Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 720: Leader's Proof

Elizabeth was slapped in the face, but it also achieved what she wanted, so Kylienia said that the old woman is not easy.

"I'll go to Elena. Be careful."

Kylienia was worried that Elizabeth would pour her anger on Elena, and asked him to step away from the dining table and go deep into the hall.

"Women... really jealous, I didn't expect even Kylenia to be no exception." He shook his head, waved away the messy thoughts in his mind, and continued to eat his snacks and drink his little wine.

No one should bother him, and the respected queen has done him a favor to achieve her goal.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. A beautiful woman walked through the crowd, came down to him with many eyes, squeezed the skirt, and gave a slight salute: "Mr. Tang, hello."

The voice is also very nice, but it can't hide the hostility in her eyes. It may be inherited from her parents, or it may be her motherland, the motherland now.

"Lord Franz." Tang Fang squinted at her thin face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth--a mocking smile, but not at the woman opposite, but at herself.

He just wants to be full, why is it so difficult, so difficult!

Many people saw this scene, or stared at them from the corner of their eyes, or glanced at them from time to time to guess where Heroes came from.

Her mother Elizabeth had just been slapped in the face, and her daughter posted it again. Isn’t that embarrassing enough? Or... what else does she have?

Helois glanced at the empty plate in his hand, turned sideways slightly, still smiling and said, "Can you?"

Tang Fang glanced at the dance floor.

On such occasions, women rarely invite men to dance. If the man takes the initiative. A woman can decline, but if a woman makes an invitation, a man cannot refuse it, because it is very rude and not what a gentleman should do. Unless the invitee can't dance, but how many people can attend this kind of party can't dance? That is definitely a shame.

Tang Fang can't dance, and he doesn't have the leisure and mood to dance.

Before crossing the world, he always thought that the grandpa and auntie writhing in the square were annoying, and sometimes even gave birth to more nasty thoughts, and felt that some people were flirting. I was looking for excitement, even though it was just a normal square dance.

In fact, he doesn't care whether he is polite or compliant. He can just say, "Are we familiar? Why do I have to dance with you." Anyway, he is not the most embarrassed.

Just behaving like a nobleman is just a sudden whim. A big gift is going to be given to Elizabeth. Since she and Sange Will are of the same heart, naturally we must share weal and woe. His Majesty the King received a Century Oolong Gift Pack at the joint council, and His Royal Highness naturally has a share. How can a generous person like him favor one another.

As for the etiquette of the nobility and the opinions of the outside world, he didn't care at all.

As just said, he is an upstart who loves the strange combination of Big Mac + Lafite, and has nothing to do with creatures like "nobles".

But he did not do that after all. But to say something else,

"Prior to this, I would like to ask Lady Franz to answer a question."

Helois froze for a moment, nodded and said, "Please speak."

"Do you know Byron Alonso?"

Byron in his mouth. At this time, I was frantically looking for a few women in the city of "Dicabon". They were not exotic girls who were trafficked by "Alice" to the Turanx United Kingdom.

Byron looked for them just to get an answer, and the protagonist of the question stood in front of him.

Yes, that has a lot to do with Heroes.

"Byron? Alonso? Who is that..." The light in Helois's eyes faded: "Is it him?"

She thought of someone who had risked his life to approach her. A certain man who only asked a few words was said to be caught by Franz later. He was thrown into prison and later rescued by Captain Tang. Return to the Tianchao star area and become the leader of the Apollo Pirates.

She was convinced that she did not know him, but the other party seemed to know her well, and now, Tang Fang suddenly mentioned that name in front of her, which reminded her of a man named Byron Alonso who had acted boldly two years ago. move.

Sure enough, she doesn't remember Byron anymore. Is it an accidental memory loss? Or is it artificial amnesia?

Either Chen Jian or Stephen Sue had yelled at Byron for seeing his sorrowful friend, and even for a woman, even the Apollo Pirates and his own life were no longer infatuated. To such a degree of infatuation, it is simply a weird thing.

At the beginning, Byron was thrown into the Landon’s Planetary Guixu 1 space station because he saw Heloise, who had just married Franz Stewart, and said many things that made Lord Lord mad, so he was sentenced to death. Ross, Zhou Ai and others are in prison, waiting for the execution time.

If Heroes really has nothing to do with Byron, the pirate leader will smuggle from the Star Covenant to the Monya Empire and risk his life to approach Lord Franz's new wife?

Now that Heroes actually said that he didn't know him, and his expression didn't look like he was lying, there was only one explanation left-Heroes had amnesia.

Returning to Tang Fang's previous thoughts, did she lose her memory accidentally or artificially?

This was also Byron's question, and it was also the reason why he borrowed the ghost from Tang Fang and sneaked into those mansions to find the owner inside.

Because those people had a lot of intersection with Heroes, or they were the people around her at all.

He did not find many people, and even the few people he found did not tell him the exact answer.

He has been busy for a long time and still doesn't know what happened to Heroes.

