Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 766: Snowball

Jasper and Linova are princes, more noble than Captain Tang, and here is "Cabrreto", they need to be responsible to His Majesty the King, not Henrietta.

The colonel commander of the patrol was very happy, as can be seen from the smile on his face and the index finger tapping the armrest of the seat lightly.

The last time Tang Fang was attacked on the Harlem Bridge, two Skywalker Guards frigates broke into the interior of the "Cabrreto". The act of annihilating the Pelican-class armed shuttles and terrorists made the Orbital Authority look uncomfortable. Nothing.

Now, thanks to the resourcefulness of the two princes Jasper and Linova, the kid is finally buried in the void, becoming a name in history, which indirectly amounts to revenge for the orbital administration. Can he be unhappy?

Unfortunately, this happy mood didn't last long before it was broken by the harsh siren.

On the left side of the patrol's flagship, a heresy-class fast assault ship lit up on the island, and countless debris and gas leaked into space. Five crimson rays of light blasted and landed on the hull of the ship, igniting flames one after another, and the rapidly expanding gun smoke quickly enveloped the hull and turned it into ugly firework dumplings on the big screen.

"Enemy attack?" Many people don't understand. The radar system of the warship did not find any abnormalities. Where did the enemy come from?

The smile on the commander's face disappeared completely, and he stood up from his seat, and commanded the ships to immediately switch their combat readiness posture in a roaring manner, and counterattack the enemy in accordance with the emergency plan.

Regrettably, when the second heresy-class assault boat was ripped apart by more than a dozen missiles and headed for destruction, they still failed to capture where the enemy came from.

An Evangelist-class frigate fired a row of bullets at the spot where the crimson beam struck. The result was frustrating. It didn't hit anything. Instead, the sudden missile blasted the near defense turret into a ball of fire. Then the array of lasers that followed one after another cut a large hole on the port side, stretching from the bow to the belly, exposing the internal structure filled with flames and explosions.

The whole patrol is like a frightened antelope. It began to flee in all directions, and various inducer bombs and light curtain bombs exploded around. The powerful torpedo originally used to attack was used as a defensive method to disrupt the battlefield environment and achieve the purpose of escape.

This approach is difficult to reverse the decline, but it can delay time and wait for reinforcements from the Railroad Administration.

No one can predict where the next attack will come from, and also don't know who the attacker is, who is bold enough to cause trouble in "Cabrreto", knowing that this is at the feet of the emperor.

Until the area damage caused by the powerful torpedo explosion accidentally spread to an invisible unit. When the sensing system captured the outline of the aircraft, the patrol commander racked his brains and finally dug out an image deep in his memory, which was seven or eighth similar to the appearance of the invisible fighter in front of him.

If he guessed correctly, the attack on the patrol should be the stealth fighter group "Morning Star Casting".

The True Sight Eye-class reconnaissance ships were unable to capture their traces, let alone the backward warships of the Orbital Administration.

As the management department of the "Cabrreto" space orbit, although the Orbital Administration applies the military system, it is more inclined to the space police in business and functions, and is generally used to restrain ordinary people. Instead of using it for war.

The real fighting force inside the third-layer warp-speed interception net, apart from the space-based defense platform, only the Son of War of Sange Will and Henrietta's Skywalker Guard. And half of the garrison fleet.

The reason for weakening the size of the garrison is to avoid the formation of an arms race in the adjacent space of "Cabrreto" and "Natasha" and create an atmosphere of opposition.

Whether it is Hymn Will or Henrietta, naturally they don't want to see a sword of Damolis hanging above their heads that may fall at any time. Therefore, no matter how the two sides fought and played between the first-layer curved-speed interception net and the second-layer curved-speed interception net, they did not increase their troops to the inside of the third-layer curved interception net.

With the third-rate warship of the Orbital Administration, facing the ghost fighter cluster. One can imagine what the situation is.

In just a few minutes, most of the eighteen warships sank. Only three or five frigates are lingering.

As for the Ghost fighters, only one or two were affected by a powerful torpedo explosion. The body is slightly damaged.

At the same time, a black transport ship greeted the pier of the Bavaria Space Station. A dozen special forces wearing devil masks rushed into the connecting passage and approached the space inside the space station.

When have the usually pampered brothers and ladies encountered such a scene, some were paralyzed on the ground in fright, some turned and ran back, and some shivered, their eyes were red, cold sweat mixed with tears on their faces .

The battlefield between the space patrol under the Orbital Administration and the enemy is not far from the space station. Through the glass windows, you can clearly see the expanding fire of the battleship when it exploded. Some debris may even be scraped off the outer wall of the space station, causing a slight earthquake.

Now the arrival of the ghost face troops cast a heavy shadow in their hearts.

Fortunately, after disembarking from the ship, they didn't do anything to the people on the connecting passage. Instead, they rushed to the inside, letting the men and women breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly took the shuttle to escape.

