Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2594: Tentative attack

   Xin Lao Qi shot over the seven people, then nodded to Yang Xiong beside him, and closed his bow to chase Fang Xing.

   The remaining six enemies were desperate assaults. Seeing Xin Laoqi suddenly withdraw, he rushed over in ecstasy.

   Someone in the coalition behind shouted: "It's that bear, idiot, come back!"

  Mello glanced back on the way back, then shook his head and drove the horse back.

   The huge long knife with double-edged blades easily chopped the human body in half.

   No matter where it is hacked, it is always in half, there is no escape.

   In the splash of blood, the remaining two enemies finally collapsed, but they turned their horses around, and Yang Xiong came behind them.


   The long sword is held high, and the sky is screaming!

   More than a dozen horses are neighing around, but they can't wake up and become the owner of two halves.

   is centered on the Yang Xiong, surrounded by splashes of blood, like a small slaughterhouse.

   The enemy in front of him was riding closer, and the sound of the plate armors colliding with each other was extremely clear in the neat footsteps behind him, suppressing the sound of horseshoes.

   "You can't retreat! You can't retreat!"

   After returning to the middle of the guard, Melo was staring at the movements of the Ming army.

   The Ming army continued to move forward, and the pace of more than 10,000 musketeers was heavy, beating on the grassland, making people palpitate.

  Mello was watching coldly, the captain's breath was short, and he whispered: "Your Highness, unless we take the initiative to attack, we will be defeated!"

   Merlot looked sideways at Captain Wan, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and asked, "Why?"

   He always wanted to find a Hami general to kill Liwei in public, but he didn't find a chance along the way.

   If there is a problem with the Master Wan's answer, he can kill him when he returns, and the crime is ready.

  ——Disturbing the military's mind!

Before he realized this, he said: "When the Demon God takes the initiative to attack, he will strike the opponent within the range of the firearm. If the opponent strikes back, the cavalry will not be able to get up. If it escapes, the cavalry on both wings of the Ming army will be the best. Tail chase."

   Melo's eyes were slightly cold, but the murderous intent disappeared.

   "What about the offense?"

   Chief Wanhu shook his head and said: "My ministry came from a long distance. Although the devil's subordinates are also the same, their firearms don't require much effort, so let's lose first."

  Mello said coldly: "Are all Harley's generals as timid as you?"

   The captain said angrily: "Are you trying to humiliate Halle?"

  Mello pointed to the approaching Ming Army and said, "Then prove it to me, and let me see your courage."

   The chief ten thousand sneered: "Yes, half of each."

  Mello squinted slightly and said, "I'm out of half."

   The captain nodded, and then he nodded ten thousand cavalrymen and started to prepare.

   "I will not rush into the battle myself."

   Before leaving, Chief Wan Fu explained his decision: "I personally rush into the battle, unless it is the moment of a decisive battle with Ming Ren. And before that, I will not go to death."

   "Is the one who rushes ahead must die?"

  Mello felt this was an opportunity, so he said gloomily: "You disturbed morale."

   Captain Wan realized it suddenly, then shook his head and stopped explaining.

   "We will test the strength of the Ming army, and we will leave with one touch!"

   He no longer cared about Melo's threat, and explained the mission of the attack in one sentence.

   "I want to kill him!"

   The murderousness in Merlot's eyes is full.

   Ke Wan Captain had already gone with the team, and the sound of horse hooves concealed Melo's anger.


   Fang Xing put down his binoculars and said disdainfully: "This is a temptation, ten thousand people, it is estimated that they will not be desperate. Two rounds of the artillery can be sent, with a longer interval between them. After the gun array fires, the artillery is loaded with shotguns and stands by."

   "There are only three powerful forces left in this world, and we have no choice."

  Mello stared at the place where he was about to meet the enemy, muttering what the Lord of the Meat Fan said when he set out.

   "We can only defeat the Ming Ren, otherwise the meat fan will fail in the middle, either to the Taisi or be defeated by the Ming Ren."

