[Contrast scene inventory Kelly - Jumping Bomb Chapter, officially started. ] 】

Old way, old rules.

After the title text faded out, above the light curtain, a text introduction about Kelly appeared.

[Artillery was fired in the city, reported in the confinement room; The bomb injured people, and Jean came to the door; Set fire to the mountain, and Kelly is finished - the Knights Survival Rule provided by Kaia. 】

[Spark of joy... Always confined in a confinement cell. 】

[In the alleys of Mondstadt, there is a legend: there is a little girl in red who has the strongest "supreme treasure" unique in the Knights of the Zephyr. ] 】

[Whenever and wherever the girl appears, everything is reduced to ashes in the bursting firelight. 】

[Moreover, when the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the girl always disappeared with it, and no one had ever seen her true face.] 】

[If you talk to the drinkers of Mond about the most powerful members of the Zephyr Knights, I am afraid most people will list the famous acting commander Jean, the cavalry captain Kaia, or the mysterious noble son Diluc. 】

[But some people, in the drunken haze, witnessed the feat of a red knight razing the entire Wangfeng Mountain to the ground——].

[If you want to find this mysterious knight, I am afraid that you will have to go to the confinement room of the Knights of the West Wind to find out. If the confinement room is empty, maybe some explosive bad thing is about to happen...].

[Kelly is such a "dangerous person". As an official member of the Order, her abilities cannot be underestimated. And as an overly lively child, her destructive power is equally huge. After all, unlike the rest of Mond's children, explosives are Kelly's favorite toy. 】

[Bombed vehicles, inexplicable cargo sheds, forest fires that knights worked hard to extinguish... There is also a tragic "large number of abnormal casualties of Starfall Lake fish"...].

[There is only one murderer who caused this, and this person is appearing at the headquarters of the Knights - Kelly! ] 】

[Although Kelly has caused a lot of trouble for the Order and Mondstadt, she is by no means a new apprentice who is holding back for the Order. 】

[On the contrary, once her talent is used in the right place, she will also burst out with fearful strength. 】

[During a crusade, Jean cleverly used Kelly's blasting talent to eliminate all the invading Chuchu people in one fell swoop. 】

[It's just that out of her usual reckless childlike heart, Kelly planted too many bombs, causing a huge explosion, permanently changing the landscape of the Wangfeng Mountains... Everyone was frightened, but fortunately no one in the Knights was injured. 】

[The legend of the "Red Knight of the Wangfeng Mountain" spread in Mondstadt. 】

[For Kelly, the Knights are her indispensable family, and her mother, who has embarked on an adventurous journey, is an "idol". 】

[The famous adventurer Alice, author of "Tivat's Guide to Excursions" - in Kori's heart, her mother is very powerful and can do anything. 】

[Whether it's teaching her to mix gunpowder and choose fuses, or guiding her step by step to make more spectacular and beautiful fireworks according to her personal creativity... Teach her how to plan the force point in order to blow up the entire star picking cliff... Or after being caught by the Knights, they were trained together in front of the blue-faced Hoffman, sticking out their tongues awkwardly at each other...].

[These are the memories that Kelly and her mother treasured. 】

[Little Kelly has long understood that she will grow up one day and embark on her mother's path. ] 】

[One day, her work will also make my mother proud.] 】



See here.

The entire live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

The vast number of Monds could not sit still.

The explosion in the Wangfeng Mountains many years ago, the big explosion that changed the terrain of the entire Wangfeng Mountains, is still in the memory of all Monds today.

No way!

The movement of that explosion was too great.

Too big, too big!

The mushroom cloud produced by the explosion covered the sky and shrouded it for hundreds of miles.

The shock generated by the explosion even affected the entire city of Mond.

The people in Mondstadt thought there had been an earthquake!

No, no, no!

It is said that even people walking around the Château Morning could feel the aftermath of the explosion.

"Kelly! It turned out to be Little Kelly! "

"That red-clothed knight of the Wangfeng Mountain Land turned out to be Little Kelly!"

"It's true! The Wangfeng Mountain Land was really blown up by someone! "

"Old John didn't lie! What Old John said was true! It turned out that I had always misunderstood him, and I thought he was blind! "

"How strong is this explosion to level most of the Wangfeng Mountain!"



In the live broadcast room, the pot suddenly exploded.

Countless Monds let out unbelievable exclamations.

In addition to making too much trouble because of the explosion in Wangfeng Mountain, but also because Kelly is too small and cute!

In the minds of the vast number of Monds, although Kelly is a spark knight of the Zephyr Knights, she has a certain combat effectiveness.


They could never have imagined that Kelly would have such a strong destructive power.

It's not just the Monds who are shocking.

The other people in the live broadcast room were also shocked at the moment, especially those who had heard about the explosion in the Mondwang Wind Mountains.

[Condensing light: It turns out that the big explosion in Mond was not caused by the so-called meteorite impact in circulation, but was caused by man! ] 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Can blow up a mountain range, such power, hiss...].

[Elheisen: Kelly, judging from what she said in the live broadcast room just now, it seems to be a child! ] A child has such terrifying powers! 】

[Kelly: Hey, hey, hey! Rice is there, but Li Yemi is as powerful as everyone says! Hey, hey! (proud)].

[Jean: Kelly, you kid, you're still proud here! (Quota)].

[Yae Miko: Speaking of which, it's Lady Alice... It turns out that Wei Keli can have such great achievements, all of which you taught! From a young age, she taught her to mix gunpowder and select fuses, further taught her to create fireworks, and taught her how to plan how to blow up the entire star-picking cliff...

[Alice: Hey, hey, education, you have to start with the doll! ] 】

[Jean: ...].


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