Taking advantage of my girl brother's stupidity, fooling her into being my wife

Chapter 256 Tell the truth, old Chen, did you buy this milk tea shop because of me?

Seeing Qin Xiaoyu's reaction at this time, Chen Kai had always expected it,

After all, the main feature of this movie is a comedy, and the box office results of comedy movies are not too bad. Although the cost of many domestic sitcoms is very low, their vitality is very long. It can be regarded as electronic mustard in a sense.

I don’t know how many young people point to these few sitcoms for dinner, so they can also respond,

Comedy themes are indeed wealth codes,

"Old Chen, although I don't know much about movies, I feel that if this movie is made, it will definitely make money. Hehehe, we will be rich by then. It's very cool to think about it. After all, we are only 18 years old. Ah, if you earn so much money, will you pay it back in the future?"

Qin Xiaoyu giggled,

"And, isn't my dad planning to invest in a movie theater in Shanghai? By the time our movie is finished shooting, it will definitely be screened simultaneously in movie theaters across the country."

"And each movie theater will definitely have a relatively high percentage of commission, but don't worry, I can't make decisions about the rest, but my father's movie theater is going to open in our Shanghai, and it is estimated that it will be opened near Shanghai University Bar"

"After all, the flow of people here is very high, and the location is also very good. When the movie theater opens here, it is guaranteed to make a profit. Then I will definitely tell my dad to let him and our movie take the lowest amount. This Put it on me!"

Qin Xiaoyu patted his chest and said,

Seeing Qin Xiaoyu's appearance as a filial daughter, Chen Kai was a little amused for a while,

So Qin Xiaoyu also looked at him at this time, "Old Chen, what are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, I just laughed at you for being too filial"

"Old Chen, I can tell that you are teasing me. My father always listens to me. Why should I be polite to him? I'm his daughter. Old Chen, don't you think so?"

Qin Xiaoyu chuckled, he was too busy thinking about what would happen after the movie was released, and he was too engrossed in it.

So the movie they watched just now played for half an hour, and they basically didn't watch a few clips.

"Let's not talk about that, let's watch a movie"

In this way, the afternoon passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was around six o'clock in the evening.

Chen Kai stayed with Qin Xiaoyu in the dormitory for a whole afternoon, and in the blink of an eye, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

"Old Chen, it's already six o'clock. Let's go to the milk tea shop. Let's order a few cups of small fish milk tea. At noon today, the manager of the milk tea shop said that it should be ready before evening. Let's try it." try it"

"I'd like to taste it, what would the little fish milk tea taste like?"

"If it's better than strawberry-flavored milk tea, then I'll have to drink it every now and then. Oh no, I should drink it every day."

Qin Xiaoyu said naively, after all, if you don't drink it every day, you will be sorry for the name of this milk tea,

That's Xiaoyu Milk Tea, are you kidding me?

What's more, the name of this milk tea was chosen by myself, although it was a little hasty, so let's name it with my own name.

But that's not the point, the point is that Lao Chen agreed!

Really named after yourself,

"Old Chen, let's go down. I just opened the curtain and took a look outside. Basically, the military training on the playground has been disbanded one after another, and they are walking towards the dormitory."

"I guess Lili and the others should be disbanded too. Let's go buy a few cups of milk tea and buy a few for Lili and the others. I promise them at noon today."

"And tonight, let's go to the school cafeteria to have dinner together in the two dormitories. While eating dinner, drink small fish milk tea, how nice it is, don't you think?"

Qin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Kai and said, and then, Chen Kai and Qin Xiaoyu went downstairs directly,

Then I walked out of the girls' dormitory and headed directly towards the outside of the school. It wasn't raining much at the moment, but there was still a drizzle in the air, that's right.

Walking and saying,

"Old Chen, I don't know if you are the same as me. Anyway, I think it's a bit cold in rainy days, and military training is indeed quite tortured, but I really like the atmosphere of rainy days."

"I still remember when we were in high school in Zhennan, what we liked most was the rainy weather, and every time it rained, you would sleep on your stomach in class"

"I'm sitting next to you. It's a pity that you were not allowed to bring your mobile phone in high school. Otherwise, I would have to take a picture of you, Lao Chen, sleeping."

"If it is kept until today, it must be a black photo hahaha"

Xiaoyu kept talking, this little mouth is really busy, after walking for a while, he came to the outside of the school,

I went straight into the Xindong milk tea shop, and sure enough, I saw a new item added to the menu.

And it's in the first line, the first line, in a very conspicuous position,

"Old Chen, have you seen that there is actually a new product on the shelves, and it is really called Xiaoyu Milk Tea?"

"Sister, bring us a few cups of small fish milk tea."

"Okay, how many glasses do you want?"

"How many cups? Let me think about it." Qin Xiaoyu counted the people in her dormitory, except for Lili Susu and Peipei, that was herself, that is, four.

Plus the four in Lao Chen's dormitory,

"A total of eight cups of milk tea thank you"

"Okay, eight cups of milk tea?" The waiter at the front desk ordered directly,

The manager of Xindong milk tea shop has already explained it, so the waiter naturally knows that the boy Chen Kai in military training uniform in front of him is actually the new boss of his shop, so he also shows great respect,

After a while, eight cups of milk tea will be ordered.

"Boss, here are the eight cups of milk tea you want"

"Yes." Chen Kai nodded, took the eight cups of milk tea, and went straight back to school. As the owner of a milk tea shop, besides getting the profit from the milk tea shop, there is another thing that is not worth it. The advantage of mentioning is that there is no need to pay for milk tea, after all, I am the boss.

"Old Chen, tell the truth, did you buy this milk tea shop because I like drinking milk tea?"

Qin Xiaoyu said with a big brain, Chen Kai couldn't fix it,

"Qin Xiaoyu, didn't you just come here and kept clamoring for a taste of this little fish milk tea?"

"Oh yeah, almost forgot"

Qin Xiaoyu took out the straw, inserted it in and took a sip, the next second he noticed Qin Xiaoyu's expression, and instantly became stiff, looking at Chen Kai blankly,

"What's the matter, little fish, look at your expression, is it that bad to drink, probably not."

After all, it is the milk tea formula rewarded to me by the system, so it must be close, right?

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