Tang Fang never thought that she would meet her at the reception. Her answer to that question did not seem to be a lie. Whether it was the puzzled look in the eyes when she spoke or the changes in the electrical skin under the monitoring of the detector, it showed that she was really wrong. Knowing who Byron Alonso is, there is no impression in his mind.

Byron may not know how terrifying God's armed forces are, he knows very well.

To seal a certain memory, and then replace it with a hypocritical story, for sovereign nations. It is an almost impossible thing, but for them, it is very simple. Even the Supreme Council and the Third Committee do not possess such capabilities.

"Mr. Tang?"

Heloise interrupted his contemplation.

He looked at him 7 or 8 years older than himself. The woman who was staring at him with a disguised enthusiasm and expectation, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, a smile appeared, and then she put the plate aside in her hand and walked to the dance floor with Heroes.

She has already answered that question, and he naturally has to keep his promise. Even if such an answer is not what he would like to hear.

Byron borrowed the ghost from him and chose to find the mystery of Helois' amnesia by himself, indicating that he did not want him to be involved in those dog-blooded and lingering grudges.

He still has more important things to do, and he has more difficult burdens to carry, like this kind of thing. It is better not to interfere too much.

The story of Byron and Heroes is their own story and has nothing to do with him.

To him, Helois was nothing but a wave in the long river of life. It had no significance, not to mention that the wave in front of him was about to wet his clothes.

Perhaps in the eyes of Heroes, it was just a replacement for the older waiter. To ensure that Captain Tang always has things to do and is under the control of the mother and queen.

But for Tang Fang, it would make him shame. Because he can't dance, and Helois is very good at dancing. Before marrying the Monya Empire, she was a shining jewel at the "Khanos" noble ball.

The little elves called "Music" jumped on countless robes and skirts, and floated in the soft light river under the luxurious chandeliers. The sound of dance steps was masked by the sound of music. Only those whirling skirts and flamboyant black.

Some nobles watched the two walking towards the dance floor, and several potbellied new faction leaders showed sneers on their faces. The gap in the mood of life can be filled with knowledge, but dancing is a difficult skill. Not to mention dancing with Heroes who grew up in the palace since childhood.

After all, Tang Fang is a country boy. It is said that he was a frontline cannon fodder one year ago. How could he become a socialite in just one year?

Therefore, in their opinion, he will soon reveal the tail of the fox and become a dance badge in the life history of Heroes. At the same time, Captain Tang will also be beaten back to his original form, from the gentleman's demeanor just now to the laughing stock of Tyron, Tulamong and others.

Many people are looking forward to it, hoping to see him embarrassed.

Henrietta whispered a few words with a young man next to him. The man nodded as he should, and then set his gaze on Tang Fang, ready to interrupt the two at an appropriate time, so as to avoid the gentleman created by Captain Tang. The image collapsed suddenly.

The old man’s heart is very bright, knowing that he doesn’t care about the image of aristocracy at all, and has always treated himself as a commoner, so he can be confident and self-willed, just like before blasting the Vladimir’s ship on the first layer of curved interception net. So it can be justified and mad, just like killing countless nobles in "Georgia" before.

Gentleman or something, to him is more like a shackle.

It's just that since Kylienia wanted the power of the wall-riding faction so much, Tang Fang gave people a big surprise just now. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he felt it necessary to maintain Tang Fang's image.

This is not from the perspective of allies, but the care of the elders for the younger ones.

Just like the conversation on "Mirror Light", he has found the correct "opening method".

Henrietta suddenly sympathized with Change Will, that the most outstanding nephew was going further and further on the road to enemy Tang Fang.

Of course, His Majesty the King can't help himself, he must do this, and he is willing to do it. This is his life, a sad life piled up by the fate of many aristocrats from the New School.

Henrietta remembered how similar his former self was to his nephew, and then he thought of how Arnaci was back then and how similar he is now...because he has already begun to consider Tang Fang's proposal.

However, it is really difficult, difficult to get to the sky.

Kylienia is also looking at Tang Fang, without concealing the worry on her face, but her Royal Highness is holding her hand affectionately, saying that he has picturesque brows and looks very similar to her short-lived three daughters. If you can, I hope. Able to see her all the time.

The words are very euphemistic and implicit.

Who is Kylenia and how can I not hear the hint inside?

Her Royal Highness wanted to tell her that if she could leave Tang Fang and be willing to treat her as a goddaughter, then she would become a princess and regain the glory of her father in the Monya Empire.

so. Elizabeth is a very scheming woman, not inferior to His Majesty the King, able to express her meaning without a trace, saying things that only Kylienia can understand, but others do not understand.

Language. It’s always been an art, isn’t it?

In Elizabeth's eyes, Claire is not important, Aros is not important, Zhou Ai is not important, and all the crew on the "Morning Star" are not important. Even Elena is not important.

All of them add up, and none of them is important.

In her opinion, if Tang Fang is an Excalibur, Kylienia is the soul of the Excalibur, without her. The divine sword will lose its spirituality, and it can no longer be called the divine sword, at best it is just a sword that is cut like mud.

