Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 712: Atlantis

Then... she suddenly remembered that it was not that he did not want to tell her, but that she and Buffal had blocked most of the door in the captain’s room like a lifeless black and white impermanence. Captain Tang had been hiding from noble education. Naturally there is no time to tell her these things.

It's no wonder that when the "Zai Angel" was about to arrive in "Khanos", she said those plans, and Captain Tang just said "you figure it out".

She feels toothache, really toothache! This kid didn't play the cards according to common sense at all, but it is undeniable that he did a very good job, very beautiful, and used threats to force Change Will to make a deal like a real villain. Communicate with Henrietta in a tender way, turn a conspiracy into a conspiracy, and turn each thought into mutual understanding and tolerance.

She has always believed that the game between politicians is based on interest, full of conspiracy and calculation.

But... Tang Fang and Henrietta broke this rule.

Henrietta was really clever. He passed by Tang Fang and the politicians of the Star Alliance; from when he arranged Meteleev and Wang Jianzhi to intervene in the affairs of "Morning Star Casting", and ended up stealing chickens and losing money; Change Weir used Tang Fang’s weakness in his character to achieve his political goals, but ultimately ended in failure; he realized... he finally found the right way to "open."


Yes, sincerely.

The sincerity of politicians is the most hypocritical thing in the world, which is ridiculous.

But the scene before him shows that Tang Fang's really infected him, making this politician who has been in the officialdom for many years real and sincere, just like an ordinary old man facing his friends.

She was sure that Henrietta had not lost her cunning as a politician, such as the gaze she had just looked at, but when facing Tang Fang, he changed and became no longer the same him as before.

She looked at Elena next to her again, and now that the little girl was listening attentively to the conversation between the two, trying very hard to understand... Those two frowning eyebrows showed that it was difficult.

Tang Fang drank the tea in the cup, got up and said, "We have said everything that should be said. We should go back."

Henrietta said: "Mellore will take you to Atlantis. As for others, you can live in Natasha. The scenery there is very good. You should like it."

Thinking of Servez’s previous words, Anthem will only meet him and Elena tomorrow. It would be better to go to "Natasha" to relax and relieve the fatigue of the journey.

"Okay." He was not at all polite: "Don't forget. And those ‘green bamboo leaves’."

"Zhuyeqing?" Henrietta was stunned, and it took a long time to recover, turning to look at the pot of tea on the log, and a smile on her shriveled face: "You guy, take two bottles of wine and a bag of cornmeal. Let’s not talk about the manufacturing process of my spare parts and the Holy Spirit-class aircraft carrier, and don’t forget to get some snacks before leaving.”

Although the old man didn't have much research on the tea ceremony, when his subordinates brought the tea, he specifically said that it was a "Zhuyeqing" tea of ​​the Taoist level. It is expensive, and it is a rare treasure in the market.

"Snacks?" Tang Fang looked at him and said with a haha ​​smile: "Are they expensive for your dish? Double the unit price of a veggie."

Times the price of zero prime?

Buffal pinched his fingers and settled, one or two stars!

"A new type of tea made from the hybridization of'Alilan' star Harana grass and'Zhuyeqing'. It is extremely difficult to grow and has harsh environmental requirements. It must grow deep in the foggy and rainy Daqing Mountains. ."

"Yun Ziwu nourishes famous tea." He shook his head and said, "Like this kind of tea, it is also a good thing at the Taoist level..."

He ordered those exquisitely shaped teapots, tea washers, and saucers: "It is a bit of a violent thing to let a layman like you come here."

Henrietta did not speak, he chose not to speak... endure it. Endure hard.

It is a shame for a ten-year-old man to be accused of violating the heavens by a stinking boy, but it is undeniable that he is right. In the tea ceremony and his party, he is really an out-and-out layman.

Elena said, "You know so much."

"This is the treasure handed down by our ancestors." Tang Fang glanced at her and said goodbye to Henrietta: "Old man, I have time to teach you tea..."

Well, that's how he left, just like Supreme Bao's escape.

