Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 760: Masquerade

Kleiya also looked ignorant, and she could only tell from Captain Tang's Liumang expression that it was definitely not a good thing, mostly in Chinese, so she looked at Tang Yun and saw that the little girl smiled wretchedly.

"You two are really brothers and sisters."

Of course, Tang Fang would not explain to Elena what it means to "flip your cards more." He turned the topic back to the fancy dress ball of the Horus Stone.

"For safety's sake, don't go to the dance party. Just lend me one."

He can use the mimic larva to pretend to be Elena, but there is no way to make a nut robot that is determined to cut Uncle Yan.

"There is no danger, right?" Elena looked worried.

"Don't worry." Tang Fang rubbed her head: "I will take care of it."

Claire raised her eyebrows and stared at his face with suspicion, thinking that Captain Tang had eaten a lot of deficiencies under his men. This time, she would avenge her personal revenge and give it a bitter taste.

At this moment, Roy's voice came from the door of the restaurant.

"Brother Tang, Sunbat called and asked if you received an invitation from Smalls."

Tang Fang handed the two invitations to Claire, walked quickly to the front of the restaurant, entered a small lounge next to it, and saw Sembat's sad face.

Without extra greetings, he walked in front of the camera after entering the door and said directly: "Smore did send someone to send 2 invitations."

Sunbat said in a deep voice, "Although I don't know what he is going to do, it's better not to go anyway."

"Why don't you go." Tang Fang laughed and said, "Of course I want to go."

"You forgot what happened to the Harlem Bridge?"

"I didn't forget."

"Then you want to go?"

"of course."

Sembat frowned, stared into his eyes for a long time, as if making a decision, sighed and said, "Well, see you tomorrow."

In fact, he didn't want to participate in this anniversary ball. He just turned 40 this year. You can go or not.

In this eventful season, he didn't want to get too involved in public. In order to avoid the situation of blundering, but now Tang Fang is going anyway. He felt that he should go with him, so he could take care of him from the side, maybe he could help.

Seeing that he was no longer insisting, Tang Fang changed the topic: "That incident...what's the opinion of the Duke of Tucson?"

Upon hearing this, the sadness on his face grew stronger: "Father did not express his attitude."

"Yeah." Tang Fang didn't say much, and Tusenna's reaction was expected.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Samba characteristics nodded and disconnected the call.

Roy said hehe: "This lord is kind, I like him very much."

Tang Fang didn't say anything. Throwing down the sentence "Go to eat", turned and left the lounge and walked to the dining room.


According to the opening time of the ball recorded on the invitation sent by Small, it was the dawn of "Natasha". If it was replaced with the time of "Cabretto", it would be shortly before night.

After dinner, he returned to the bedroom to rest, and slept until the distant mountain col was white, only to be awakened by a gentle knock on the door.

Don't think about it, it must be Claire. Only she can be so careful. For fear of awakening Tang Yun and Youfei in the next room too loudly.

Speaking of it, Miss Ship Officer's belly is getting bigger day by day, but it is still the same as before. She was a workaholic, and if it hadn't been for Nehemiah ordering Churchill to send her down by force, I'm afraid she would still worry about the trivial things.

Of course, things that are insignificant in his opinion are not trivial to Yuphy, who is in charge of the resource allocation of the entire ship, not to mention that the girl is still a typical a-blood Virgo, who considers issues carefully and likes to do things according to plan.

She is a very qualified ship officer.

But the situation is now. She is pregnant with Joey's baby in her belly. It is not suitable to stay in the dull and tense atmosphere of the bridge all the time. What she needs most is to relax. Live a peaceful and soothing life.

He struggled to get up from the bed, rubbed his wistful eyes, walked to the window with his bare butt, and looked at the blue and white of the sky. When he became a little more conscious, he put on the new Clayya put on the hanger last night. , Walked over and opened the door, said "Morning" casually, walked into the bathroom next to him, and began to brush his teeth and wash.

He just wore it there to dry his butt, and Claire didn't care, took away the clothes he had changed, and put the clothes he had asked the butler to find someone to make overnight on the sofa, turned and walked to the bed and began to fold the quilt.

"Hurry up, it's time to arrive, what does a bare **** look like..."

"I'm not wearing it." With toothpaste in his mouth, he said vaguely: "It's not a person, it's just a machine."

Claire was too lazy to take care of him, cleaned up the bedding, went to clean up the mess on the table, and then opened the window to let the oriental light flood into the room, dispelling the little darkness, and also illuminating her white skin, golden Long hair.

Tang Fang walked out of the bathroom, putting on black pants, black boots, black tights, and black leather gloves.

There were a few daggers stuck in the waistband of the tights, none of them sharpened, but they were very bright, glowing with a cold color in the faint morning light.

He put on the black cloak again, looked at the beautiful girl in the window overlooking the mountain, and said, "How?"

Claire turned her head, looked at him carefully, and suddenly laughed, "It's kind of funny."

Tang Fang pinched the black top hat and put it on his head, then took the mask on the coffee table and put it on his face: "What about now?"