"Who are they? Are they here to avenge Captain Tang?" Many people asked themselves: "Why is that kid dead, and the people of'Morning Star Casting' can still launch an attack of this scale?"

No one can answer these questions. The only thought of the Horus Stone members who have not left is to escape.

The old butler in charge of the internal security work of the space station ordered the guards to carry weapons to resist the invaders. As a result, the silver-white floor of the connecting passage was stained red with blood, and the body lay intermittently all the way.

Most of these people are excellent special forces selected by the Grand Duke Rules from the army. They are sent to "Khanos" to protect the safety of Small. All of them are equipped with special skills and skillful, cold weapons, hot weapons, and flying in the sky. , Running on the ground, swimming in the water... can be said to be proficient in everything.

But in front of Youxun, what was fragile was like a newly born baby, and it couldn't slow down Tang Fang's pace at all.

When he came to the security door connecting the space station, he gently took off the mask covering his face, glanced calmly at the old housekeeper whose face was half red with the blood of his companion, and stepped into the security door.

"You... you... didn't... didn't die?"

Tang Fang didn't hear it. The old man said it to himself, and then suddenly remembered that Jasper and Linova were still inside. The blood-smeared face became like dried radish pickled for many years.

"It's going to happen, no... you must notify the Lord immediately."

He struggled to get up from the ground, but found that his legs were shaking horribly. There is no way to move a bit.

"Who can help me... Lord Pavarotti... Lord Custer... Miss Leda..."

No one stopped to help him. There was only one thought in these people's minds--run. The farther you run, the better.

When Tang Fang returned to the living area inside the space station, another patrol team composed of 26 small ships from the Orbital Administration entered the battlefield.

The battle is **** like a snowball. The original fleet patrolling the Bavaria Space Station had 18 warships. After the previous battle, there are now only 2 riddled preacher-class frigates.

However, even if there are 26 more warships, they still cannot save their fate.

What is even more unacceptable is that this support army is not only unable to save them. Even himself was dragged into the quagmire of the war, chaotic under the attack of the ghost fighter.

The request for help continued to ferment on the "Cabrreto" communication network, and the head of the Orbital Administration had to dispatch and punish medium-sized warships such as the Knight-class destroyers and the Holy Knight-class light cruisers to the theater, and at the same time attacked the patrol near the Bavaria space station The incident was reported to the Haar Palace and the Garrison Command Center.

Until the noble children who had escaped from the space station recovered and informed the heads of relevant departments that Captain Tang might not have died, everyone was confused.

The person in charge of the Railroad Administration immediately halted the rescue operation and contacted Prince Tyron, who is in charge of national defense affairs, for advice.

If Tang Fang is really not dead, and this battle continues, God knows if the new faction and the old faction will break out into an all-out fusion. The fuse that triggered the civil war.

As the head of a small rail administration, he simply cannot bear such a responsibility.

Tyron did not know where to get the news that Jasper and Linova were still on the space station and did not leave in time. Ordered him to rescue the two princes at all costs.

At the same time, the entire ship of the "Cabrreto" garrison left the port and also headed to the airspace of the Bavaria space station, oppressing Tang with force to prevent him from doing something that everyone did not want to see.

He can humiliate Tyronn, humiliate Turramon, and even taunt the king and queen. These things can be tolerated, but if Jasper and Linova are killed. All that will be irreversible.

They are the princes of this country, not just the sons of Hymn Will. It is also an extension of royal power and a symbol of body.

They can plot against him. He could not kill them.

In Tai Lun's eyes, human life has always been high and low, respectable and inferior.

Some people were born with a golden scepter, some were born with a gold spoon, some were born with a rag, some were born with an illness... Reincarnation is really a skill.

When the rail administration and the naval port where the garrison fleet was in a mess, the support fleet composed of 26 warships finally had a record. They bombed 2 ghost fighters, but the cost was a reduction of more than half of the staff.

According to Emma's calculations, the assault boats and frigate-class warships of the Lionheart Independent Fleet confronted Tang's three-ethnic mixed forces head-on, with a battle loss ratio of 7:1 and 6:1.

The Kingdom Elite Fleet is still like this, not to mention the old model warships belonging to the Orbital Administration, this is a complete massacre.

The battleship of the Orbital Administration Bureau, which has always flared in front of civilian ships, finally ushered in its moment of destruction.

Many crew members were scolding Niang, but more were calling Niang, or praying to **** and begging for mercy from Buddha. When they bullied the people on civilian boats and transport ships, they did not believe in gods, did not recite Buddha, have no faith, no principles, and no bottom line. They looked at money, women, and relationships. They never "have a god." Such thoughts.

But when facing death, I hope God can help them and the Buddha can protect them.

The moment they refused to believe in, the gods also abandoned them, and even the power and wealth they worshipped were dismissive of them at the last moment.

