Father alone will not be able to change the general trend of the country. grave."

"He was very far-sighted. From the beginning of the reform, there was a lot of resistance, both inside and outside the Duke of Knell."

"After repeated persuasion and no results, some old people who resisted reform and enterprises with aristocratic background chose to use tough methods."

"They planned a terrorist attack against his father, thinking that it would be best to kill him. Even if they can't, they can remind him, and then he will be restrained, and it is best to dispel the idea of ​​reform."

"Father is not dead. A few of his bodyguards died, and many civilians. When Buffal arrived at the scene with the rapid reaction force, controlled the situation and rescued him from the trapped place. The first batch. The foreign reporters stationed in "Aitya" rushed to the scene, among them was Laura Passy-my mother."

"Father did not leave here, nor did he prevent the reporters from entering the scene. While transferring to the ambulance. He gave up his magnetic levitation stretcher to a civilian, and with his **** hands he dug out a wailing line from the rubble. Stray dog."

"Some people think that he is acting in front of foreign reporters. My mother doesn't think so, because my father asked the civilian's name, and he remembered it!"

"So she plucked up the courage to walk to the ambulance. Ignoring the military police's obstruction, she asked loudly if she could interview him."

"A foreign journalist. A Duke is not only very different in status. Such an interview is bound to involve sensitive political situations. After just undergoing such a terrorist attack, no one thinks that the Duke of Congreve will accept Laura’s request for an interview. Even if he wants to convey some voice to the outside world, he will think carefully, plan it quietly, and express it in some unnutritious Mandarin."

"To everyone's surprise, he agreed, and he didn't arrange another time. It was in that ambulance, just after he had dealt with the skin wound on his shoulder."

"He also didn't use Mandarin and idioms to answer those sharp questions, let alone cover up the political ugliness behind this terrorist attack. He said he would not give up, to reform, and to those who obstructed reform."

"So... the mother and father met in a place full of blood and fire, and political evil. Then, the mother became the father's most trusted foreign reporter, and many interviews about reforms included the mother."

"I have read my mother's diary. In fact, she was in line with the opinions of some media people at the beginning, thinking that her father was just acting on the spot and using the power of the media to achieve her political goals. However, over time, she changed from distrust to her. Suspicion changed from suspicion to admiration, and then wanted to know more about him, and then the two came together...It was the mother's initiative."

"Because my father has a very special personality charm, just like a passage my mother wrote in her diary:'Until now, I don't know why he accepted the interview without hesitation after the terrorist attack, because he didn't want to go back, as What I’ve said in my ears-when the outside world is full of resistance, what I can do is to push myself into desperation and change my no retreat into forward action. Think about it seriously. The duke said it was really cute, just like his rosacea, and the drunk pranks that people can't bear to look straight at.'"

"In the eyes of my mother, compared to those noble lords who seem to be polite and love the people like a child, but are actually full of men and women who are prostitutes, my father is more like an old boy who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, of course, This is just his essence. In fact, he will do what politicians do, but he does not even bother to do it."

Tang Fang cut in at this moment, raised his eyebrows and said, "How do I feel that your father is like me."

Elena didn't delve into the disrespect in this sentence, but her pink face burst into flames. She remembered what she had just said--"Mother took the initiative." In other words, it was his mother who seduced Congreve.

Today, she also proposed to Tang Fang to marry him, and then he said that his character is very similar to Congreve.

Captain Tang quickly recalled, and quickly put the conversation back on track: "What then?"

Elena continued her story: "Then her mother became pregnant... After all, she had no status, and of course, her mother didn’t want it. She just stubbornly pursued her love, ignoring the opposition of all her relatives and friends, and determined to The baby in the belly is born."

"Because my father's reform project has really touched the real interests of the nobles in the territory, he has become difficult, considering his own safety. There are other influences. My mother quit her job and returned to the Charles Union."

"Shortly after returning, she had a quarrel with my grandpa and grandma, and moved to'Amyia' alone, waiting for the birth of the child. Of course... Father sent an old housekeeper and several bodyguards to take care of her. But. This does not calm the mother’s loneliness and sadness."

