Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 159 Ham's encounter

Even with mental preparation, Fang Yun was still surprised by the evolution time this time. It has been a full month, but he has not shown signs of the end of his evolution.

Weeds grow around the body as usual, and there are also some fungi.

Anyway, if someone came here, they would definitely not recognize it as an extremely terrifying giant python, but it would also cause people's doubts.

Because Fang Yun looked like a tree that fell to the ground at this time, but the diameter was too large, one meter five upwards.

It looks amazing.

And there is no such big tree nearby.

So if someone appeared here and saw Fang Yun who was in the process of evolution, maybe he wouldn't recognize Fang Yun's body at a glance.

But he would definitely be curious.

And this curiosity is the beginning of death.

For example, he squatted down in front of Fang Yun, stared at the tree stick in front of him with his eyes wide open, and even lifted the weeds and dust on it with his hands, then he would be horrified when he saw it. Desperate scene.

This is not a tree stick at all, but an extremely terrifying giant python.


There was no progress in the plan to catch the giant python. Everyone went to the sea area where the shipwreck occurred recently, and used all kinds of beef, pork, or fish to try to lure that big guy out, but it was all in vain.

So far, no research ship has observed the trace of the giant sea python.

All kinds of meat they throw into the sea are eaten by sharks, and sometimes killer whales or toothed whales are attracted.

But this did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for catching giant pythons.

This guy really exists in the ocean, and they believe that as long as they spend enough effort, they will definitely catch that guy.

But now they are certain.

This big guy does not have a fixed living area. When this giant sea python was captured, there were two sea areas where shipwrecks occurred in turn.

What makes everyone suspicious is that the two places are far apart, and the time of the shipwreck is only four or five days apart.

If the two accidents were caused by giant sea pythons, the area of ​​activity is too wide.

Therefore, some people suspect that there is not only a sea monster in the ocean, but there may be more sea monsters.

This statement sent chills down the spine.

Everyone's fear of the ocean has become stronger and stronger. In short, the maritime industry has suffered a lot.

It is a pity that everyone has not seen other sea monsters except the giant sea python, so we cannot be sure of that guess.

And now even the giant sea python has not been photographed for a long time.

Just when everyone missed that guy, someone finally found the figure of the giant sea python.

And this time there are two groups of people.

It was a group of fishermen who first discovered the giant sea python. Among this group of fishermen, it is said that a teenager was the first to discover the giant sea python.

Of course, this statement is only known to the people around the boy, and it is the result of his repeated emphasis, but everyone remains suspicious of his statement.

My name is Ham.

Facing the microphone handed over by the reporter, the young man replied like this.

He began to tell reporters about what happened at that time.

At about 4 pm, the fishing boat he was on had an accident and broke down on the edge of a deserted island.

It is worth mentioning that his family is fishing, but he did not go out to sea with his father's fishing boat.

The fishing boat was relatively small, and if it encountered a giant sea python overseas, there was basically no chance of surviving.

He joined a large fishing boat and worked as a helper for the owner of the fishing boat.

The fishing boat he is currently on will last for a month or more every time it goes out to sea, and it will go far away.

On the deserted island where they were anchored, Ham and his companions saw the giant sea python.

At that time, he and his three partners came to that deserted island, ready to find out if there was anything like wild fruit.

As a result, in one place, they saw a huge tree stick.

But that's not a stick! Ham emphasized to reporters.

They walked for a while, but couldn't find any wild fruit, they were all a little irritable, so after seeing the huge tree stick, a guy grabbed a bunch of weeds on the stick with his hand. , and then pulled it off, and then slammed it into the distance.

However, this move did not let their irritability be vented, but discovered something that made them extremely frightened.

After the weeds were torn apart, the scene below was not a corroded tree stick, but a smooth and bright scale!


While talking about this, Ham swallowed a mouthful of saliva and his body was shaking slightly.

But that's not the scariest thing yet.

He paused, took a sigh of relief, and continued to tell the reporter: Just when we were about to evacuate, the big guy lying on the ground suddenly propped up his body.

Click click!

Ham and the others looked at the scene in front of them in horror, only to see a behemoth that suddenly propped up from the ground.

The grass roots or vines of the weeds on his body broke apart one after another.

As the sand poured, the monster clearly showed its figure in front of them.

This is a terrifying giant python.

It stood in front of us with its head held high and stared at us with those huge eyes. At that moment, my head was empty all of a sudden, I just felt that this time it was doomed!

Ham's face began to turn pale, and this sentence was said by biting his lip.

But in the end, they survived, and after the big guy glanced at them, he crawled out of the island.

Not only was it the first time I saw it, I've seen it three times in total.

After the interview, Ham said to reporters: The first time, it was next to the trench next to our Horseshoe Island.

I told my dad, but my dad didn't believe it. After that, we went out to sea for my coming-of-age ceremony, and on a stormy night, we saw that guy again.

The villagers of Horseshoe Island can testify about this. We have long said that there are giant pythons in the sea, but no one believed it at the time.

After the interview with Ham, a group of experts and scholars also went to the island, and they naturally saw the place where the giant sea python stayed before.

The deep trace showed that Ham and the others were not lying, and there were traces of giant sea pythons crawling nearby.

But when everyone arrived there, unfortunately, no trace of the giant sea python was found - no matter how they lured, the big guy didn't show up.

But not long after that, someone discovered the trace of the big guy, finally giving those who wanted to catch the giant sea python a chance.

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