The girl shook her head: "You really can't help it, it's two or three hundred years old, and you can still think of it."

Dawn spread out on her shoulders, and the ends of her golden hair fluttered lightly in the wind, like lingering clouds, like new buds.

"You wear this outfit to attend the anniversary celebration of the'Stone of Horus', which will embarrass many people."

Tang Fang lifted her chin, looked at those bright eyes that had been washed with water, and said, "This is what I want."

She opened her mouth abruptly and bit the dishonest finger, until the man in front of her cried loudly before letting it go, and said bitterly: "I'm asking you to flip Elena's card more."

"Hey. You see." Tang Fang rubbed his fingers with teeth marks: "Is that boy Bai Hao talkative?"

Claire turned her head and ignored him and continued to look at the distant scenery.

The mist in the valley began to dissipate, and the water vapor reflected the brighter morning light. Pave the green tea forest with a soft white. The sound of water coming from the stream was covered by the crisp bird song, and the roses in the yard were very beautiful. The tip of the flower is decorated with drops of cold dew, a kind of refreshing coolness.

He shrugged, not thinking about these gossips, summoned a mimic larva, and while walking outside the door, he ordered it to be like Elena.

Apart from his outfit, Clea also brought a relatively simple evening gown and a Venetian mask that resembled two butterflies.

Because of the existence. "Elena" is destined to be seen by most people. Instead of hiding it, it's better to show up openly.

In fact, seriously speaking, in his costume, it is easier to be seen through.

When I came downstairs, the dawn was more vigorous, but "Kha Norton" hadn't jumped out of the horizon. The damp and cold at dawn was particularly heavy, and the wind was blowing on his face, a bit cold.

Elena did not appear. It's just coming.

When the nut robot got under the crabapple tree, it was stained with a lot of flower dew, which made it feel uncomfortable, so he took out the cloth in the medical box and wiped the powder-white shell very carefully. Concentrated looks like a girl dressing up.

It took Tang Fang a lot of effort to resist complaining about it pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, and said hello: "Are you ready?"

Staring at him with copper bell-sized electronic eyes: "I really don't know what soup you gave Elena, she cares about you so much."

Tang Fang said, "Because I am her fiancé, don't you understand the reason for a girl to be extroverted? Good."

I don't know what "goods" means, it's not good to think about it.

"Humph." It simply closed its mouth and ignored him.

Seeing such a scene, he was a little surprised. He didn't know what Elena said to it last night, how did she become more talkative today, unlike the last time we met. I opened my mouth and shut my mouth to yan myself.

The dull sound from the collision between the high heels and the wooden ladder is transmitted to the auricle without much effort. Elena, transformed into a mimic chick, went downstairs and entered the courtyard.

Tang Fang popped out a round gadget. He was caught by "she", put it in his mouth, and said in a very gentle voice: "These flowers...really beautiful."

Although the voice has some metallic timbre, it is slightly different from the real Elena, but if you are not an acquaintance, you can't tell the truth.

Yuanyuan’s electronic eye was replaced by a five-pointed star, and sighed, “Oh my God, it’s so alike, how did you do it?”

It is very puzzled. Whether it is appearance characteristics, infrared scanning, X-ray fluoroscopy, this counterfeit is exactly the same as a normal person. If it weren’t for it clearly, Elena, who had been crying for a long time, was still sleeping in the bedroom, maybe it would really be affected. A scene bluffs.

Tang Fang smiled, did not respond to its question, waved to the girl who was smiling peacefully in front of the second-floor window, saying, "Goodbye", stepping on the slightly slippery bluestone road, crossing the sea of ​​begonia flowers, and onto the bridge , Into the world of withered peach blossoms.

A few minutes later, a black shadow passed between the green trees and the white clouds, and plunged into the sky blue.

Kleiya watched the flowing clouds scattered by the Kestrel class shuttle disappear, picked up the clothes that needed to be cleaned on the sofa, walked out of the room slowly, and gently closed the door.

The wind passing through the hall disappeared, and the raised window screens slowly calmed down.


The Bavaria Space Station is a private space station with a small size and a length of less than 3 kilometers. It looks like two splicing towers, erected on the high-altitude orbit of "Cabrreto".

Looking down from above, there is a natural landscape of "Cabrreto", and on the other side is the three brothers of Khanos burning.

Not everyone can have such a private space station in the "Cabrreto" high-altitude orbit.

Even with the status of Grand Duke Rules, he is only worthy of owning such a small space station on the back of the hemisphere where "Dicabon" is located, as his space residence in "Cabreto".

Of course, because the Grand Duke of Rules rarely leaves the territory, the real master of the Bavaria space station is his eldest grandson, the noble Lord Small.

The Kestrel-class shuttle was docked into the auxiliary pier of the space station, and the two walked from the long transparent passage to the core area of ​​the space station.

Due to masks and clothing, some people don't know their identities. Only the people who had attended the reception organized by Elizabeth at the time could guess who came from the side of "Elena". They whispered one after another and whispered secretly.