"A few months later, when the reform cause of'Aitiya' was almost stalled, my father had to use the power of the army and deprived more than a dozen nobles who blatantly resisted the reform of their titles, as well as the official positions of related tribesmen. Those who did not obey were taken down on charges of not respecting the lord’s orders, and even shot to death."

"This caused a riot, from people's livelihood, transportation, and economic spheres to varying degrees of turbulence. Everyone in the several big families was at risk and worried that such a thing would fall on them. So many people who opposed the reformists took their homes. Move to'Josena' controlled by Surbaggio, Reeves and others."

"My mother is very worried about her father's safety. She has lost a lot of weight, and she has been separated for a long time and frightened. The incomprehension of her relatives and the pessimism of not being able to see the future put her under tremendous pressure. So... her face during that period The smile on the face is like this, with sadness and sadness."

She stopped telling, she was asleep, the rabbit was already asleep, and the kitten between the plates had squinted her eyes.

The drops of water slapped the green leaves, making a light "click, click". There are water marks on the bright fruit grains, and moisture spreads on the ridges. Bring a trace of coolness.

This is the taste of early autumn at night... He still remembers his life.

Is it over? Elena said so much in one breath, it ended in a simple way?

Do not. There is more below. She was telling a story, a story about her parents and him, rather than simply explaining why the smile on her mother's face was so distressing.

"What about below?"

Elena looked at the slightly contoured face under the dim yellow light and said, "You really want to hear it?"

Tang Fang said: "I have always been a very competent listener. I hate anticlimactic stories the most. If it is not exciting enough, I will curse the storyteller. If it is exciting enough, I will buy him a drink."

Elena asked: "Will you curse me then?"

"I will punish you to copy the Great Compassion Curse a thousand times."

The girl thought for a while and said, "I'll continue to talk about it."

"On the one hand, my mother is worried about the tension in the Duke of Knell, but on the other hand, she does not want to return to her father to avoid distraction. In fact, there is another important reason. She hopes that I can be born in the Charles Union and be an ordinary person. Instead of competing with my brothers for property."

"She is a reporter who has seen many nobles' grievances, heard many brothers and sisters, and from the experience of her father, she knows that those people who are brighter than the spotlight actually have been living in the dark, company with demons, and Ghosts have a meal."

"When the child in her belly was about to come into this world, she gave her a nice name, Elena."

"No one thought that this was the last gift she gave to her daughter."

"After the people who opposed the reform moved to'Josenna', the Duke of Knar led the escalation of civil strife. In order to fight against his father, they formed an anti-reform alliance headed by Reeves and Sulbaggio, relying on'Josenna'. The armed forces continue their privileges and safeguard the interests of the noble class."

"At such a tense moment, the Krivat family, where Amanda belongs, proposed a plan that could give her father a strong blow, and then passed it without any resistance. It was unanimously approved by all members of the Knell family in the'Josena' system. stand by."

"Yes, they are going to attack my mother... When she is about to give birth, she will give her father a fatal blow. She does not care that the child in her stomach is also a member of the Knar family, and does not care about the outsider of her mother. Identity... Or maybe they don’t think that their mother is an outsider. On the contrary, it was she who poisoned his father’s mind and made him go further and further on the road of reform."

"For whatever reason, after paying a lot of money to buy a few local police officers, their assassination was successful. The bodyguard arranged by her father failed to save her mother's life. She was hit in the heart by a pistol and when the ambulance arrived. There is no more breathing."

"Fortunately, the child is still alive..."

Having said this, Elena raised her head and looked into his eyes and said: "I'm still alive..."

Under the dim light, those clean eyes flushed slightly.

"The doctor said to the old housekeeper. The mother's physique is weak, and there is still a long time before delivery. Although the child is still alive, there is no guarantee that she can grow up healthy."

"But... that kid survived."

"I... survived."

There are still two short sentences with similar meanings, but they contain different things, which belong to Elena's emotions.

"So. My birthday is the same day as my mother's death."

