
In a palace.

Liu Xiu looked at the sky and was silent.

"Your Majesty, what are you thinking?"

"I stewed some soup for you, will you taste it?"

Behind her, a beautiful woman came over with soup.

Liu Xiu looked at the lovely woman next to him and said with a smile.

"Lihua, just let the next person send it over."

"Why are you running this trip?"

Yin Lihua put down the soup and said coquettishly.

"You are kind enough to say, yesterday you said to go to Sister Guo's place to spend the night."

"But you broke your word."

"The concubine knows His Majesty's love for me, but I can't love the concubine alone."

Hearing this, Liu Xiu could only smile bitterly.

For Guo Shengtong, he has always been guilty.

After all, King Zhending's family died at his hands.

Although it is said that there is a remnant of death.

But Guo Shengtong is innocent.

Also because of this, he didn't know how to face her.

"Your Majesty, King Zhending is King Zhending, and Sister Guo is Sister Guo."

"Don't confuse it."

"Tonight, you have to go to her room."

"Otherwise, I'll ignore you."

Seeing Yin Lihua's attitude, Liu Xiu could only soften.

"Good, good, good."

"Then listen to Lihua."

Hey, in front of the woman he loves the most, he can only become a wife slave.

"Your Majesty, I just saw you in a daze."

"Is it because of that list?"

Yin Lihua asked curiously.

Liu Xiu nodded.


"I seemed to see myself in that person just now."

"I was also a young man, and I became a general in the Green Forest Army at a young age.

"The battle of Kunyang was a great defeat for Wang Mang's army of 400,000."

"It's a pity that my brother was given death by Emperor Gengshi, and I was also suspected and could only go to Hebei alone."

"In Hebei, I formed a force."

"And that person just now is similar to me."

"Young and promising, feared by powerful ministers."

"According to my speculation, that Northern Zhou emperor Yuwen Yong must have died at the hands of Yuwen Hu."

"And he escaped, formed a force, and finally succeeded in revenge and ascended the throne."

When Yin Lihua heard this speculation, she also nodded.

If the emperor wins, this person will never ascend the throne.

Only when the emperor is killed can he go against the thieves in the name of the emperor's revenge.

"Your Majesty, seeing that this person is also a hero, how can he be the tenth?"

"That's what I don't understand."

Liu Xiu sighed.

"Either my guess is wrong."

"Either the founding kings of the future generations are all like the figures of the government."

"When I encounter this kind of character, I am also convinced if I lose."

"I don't know which one."

He looked at the sky and thought silently.


"Good, good."

"This time the assessment is quite to the point."

Yang Jian sat on the chair, quite satisfied.

Not only is he born tall, but he is also young.

Twenty-year-old third-grade master.

Through the ages, no one can do it.

Yang Su next to him did not speak.

Your Majesty, are you happy too soon.

You're still ranked tenth.

Obviously, it's not over.

He had the heart to remind him, and after thinking about it, he still forgot it.

Now His Majesty is happy, there is no need to touch this brow.

Let's make him happy first.

As for whether Gao is happy in the future, then it is none of my business.


"Yang Jian?"

Zhu Yuanzhang dismissed.

For this sage khan, he didn't like it.

Born into a top family, he was deeply trusted by the emperor.

Where is your today without Yuwen Yong?

Moreover, if you don't think about serving the country, forget it.

After seizing power, he actually killed all the descendants of the Yuwen clan.

He hated such people who would take revenge.

"Hmph, now you guess very proud."

"This list praises you so much."

"Wait until you tell all your ugly things and see how you treat yourself."

This Yang Jian should also be a great unified emperor.

Otherwise, it is not as good as those emperors who have divided the regime.

Some of the emperors who divided the regime were of even lower origin than him, and most of them were much more difficult than Yang Jian.

That Yang Jian was not only born tall, but also basically did not have a big chaos, so he was a Nan Chen.

Such a chaotic era is also the most delicious in the past.

"Wait a minute, there will be a good show to watch."


In the sky, the blue subtitles are constantly beating, and the grand voice continues to sound.