Most of the members of the Stone of Horus did not expect Small would invite these two highly controversial characters to the fancy dress ball, and felt somewhat repelled. Very awkward.

Only the descendants of the core members of the old-school forces sneered in their hearts, ready to sit and watch Small ashamed. Although they don't know what medicine they sell in the gourd, the lord who is famous for his dude. But they had long inquired about what Captain Tang was like from their parents.

Although what happened in the airport of Gangadas was concealed by Khanaru for the first time, as the core of power in this country, many nobles heard some wind and knew that he had done another thing in "Nasiro". It is a shame for His Majesty the King.

Hiring such a lawless guy, unless Small can take care of him, otherwise, God knows what will happen.

Some astute people have begun to retreat, just because of face. It's not good to leave immediately.

Some people are optimistic, thinking that Small invited Tang Fang to the ball because he wanted to invite him to join the Stone of Horus. No matter how he looked at it, he was kind. Since he chose to go to the party, he must also mean to join the noble circle. Will find it hard for myself.

Tang Fang somewhat guessed the psychology of those around him. Of course, I didn't care about it.

When they reached the end of the connecting channel, the security staff asked them to show the invitation card, and then sent it to the other party for viewing. But when he passed the checkpoint, he was stopped by someone because of the harsh alarm sound from the detection device next to him.

An elderly housekeeper came over and asked politely if he had brought any control equipment.

Tang Fang opened his cloak. Put a few decorative blunt daggers on the belt on the platform and perform detailed inspections for the security personnel.

After a few breaths, the old butler returned them apologetically, and personally led the two into the safe passage.

Private space stations like this are completely different from functional space stations such as military ports, commercial ports, and supply stations. They are basically built for the pleasure of the powerful.

Leaving the safe passage and entering the inner space, what you see is not a steel jungle, nor a high-rise building. It is the illusion sky with a real blue sky curtain, an endless green grassland. There are distant hills and a cold lake. It seems to have moved a small scenic spot from the ground to space.

There were many electric locomotives parked next to the safety gate. The steward told him that if he didn't want to walk, he could take it by himself, and then he said goodbye and returned to the other side of the safety gate to maintain order.

Tang Fang first released a detector, and then randomly selected a locomotive, carrying "Elena" and drove to the villa area built by the lake at the end of the long road.

There are some landscape trees planted on both sides of the long road, stretching all the way, and at the end of the flat meadow are clusters of flowers, dotted with green fields.

Accustomed to the stability of a maglev car, now driving a retro convertible electric car through the wilderness, it suddenly made him feel like he hadn't been there for a long time.

They are more cautious, and have been using scanning equipment to examine guests on the road, and store physical characteristics and other data into the system in order to deal with possible emergencies.

Through the eyes of the detector, he was very clear about the small movements, and it was a little strange why Elena was not there. She was like a changed person, from a highly anthropomorphic intelligent program to a qualified life assistance robot.

Of course, this is the best way to save distraction.

A few minutes later, the locomotive stopped at the outer parking lot near the villa area, and the two got off the driving position and walked towards the lake.

The meadow ends here. There is a huge white building beside the lake, which is a bit similar to a Victorian palace, except that the architectural style is more delicate and the decorative parts are very complicated. You can see ancient elements and mixed with modern facilities. They are perfectly blended together, and there is no sense of nonsense.

There is a small square between the palace and Qinghu. It is made of white marble and looks very clean. It blends with Qinghu on the opposite side and the White House at the back, giving people a natural and beautiful feeling.

Under the control of the staff of the Environmental Control Center, the illusion sky turned into an evening scene. The guests gathered in twos and threes on the square talked quietly, and only a few people noticed the arrival of Tang Fang and "Elena".

Unlike the fancy dress party in his impression, the members of Horus Stone are not too unconventional in makeup and styling, pursuing crazy and exciting.

Most women wear retro Gothic masks ~www.novelmtl.com~ or Venetian masks with intricate patterns to cover their faces and eyes. Some young girls wear cat ears and hair bands, dressed as bunny girls. Or fairies. Only a few people wear heavy makeup and apply exaggerated eye shadow or blush.

As for clothing, most of the dresses and suits with lace and folds are black and white.

Male dresses should be exaggerated, from the sheriff with a cowboy hat, a wizard in a black robe, a knight with a long sword, to a Batman with a head and face, a vampire wrapped in a stand-collar cloak, holding a shield and holding a sharp sword. Ancient Greek hero.

What Tang Fang regretted was that he did not see the skull with the cigarette butt, the colorful ghost with blood and tears, nor the withered and rotten walking corpses, nor the man holding the mottled iron hook... …In short, none of those ugly characters.

The roles they play are either graceful, evil, mysterious, or just...

He felt that this might have something to do with the identities of the members of the Stone of Horus. As the descendants of the great nobles of the Turanx United Kingdom, these people have noble origins, prominent positions, and dazzling titles. Let people like them play ugly? Isn't that surrendered? (To be continued.)

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