   "Go ahead, beat them!"

   Meat fans also have firearms, but in Merlot's eyes, those firearms can only scare horses that have not gone through the battlefield, and the casualties they can cause are speechless.

   That's why he sent 7,000 people to join the impact team.


  ‘Boom boom boom boom boom! ’

   The thunderous cannons didn't make Melo lose his composure.

   He was watching the black spots rushing forward, and then rushing into the cavalry.


   He saw the stumps and broken arms flying in the air, saw the people and horses that disappeared suddenly, and then...

   He heard the howls, the sergeants who were hit in the limbs were howling, and then they fell.

   Melo's cheek quivered, and he said, "The casualties are within acceptable limits. If the Ming Army has only this ability, then we will fight today and defeat the main force of the Ming Army in the first battle."

   The generals under his command cheered up and began to form the team, only to follow up once the front rushed in.

   The best way for cavalry to deal with infantry is to use impact to solve opponents.

   The cavalry on the two wings of the Ming Army did not attack, which made Melo, who regarded these ten thousand people as cannon fodder, felt a little uneasy.

   "They are confident that the infantry can stop our cavalry?"

  Mello's eyes were narrowed too finely, and they had become triangles. And the decrees beside his hooked nose are deeply scary.

   "Beep beep!"

  The sharp whistles came one after another, and then Melo's sight was obscured by gunpowder smoke.

   His body is slightly forward, wishing to see the current situation of the Ming army through the gunpowder smoke.

   Right in front of the gunpowder, the galloping coalition cavalry fell off their horses, and countless horses and men rushed out. Then there was a sound of broken bones on the battlefield, which made people feel sad.


   Captain Ten thousand shouted loudly from behind.

   He felt that he had fulfilled his obligation to show Merlot the combat effectiveness of the Ming army. If he is not satisfied, then he will fight.

   "Boom boom boom boom boom!"

   Just as the coalition forces began to turn to prepare to leave the battlefield, the second round of shelling began.

   Countless iron bullets crossed the open space in the middle, and then got in from the side.

   The enemy army who had just turned around suffered heavy casualties from this round of artillery, but the captain did not frown, but urged.

   "Quick, go back!"

   Chen De said next to Fang Xing: "Uncle, the enemy army has fled, if our army pursues it, it will be entangled with the enemy's main force."

   Fang Xing waved his hand and said, "Don't get entangled with the enemy's main force."

   The flag waved, and the cavalry on the two wings rushed out cheering.

   "Da Ming Wansheng!"

   The cavalry attacked.

   Merlot looked at this scene calmly and said, "Prepare."

  The generals began to lead the army slowly.

  Mello said faintly: "This is what I'm waiting for. If the order goes on, once it collides with the cavalry of the Ming army~www.wuxiamtl.com~, you are not allowed to retreat, you must entangle them tightly and stir them together!"

  The Ming Army cavalry chased at the end, cutting away the backward coalition cavalry, and then continued to chase, and threw these cavalry to the infantry who trot behind to solve the problem.


   Li Jia shouted loudly.

   More than a hundred people fired together. The dozens of allied cavalry in front were shot in succession. Then the horses hissed and started to run wildly.

"start running!"

  The friendly forces on the left and right have come up, and Li Jia led his subordinates to try to keep parallel with the left and right and started a trot.

   "Beep beep!"

   Three whistles sounded, and the hundreds of enemy riders rushing in the front were reduced by half in an instant.


   The horns are ringing, this is to call the whole army to stop.

   "Line up, the artillery step forward!"

   The artillery that was dragged by the horse behind immediately began to be deployed.

  The gunpowder in the front has cleared, and the cavalry of the Ming army can be seen retreating and sweeping away the enemy forces that are behind.

   This is an unscrupulous provocation.

   Allied forces were furious, but Melo shook his head and shouted: "Stop! The whole army stops."


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