Until Captain Tang and his party disappeared outside the door. Henrietta just woke up, shook her head with a wry smile, and muttered to herself: "This guy... is really amazing."

He turned around, leaned on the crutch, walked to the huge viewing window, and looked at the crater on the surface of "Darones" and the endless reddish-brown wilderness. He sighed, "I really hope. To be younger again, as cool as him, but..."

He shook his head and sighed.


Mellor's smile was really ugly, and to be precise, it was shocking.

Because the scar on his face was so long, those wrinkles couldn't be covered up at all, and it looked terrifying.

Elena deliberately fell behind and asked him to hide his face, saying that it scared our lady.

Mellor sneered at this, using "a bunch of **** boys, what do you know" to complain about the timidity of Elena.

He always regarded it as a military medal, not an obscure thing.

The woman he most favors likes the scar very much and doesn't think it is ugly. When the passion is over, she always touches it gently with her hand, and then gives it a kiss, saying in a very tender tone: "My dear, it is very charming."

Kylenia thought of Harrington from the scar, and sighed slightly, remembering that he also had many scars.

"Tang boy, you really did a great thing. It's a pity that you didn't see Turramon's face, like a cooked monkey butt, red and hot. It is really the most beautiful scenery in the world. ."

It was the first time that Tang Fang met him, and he never thought that the martial arts prince was a familiar one, and he was very unmannered and had trouble getting along with his nephew, taking it as his own responsibility to make him shameful.

"Sorry, I couldn't see it."

"Then do you want to watch it again?"

"Huh?" Tang Fang looked wrong.

"I heard that you have a stealth battleship."

Tang Fang nodded.

"Dare you follow me to take down that guy's flagship "Star Color"? Anyway, there is no evidence, even if he knows that you did it, then you must have a chance to admire his wonderful face."


Tang Fang suddenly sympathized with Henrietta, how many of the old man's silver head was white because of the goods in front of him? Mellor... is really a guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic.

But think about it carefully, there are a few guys who are good at leading soldiers in battle, especially under the autocratic system. Whether it is the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, or the Turanx United Kingdom, the generals are far more radical than the soldiers of the Star Alliance, Charles Federation and other countries.

Just like in Tang Yan's memory, the generals of the Munya army laughed at the Star Alliance members as being a wine bag and rice bag that was corrupted by their superior life. After the imperial cavalry passed, all the chickens and dogs will be wiped out.

But... is this really the case?

After speaking, several people had arrived at the port of "Mirror Light". Tang Fang told Kylienia and the others to return to the "Angel" first, and waited for Henryetta to send someone to take them to "Natasha" to rest. He boarded Mellor's Kestrel class shuttle alone and flew to the "Atlantis" space station.

The "Atlantis" space station is the largest space station in the entire "Khanos" spacecraft manufacturing and assembly industry chain. It is more expensive than the "Sigma" shipyard that Tang Fang saw at the Monya Empire Megal Star System. It is about twice the size and about kilometers in length. It is equipped with 8 class docks, 32 main docks, and 158 secondary docks. It can repair and assemble the Holy Spirit-class aircraft carrier, the improved Holy Spirit-class aircraft carrier, the Holy Spirit-type aircraft carrier and the lower class warships. It is the most important logistic supply unit of the old-school forces. Thousands of warships and armed boats of different types are born here every year. Or join the Turanx United Kingdom Navy, or sell it as a military commodity to local lords and foreign buyers.

According to Mellor, apart from the battleship assembly lines on the surface, there are also several special sealed ports for the development of new ships, as well as performance testing and evaluation, such as the Demon Hunter-class heavy assault ship and the Crusader-class combat interceptor. Ship.

The Kestrel-class shuttle is extremely small and can accommodate up to five passengers. It is not even as long as a communication antenna on the surface of the Atlantis space station. It is like a small sea fish beside a giant whale. Passing in the huge shadow, plunged into the space station's half-flowered structure.

Those long and narrow petal-like structures are actually huge docks of different models and body shapes. Battleships with different engineering schedules are parked, and huge cranes, welding arms and other mechanical equipment are being assembled in an orderly manner, assembling the ship accessories carried by the engineering vehicles on both sides to appropriate parts.