She believes that Tang Fang's layout in the Turanx United Kingdom, the political marriage with Elena, including the current attempt to contact the representatives of the lords who are on the fence, are all promoted by Kylinia.

In short, this young woman with a shrewd political mind and vision is the soul of the Tang Group. Digging her to her camp is more valuable than cutting off Tang Fang's arms.

Kylienia did not speak, but looked at each other with silence and pity.

Not only did she understand the true meaning of that sentence, she also knew what was in the heart of the Queen.

It is undeniable. Many things that Tang Fang did in Turanx United Kingdom included her figure, but she was never the soul of "Morning Star Casting", not before, and not in the future.

That kid is!

She has always thought that she is very smart, good at playing politics, and even popular. Compared to characters like Henryetta, Sange Will, and Virginia. She just lacks the stage, or resources, to display her talents.

After the Mubarak offensive and defensive battle ended. Tang Fang gave her a chance to show off her talent.

Although her real purpose is to avenge Kirklaf I, it is to avenge Batfield. But it also faintly gave birth to the idea of ​​playing a game with those human emperors.

She clearly remembered that the Chinese civilization had a famous history. It was the story of the Three Kingdoms period when Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountains, thus laying the foundation for the Shu Kingdom. Of course, there may be elements of artistic processing in it.

Although she didn't want to admit it, sometimes she would really be immersed in the fantasy of becoming an outstanding figure like Zhuge Liang.

It wasn't until after a series of events that the "Zai Angel" arrived at "Khanos" and ended the conversation with Henrietta on the "Mirror Light" that she understood a truth.

She was never the soul of that divine sword, just a touch of cold light from it.

She is a qualified politician, comparable to Change Will, comparable to Henryetta, comparable to Elizabeth in front of her, but like them, she can only be a politician forever.

Again, Tang Fang is not a qualified politician, never has been.

He is a leader, a leader.

What the people of Monya need are not politicians, but people who can lead them out of their difficulties. Such a statement is equally valid in the Star Alliance.

For a long time, she tried to dress him up as a leader. It turns out that he had the talent to become a leader, and he went further and further on this road.

Her dress is a bit superfluous.

Therefore, she felt Elizabeth was very pitiful.

Elena turned her attention away from the faces of Kylenia and Elizabeth, and fell on Tang Fang and Helois. She felt that worrying about her fiancé was more than trying to figure out the conversation between them. Easy things... Although she vaguely seemed to understand something.

Levitating to her left, blindfolded her eyes with her slender arm: "What should I do? He will definitely be embarrassed... That idiot, doesn't he know this will embarrass the lady?"

Gilcott's wife patted it on the head and said, "Perhaps... he dances well."

"That foolish fool." said, "If he can dance, sows can climb trees."

Gilcott's wife laughed, as did Henrietta's daughter.

Elena said: "Compared to Tang Fang, you are more likely to embarrass me."

"Miss, does his position in your heart surpass me?" It said aggrieved: "I'm really really sad..."

",shut up!"

Some were stunned, some were smiling, some were curious, some were greedy, some were dumbfounded.

How can it not be shocking that a machine can make such a humane response.

Drizzt, who had been shrinking in the shadow of the hall, looked at Elena's face, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he recovered in a very short time. A waiter was brought in, whispered a few words and let him go.

Tang Fang did not know the language game between Kylenia and Elizabeth in the depths of the hall, nor did he hear Elena and his sisters affectionately. He has followed in the footsteps of Heroes and walked onto the dance floor. Watching her gaze, she held her bright white back with her right hand, and her soft hand with her left.

Helois gave a charming smile, shaking his steps gently to the beat of the music, his posture was very standard and skillful.

Her purpose is to haunt Tang Fang, and it would be great if he can make a fool of him.

She is very good at dancing, and she is so skilled that she can compete with professional dancers. Although it is only a relatively slow three steps, for a dancer of her level, it is very easy to make an amateur embarrassed. Anyway, unless Tang Fang has received professional training, or has many years of dancing experience ~www.novelmtl.com~, can we keep up with her rhythm.

Has Tang Fang received professional training? No. Have years of dancing experience? nor.

He just followed Emma's tips, and his body swayed to the music.

Of course, this kind of temporary embracing is useless. He can't keep up with the rhythm of Shanghai Loyce, so naturally he can't talk about cooperating and coordinating the pace. He just dances like a beginner with a little bit of fun.

So someone stepped on the foot. (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to the local tyrant brother for the reward that started with a single step.

Thank you Xuanhu, Autumn Rain, Pegasus Meteor Cannon, Chinese General of Command and Conquer, Variety Magician s~, Tyrant Flying Dragon, n4a, Reincarnation of the Sky, book friends 150711183836084 for their rewards.

Thank you Yueyi, Spider Crab, Deng Mao for your praise.

I said that unlocking the battle patrol these few days must be unlocking these few days. When did you deceive you, please call me a young man.

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