Take stock in the live broadcast room.

Just when everyone was barrageous.

The original three lines of title text on the light curtain slowly faded out

Followed by.

A brand new title emerged.

[The contrast scene is counting the clock and leaving - the guest secretary chapter of the past life hall, officially begins. ] 】

This line of title text lasted about five seconds or so before it faded.


Line after line of text quickly emerged.

[Zhong Li is his person, although his origin is unknown, but he knows the number of manners and knows the rules. 】

[The Liyue tradition he mastered was better than any scholar, sitting in the "Hall of Past Life", and could perform the rituals of all things in heaven and earth. 】

[Clothing compliance, auspicious time, equipment location, ceremony regulations, all of the above only need to be handed over to him, you can have no worries. ] 】

[In Liyue, if a person pays special attention to details and always has an insurmountable benchmark in his mind for certain things, it can be described in one word: exquisite. In fact, everyone is somewhat particular about it. 】

[For example, soy milk must be salty, zongzi must not be sweet, etc. (long live salty soy milk, sweet soy milk heretic!) Long live the meat dumplings, sweet rice dumplings heretic! )】

[But Zhongli is very particular about everything. 】

[His life is the kind of life where the most popular celebrity listens to the play, walks birds to buy the most expensive thrush, tastes authentic "bright moon eggs" and runs to the back kitchen to personally guide the chef to prepare the ratio of shrimp and fish in the egg liquid. ] 】

[However, such a delicate and exquisite man dares to go out with two sleeves, buying and selling requires money, and cars and horses also need to be paid, but Zhong is penniless, and it will only be someone else who pays in the end. ] 】

[Buying something is to haggle.] 】

[This is the consensus of the people of Liyue, no matter how much the boss blows the goods in his hand, whether it is a classic or a historical material, the price can not be cut without cutting, and it is generally appropriate to cut in half when you meet. ] 】

[But when Zhongli pays the bill, he never looks at the price, as long as it is something he looks at, the boss shouts as much as he wants, he pays as much as he wants, and occasionally quotes a higher price and takes it in one bite. ] 】

[However, for some reason, Zhongli always forgot to bring money. 】

[Small money has friends to help him pay in advance, and big money will find a way to find an excuse to reimburse.] 】


Take stock in the live broadcast room.

[Dadalia: If nothing else, the grudge friend who helped Zhongli pay a small amount of money in the live broadcast room is down! ] (Head held high)].

[Ying: Gongzi, look at your appearance, you are quite proud? 】

[Walnut:! @#¥%* (Beautiful Liyue dialect)].

[Hu Tao: Not surprisingly, the one who reimbursed Zhongli a lot of money is my family's Past Life Hall! ] (bitter smile)].

[Hu Tao: Zhong Li Keqing, how many times have I told you, haggling, haggling, buying things to haggle. 】

[Zhongli: Next time, definitely.] 】

[Qin: What a strange person, who knows astronomy and geography, is so particular about it, but he always forgets to bring money. 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Always forget to bring money, there are generally two possibilities, the first is to be accustomed to eating and drinking from a small brocade, and get used to the life where others will help him pay; The second is to live in seclusion for a long time, without communicating with the outside world, so it is not used to bringing money. 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Of these two points, the second point does not apply to Zhongli, because according to the description of him just now in the inventory live broadcast room, he is a person with very rich knowledge and insight, and if he lives in seclusion for a long time, he cannot have this knowledge and insight! ] 】

[Kamisato Ayato: So, if I'm not mistaken, Zhongli should be the existence of a young master of a large family in your Liyue. 】

[Kamisato Ayato: But this is also not right, a young man, even if he is a genius, cannot understand traditional things so well, right? I know even more than any scholar in Liyue, this is not a beaver! 】

[Ayato Kamisato: That's right! There is one more possibility! 】

[Walnut: Another possibility? 】

[Xingqiu: What is possible?] 】

【Screen:????? 】

[Kamisato Ayaka: Ouch, hehe, why are you doing brother, if you want to say it, just say it in one breath, why did you suddenly sell Guanzi! ] 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Ahem, there is another possibility that Zhongli is really your Rock King Emperor as Miss Yuheng Xingqing of Liyue said before! ] 】

[Screen: emmmm...].

[Paimon: emmmm...].

[Zhongli: emmmm...].

[Hu Tao: @神里绫人, you Inazuma are now locked in the country, you may not know that the emperor has passed away, and the immortal ceremony is still arranged by Zhong Li! ] 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Ahem, yes, yes, I almost forgot, is it possible that he is an ancient immortal of your Liyue? ] 】

[Kamisato Ayato: If he is an immortal, then his various unusual things can be explained. 】

[Kamisato Ayato: Immortals live in seclusion in the mountains and forests all year round, and they are not used to or disdain to bargain! ] Immortals certainly do not have the habit of carrying money with them. At the same time, because the immortals have been obtained for a long enough time, their knowledge and insight must be more profound than that of mortals! 】

[Ayato Kamisato: Yes, yes, yes! There will be no mistake, there will be absolutely no mistake, Zhongli of Liyue is definitely not a mortal, it is definitely some ancient immortal of Liyue! 】


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