Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 111 Press Conference

While everyone was discussing the monster incident in Robris Pudaga Forest Park, there were also some guys claiming to be monster hunters who were going to Robris to hunt monsters.

There are many people who are interested in this.

When they were in the Uganda prairie before, everyone didn't dare to go there easily. It wasn't a place for people to stay, and they also heard that the experts and professors who went to the Uganda prairie did not look for the trace of the giant python.

That giant python, as if it appeared suddenly, then suddenly disappeared into this world, as if it had never appeared before.

So now there are traces of monsters appearing in Pudaga Forest Park, which has attracted the attention of many people at once. After all, this forest park is very large, and it seems that the appearance of monsters makes sense?

Hook sat on the sofa and looked at the TV opposite. The picture on the TV at the moment was a scene similar to a press conference.

A group of reporters surrounded a man in a suit in the middle, and behind them, there was a cameraman taking pictures.

His eyes fell on the group of reporters, a woman with shoulder-length short hair. The woman was beautiful and had a beautiful face. At this moment, she was holding a microphone and looked at the man in a suit opposite her.

This female reporter is his fiancee Li Xue, and the man in a suit opposite him is Slender, the head of Pudaga Forest Park.

Recently, there has been a lot of rumors about the appearance of monsters in Pudaga Forest Park. The management of Pudaga Forest Park chose to hold such a press conference today.

Make a special trip to deal with this incident.

And his fiancee Li Xue, as a domestic CCTV intern reporter, was dispatched to Robles in order to obtain first-hand information.

Another rumor.

Hook shrugged. He didn't believe the so-called monster rumor at all. The rumor about the monster was probably the result of the management of Pudaga Forest Park deliberately.

Just to make big news.

There are too many people taking advantage of the hot spots recently.

Similar incidents have happened a lot during this time - since the discovery of the giant python in the Uganda savannah.

Some people or scenic spots, in order to gain attention, claim that they have seen monsters or that they have found traces of monsters in their scenic spots.

In Hook's view, the same goes for rumors of monsters in Pudaga Forest Park.

It's just for publicity.

There are many people who think this way, but at this time, even if everyone has been deceived many times, when such rumors spread, they can't help but pay attention.

After all this is in a place like Pudaga Forest Park.

There are abundant plants and animals here, and it is a very broad virgin forest.

Mr. Slender, what do you think of this monster incident?

Suddenly, Hu Ke calmed down and looked at the big screen opposite, only to see that at this time, his fiancee Li Xue got the opportunity to ask questions and asked:

There are traces of monsters in Pudaga Forest Park, is this true?

After his words fell, the other reporters all stared at Slender with burning eyes. Obviously, this was also the question they wanted to ask.

Sorry everyone.

On the screen, Slender looked apologetic, This video is fake. In fact, this is part of a promotional video released by our tourism bureau.


After hearing Slander's words, Hook shook his head and smiled. He knew that Slander's answer would probably break the hearts of many monster fans.

After the appearance of the giant python in the savannah of Uganda, many monster fans became active on the Internet, but then the giant python disappeared, making this group of people extremely disappointed.

After that, news of monsters came out again and again, but those rumors were all false.

Right now, when this incident spread on the Internet, Hook saw a group of monster fans cheering on the Internet,

Now Slender personally denies it, I don't know how those guys are feeling?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Slender on the TV screen continued: On the official website of our tourism bureau, such a video has been released a long time ago. Obviously, this is a game played by a somewhat boring netizen.

I believe in your evil!

Hu Ke pursed his mouth. In his opinion, this is not a trick played by boring netizens at all, but a trick played by Slender himself.

While he was thinking like this, Slender's body was slightly staggered on the TV screen, and then he looked back.

At this time, the camera was all given to the back of Slender.

There was only a large screen behind it, and an image was displayed from it: a long black shadow was swimming happily on the water, and suddenly it sank into the water, and then from the other end. Head out.

This is impressively a diver.

It was followed by a line of text: Lake Mississippi, a sacred place for diving.

He cut off the back half of the video we posted, causing trouble for everyone.

I know that the disappearance of the giant python in the savannah of Uganda has depleted everyone's enthusiasm for giant monsters, but it is a pity that there are really no monsters in Robles Forest Park.

With a look of pity, he smiled again: But if everyone really wants to come to Robris to see the monsters, I can act as a monster with reluctance.

When he said this, he made a monster that wanted to eat people, which made everyone amused at once.

Mr. Slander, is Lake Mississippi going to launch diving services?

At this time, another reporter asked such a question very timely.


Slender glanced at the reporter encouragingly, and said, Lake Mississippi is very beautiful. The development was not perfect before. Now we have decided to vigorously develop this scenic spot.

Going underwater will be our first service offering.

Three days later, we will hold a press conference in Mississippi Lake, hoping to introduce our tourism service in detail to tourists from all over the world through media channels.

At the same time, I also hope that friends from the media will be present.

Slender nodded to everyone, and then walked out to the side under the protection of a group of security personnel.

Hearing Slender's words, Hook couldn't help but feel two points of interest.

Previously, on the big screen behind Slender, there was a scene of Lake Mississippi, which he also thought was pretty.

He was thinking in his mind, should he find some time to play.

Slender will hold another press conference three days later, and he plans to pay more attention to it.

At this moment, there are many people watching this press conference, and there are also many people who have the same idea as Hu Ke.

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