There is an extra fleet outside the battlefield, but it is not a reinforcement of the Orbital Administration, nor is it a garrison fleet. They are from the 23rd Ranger Regiment, 240 warships are entirely composed of improved models. There is not a single assault boat, and the smallest is the frigate class, and there is the Holy Nail class light assault ship. There is also the Eye of God class scout ship.

The combat effectiveness of such an organized fleet far exceeds that of a fleet composed of a single type of warship. There is no doubt if they enter the battlefield. Will cause strong pressure on the ghost fighter cluster.

Unfortunately, they did not. More than 200 warships lined up outside the Bavaria space station. Even ignoring the miserable sight of the warship belonging to the Orbital Administration, instead the muzzle of the gun is facing the direction of the garrison military port.

Mellor led the 23rd Ranger Regiment into the restricted area inside the third layer of the speed interception net. Naturally, he had to greet Drizzt and Tyron in advance. On the surface, he came to support the battle, but in fact... The Orbital Management Bureau supported Captain Tang.

The thick smoke of the cigar clouded an old face, making the long scar no longer true. Naturally, it was a bit less fierce and more elegant.

Of course, a political old man like Mellor can never date a literary term like "Elegant". He just can't help but bury himself behind the smoke because he is happy, so that his gloating smile can be blurred, so as not to bridge the bridge. Those beautiful female ensigns and lieutenants thought he was vicious.

"This guy's life... is really hard." He touched the sword marks that crossed the left and right forehead, then looked at "Hecarty" next to the seat, "Well...this is very similar to me."

"What's like you?" A nice voice sounded behind him.

Mellor's face changed drastically.

Then a slender white hand crossed the smoke screen, pinching the cigar that hadn't been lit for a long time. He pulled it cleanly from his lips and threw it into the trash can next to it.

"Have you forgotten what the doctor said? I think you are living impatient." The voice was still nice, but there was a trace of anger.

She has a nice voice. But it lacks a beautiful face.

The woman is not pretty, and the slightly raised corners of her eyes make her lack the gentleness of a little beauty, and a bit more mean. Judging from the pattern on the epaulettes of the uniform, her military rank is not high, just a lieutenant colonel.

But on the "Ye Liuli", she was the only person who dared to pull out the cigar that His Royal Highness was biting in his mouth, and spoke in that tone.

Not because this is her battleship, even Merlor. The length of a ship must also be respected.

It was because she called him "father" and he called her "daughter".

Being the smallest of Mellor. Also the most beloved daughter, Kudria did not enter the kingdom's most famous aristocratic university for further studies. Then he married a young talent from a power family at home or abroad.

She resolutely chose the Natasha Military Academy, and then entered the 23rd Ranger Regiment and became a soldier.

"Kudria, can you not be so harsh on me."

"This is my battleship." Kudria said, "If you are not here, but on your own "Fudo Myoji", I can't control it."

"Of course, if you want to live another two years, don't be self-willed like a child."

Many crew members wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they could only hold their breath, and focus on the big screen of the bridge as much as possible, thinking that the patrol fleet belonging to the Orbital Administration was silent and distracted.

"Well, I will try my best to live until the day you get married." Mellor stared at her profile and said fiercely, "Otherwise I won't be stunned."

Kudria said: "I hope you can get what you want."

Mellor said: "I am your father! Father! Father!"

"It's working time, my dear Prince." Kudria said, "Is it possible to discuss your daughter's relationship issues in private?"

"Kudria, if you don't change this stinky and mean way of speaking, I'm really worried that you will just go on like this. Maybe there are men who like strong women, but no man likes mean women."

Kudria didn't say anything at all, and went straight to the front to arrange work, leaving Mellor alone, even in front of many grassroots officers, without giving him the slightest face.

If faced with other people, he would have drawn out the "Hecate" and cut off that person's head, but in front of him is Kudria, his most beloved and most doted daughter, one of whom is 33 years old and has not yet The old girl who married herself.

The key is that this girl will not let him intervene in life and death, otherwise, even if he puts a sword on the necks of those young talents, compelled by life and death, and tempted by profit, he would have already married his precious daughter.

Regarding the question of his daughter’s marriage ~www.novelmtl.com~ even if he is a high-powered prince, there is no good way to do it. It is no different from a parent in an ordinary family.

Kudria focused on her work, and Mellor focused on her, just like the warm and helpless father-daughter relationship of countless civilian families.

Young people live for their own pursuit.

The old man lives for the young.

According to Genesis, this is debt repayment. It is the debt that old people owed when they were young for their own selfish desires, taking those pure souls from the kingdom of heaven to the world.

The Tang side knew the reaction of the Orbital Administration and the garrison, and also knew that Mellor had arrived. Not only did he fail to perform his duty of guarding the "Kkhanos", but instead turned his gun to aim at the direction of the garrison.

"The old man is a bit similar to Howson, he is the lord who fears that the world will not be chaotic..."

While speaking, he walked from the back to the front of the queue, looked at the two people who were stopped by the ghost, smiled and said hello: "Yeah, meet again." (To be continued.)

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