Tang Fang felt her heart twitched fiercely, and she did not complain or shout. It is just calmly telling a fact, but it is more powerful than any accusation and shouting.

The end of Laura's life was the beginning of Elena's life, and the culprit of all this was the brother who had the same blood flowing in her body.

"Grandpa and grandma didn't accept me, they just took away my mother's ashes."

"I don't hate them, I really don't hate them, because it is my existence. Let them turn against each other, and because of my existence, my mother walks in front of them."

"The third year after my mother passed away. My grandfather once went to'Amyia' to find me, because my grandma called'Laura' and'Elena' when she was in a coma. Unfortunately, he didn't find it. Let me leave that sad place."

"In the past two years, my grandfather has also left. It is said that there are pictures of grandma and mother on the cabinet next to the bed. There are also pictures of little Elena in a white dress and laughing in the sun sent by the old housekeeper."

"I don't know what kind of life my father lived in those years. I didn't know that the reform process of'Aradère' had stagnated for three years until I grew up slowly and looked at the news reports of the Internet media. During that time, he rarely appeared in front of the media, even if he occasionally appeared on the scene, he was either haggard or drunk."

"He... is really bad at adjusting his emotions. Just like his mother described him, he is a lord on the surface, but in his bones he is an old boy who has not grown up."

She paused and looked at Tang Fang with a somewhat complicated look.

"Anyway, he got himself up again, but he was more radical than before on the issue of reforms and stopped taking a moderate path."

"My father has always been very good to me. Although he hasn't seen him a few times when he grows up, he still sees many guilt, many loves, and many sadness in his eyes."

"He was guilty for not being able to grow up with his little daughter, guilty for letting her lose her mother, guilty for not giving her a normal life. As for the sadness, I think...that might be seeing the shadow of my mother in me. ...It must be like this."

"Later, my father sent it. Later, I learned a lot, and I learned a lot. Later, when I heard the news of my father's death, I cried for a long time at the picture of my mother and him."

"Soon, Tang Lin found me, and then I made my own choice, came to Turanx United Kingdom, came to you, and did what I should do."

"In fact, no matter whether it is mother or father, they don’t want me to return to Turanx United Kingdom, to this place full of sorrow. My father once said that I don’t belong here and my life should not be in Turanx. The United Kingdom blooms. He wants me to live like an ordinary Charles girl."

"It's a pity that I didn't follow his teachings. I didn't choose the Charles Union. Instead, I chose the place where my father grew up and the place where my mother met the most important person in my life."

"I didn't come to inherit my father's business, I came to end it!"

"The tragedy of my mother, the suffering of my father, the regrets of my grandparents, and the pain I have experienced..."

"I don't want to see such a thing happening again, so I have to use my heart and hands to change the entire duke, and change this system of endless reincarnation of tragedies."

"When this fate came before me, I chose to bid farewell to my original life, follow Tang Lin back here, and ask for your help to become a part of my strength."

"In return, I am willing to be your wife, take care of you wholeheartedly, and raise children for you... Although it is really difficult for me now."

"To be honest, I really don't know how to face you... I haven't fallen in love with you... I don't know what to do to be a qualified wife... I can't be as simple as Linglong and Yingluo when you are Big brother...I am very confused, there are still some loss and sorrow, and there is a faint sense of warmth and security...Perhaps it is like the word'Mixed tastes ~www.novelmtl.com~ This time she did not show a shy expression , But the speed of speech was very slow, with a slight trembling.

"Am I stubborn? Just like my mother described my father,'Don't hit the south wall and don't look back, hit the south wall and don't look back'?"

Tang Fang stretched out his hand and rubbed her head and gave a soft "um".

She...really a good girl.

Again, her strength is different from Zhou Ai, her gentleness is different from Kleiya, and her simplicity is even more different from Freya.

She is strong, she is gentle, she is simple, she is Elena.

She is her, unlike anyone else. (To be continued)

ps: I will not admit that I am writing daily, um, paving the way for... paving the way for...

I like Elena very much.

Finally, the 2nd update is over, asking for encouragement and reward.

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