Huge searchlights are poured on the shuttle window from top to bottom, left and right, and the flowers are not big, but the eyes are very bright.

This is not the first time he has approached the shipyard, however. Every time I see these highly automated modular production lines, I still feel shocked and novel.

I think of the Ypsilon man-made shipyard in the "Lost Land", and don't know what's going on inside.

There are many frigates and fast patrol boats flying slowly along the established route around the "Atlantis" space station and in the port passage, conducting rigorous checks and inspections of passing ships.

Those people seemed to have known the origin of the Kestrel-class shuttle early in the morning, and they simply let them enter the deepest mooring platform of the space station and put them in a hangar.

When Tang Fang and Mellor got out of the cabin, a maglev vehicle drove into the hangar, and several staff members got out of the vehicle and saluted the two.

Mellor gave a brief introduction. Several of them are senior managers of the space station. The most prominent Asian man is Sun Lihai, a director of the technical department who is responsible for taking him to receive the full set of process data of the Holy Spirit aircraft carrier.

Without extra conversation, Tang Fang and Sun Lihai boarded the maglev vehicle and drove to the core area of ​​"Atlantis". Mellor did not follow, but returned to the shuttle and flew to various docks to inspect the assembly work of the battleship.

About minutes later, the maglev vehicle reached the core area where the central data management system was located. Sun Lihai briefly introduced a few words and led him into a building with very strict security measures.

After a complicated identity verification procedure, the two entered the floor where the archive area was located.

The computer terminals arranged in an array are connected to the large quantum computer in the central patio through the data transmission belt on the metal glass wall. The dense grating and lighting equipment illuminate the entire floor as bright as day.

Walking along the silver-white corridor, Sun Lihai led him into the deepest room, awakened the operation process in sleep, entered the authorization code and personal identification information, and quickly refreshed the ship models on the central display.

"It's all here," Sun Lihai said, "Mr. Tang, please do it yourself."

He put a data storage card with multiple encryption functions in the console, turned and left the room.

Tang Fang stared at the ship model picture that changed from time to time on the display for a while, thinking that Henrietta was really generous. He only said that he wanted the craftsmanship of the Holy Spirit-class aircraft carrier, but he did not expect that he even opened the craft data of the Holy Spirit-type aircraft carrier to himself. copy.

"This old man... makes people feel embarrassed."

He said embarrassed on his lips, but he didn't see the slightest embarrassment in his actions. He inserted the lead into the data interface very quickly and gave Emma an order to copy the craft data of the aircraft carrier.

The image on the monitor began to change rapidly, and the data transmission belt on the metal glass wall was shining like a wave, and countless information entered the Star Orbit Command Center of the Terran Base.

The craftsmanship data of the aircraft carrier is too huge, just copying it will take a long time.

Tang Fang pulled a chair next to him and sat down, wondering whether the craft data of the aircraft carrier class would unlock human battlecruisers and tech balls, after all, these are big guys.

Just thinking about it, consciousness was forcibly pulled into the system space, and the 4th clan base darkened. After a few breaths, a line of characters flashed.


"System, restart, ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."


"Re1ea color"

"Milk n,!"


Tang Fang froze, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is not surprised that there are new elements to unlock, because at the beginning of the Sigma space station of the Megall star system, it was obtained the conventional battleship manufacturing process of the Monya Empire to unlock the Banshee fighter and the Iron Raven, and "Atlantis" is more advanced than "Sigma". To be higher, now the aircraft carrier-level manufacturing process is displayed in front of us, and it should unlock the relevant elements.

The point is, if the fusion core is unlocked, this should not be the case.

The appearance of such a prompt often means that the unlocked unit is a campaign unit. (To be continued.)

ps: The toothache is finally relieved, but the root of the tongue still hurts. I didn't close my eyes for the whole night, and I said that I had insomnia.

When I was uploading this chapter, my son brought the cold bowl of porridge to drink. I was...so hungry~


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