[Dapeng rose with the wind in one day and soared to 90,000 li. 】

[This is the best portrayal of him. 】

[The internal struggle in Northern Zhou has intensified, and Yuwen Yong and Yuwen Hu have become the same as water and fire, either you die or I die. ] 】

[Yuwen Yong is worthy of being the strongest emperor since the founding of the Northern Zhou Kingdom. 】

[In the struggle with Yuwen Yong, he gradually gained the upper hand. 】

[Yuwen Yong, who was in power, decided to use him, so he married him and asked the crown prince to marry his daughter as the crown princess, when he was 28 years old. 】

[But he wasn't too surprised, and was even more careful.] 】

[Eight years of forbearance made him understand the danger of the court, and he did not dare to be careless. ] 】

[Five years later, Yuwen Yong, who was already in power, was ready to completely destroy Yuwen Hu. 】

[He planned for this a lot of times, and finally destroyed this powerful minister in one fell swoop, leaving Yuwen Yong with one less henchman. ] 】

[Yuwen Yong, who thoroughly mastered the imperial government, trusted him even more and worshipped him as a general. 】

[However, at this time, someone offered rumors to Yuwen Yongjin, saying that he had a backbone in the back of his head, hoping that the emperor could get rid of him. 】

[Yuwen Yong did not do that, not only that, but also denounced the person who offered the rumor. 】

[When he knew about this, he was more careful and did not dare to make a single act of transgression. 】

[A few years later, Northern Zhou grew stronger under the emperor's leadership, so he thought of using troops against his neighbor Northern Qi. 】

[Shitianxia three points, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, Southern Chen. 】

[Among them, Northern Zhou is the most powerful.] 】

[Under the leadership of that majesty, Northern Qi was destroyed, and the world has been divided into two, leaving only Southern Chen in the southeast. 】

[And he also won battle merits in this battle to destroy Qi, and was trusted even more by Yuwen Yong. ] 】

[At that time, he was in Northern Zhou, which can be called under one person, above ten thousand people, and his power is second only to the emperor. 】

[That year, he was thirty-five years old. 】



Xianyang Palace.

Yingzheng looked at the sky and frowned.

"If they have achieved more than 10,000 people under one person, how can they start a dynasty by themselves?"

"Could it be..."

"Lees, what do you think?"

Li Si replied respectfully.

"Your Majesty, this matter is very easy to understand."

"When the so-called two tigers fight, there will be a wound."

"Then Yuwen Yongxiong's talent is very good, how can he tolerate a great general who holds military power?"

"Since ancient times, military power has been the most important thing for emperors, how can they be willing to let an outsider control it?"

Ying Zheng glanced at him and said coldly.

"Then you mean that as long as it is an emperor, it will inevitably be estranged from those big generals with heavy soldiers?"

"That's nature."

Lees replied without hesitation.

As soon as he said this, he felt bad.

I said the wrong thing myself.


"Li Si, do you mean that Xu is also this kind of person?"

Li Si immediately bowed and begged for mercy.

"Your Majesty, I didn't mean that."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

"In the past, General Wang attacked the State of Chu and took away 600,000 troops of Daqin."

"If you don't have absolute trust in him."

"And how to unify the six countries"

"How to unify the world?"

Lees sweated coldly.

He said hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, it is just because you have such a chest diameter that you can determine my Daqin Wanshi inheritance."

"However, not all emperors are you."

"During the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, how many generals died because of the emperor's jealousy."

"Isn't that Xinling Jun also dying like this?"

"Emperors like you, there are very few."

Hmph, this sentence is in the middle, and Ying Zheng did not care anymore.

"Okay, get up."

"I didn't mean to blame you."

"What you said is indeed common sense."

"How can I not know about the white rising?"

"Just sigh, how many emperors in the world have a heart like me?"

Emperors are all lonely, and the government is even more so.

Spring and Autumn Warring States, how many meritorious people were suspected by the emperor and died.

He was called a tyrant by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

But such a tyrant has never killed a single hero.

Even Lu Buwei, this father.

If he could lay down his rights, he wouldn't have killed him.

Ying Zheng looked at the sky and thought to himself.

"Maybe only you can become a confidante."

"It's a pity that you weren't born in Daqin."

"If it were me, I would definitely not kill anyone with merit, and it would give you supreme glory."

"It's a pity that you and I are not in the same time."

All of them sighed, such a loyal and good general, they were forced to rebel.

Time is also fate!

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