Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 439: The Orientation of the Emperor Star

Star Destroyers of this level all use one less than one, so they will not be easily used for combat. Their role is generally to pray for strategic threats.

But right now it's impossible to do so.

Because of the existence of Fang Yun, the five fleets were turned upside down, and I don't know how many spaceships exploded directly in the sky.

Those were all fighter jets from those five fleets. When they were facing Fang Yun one by one, they had no ability to avoid them at all, and they were successfully shot by Fang Yun.

Although these fleets are cooperating, when Fang Yun is attacking the Norton-class Star Destroyer in their team, other fighter planes or cargo ships will come to help.

There is no feeling of being afraid of life and death, and it seems to be afraid of hands and feet.

After all, the elder Murray said at the beginning that they also need to protect the Norton-class Star Destroyer a lot at the moment, after all, there are not many stocks at home.

Even if Fang Yun was killed this time, because too many Norton-class Star Destroyers were destroyed, this operation could only be regarded as a failure.

Damn it, that can't be done.

In the command center of the headquarters, because of the connection, the elder Murray, John and Odyssey all saw Fang Yun who was constantly attacking the fleet.

At this time, they were completely and certain that this time they found the right direction.

At first, they were happy that they found their target so quickly. It seemed that luck was on their side, but they discovered it immediately.

Because the fleet was a little timid, these five fleets were actually beaten by Fang Yun.


Between the display screens in front of them, they saw Fang Yun blasting a fighter plane with a laser cannon.

Hey, I like this situation the most.

Fang Yun couldn't help but praise, his figure dashed forward, at the speed of light, he came to the front of a fighter plane in an instant, and slammed into it.

Do not!!

In the cabin of this fighter plane, the pilot let out an angry and fearful roar, and then there was no more. Under the explosion of the fighter plane, that pilot had absolutely no chance of surviving.

Although it is comfortable to deal with these fighters, it is the five Norton-class Star Destroyers that really hurt them.

Fang Yun smashed a fighter plane again, and then looked to his left, where a large number of fighter planes surrounded a Norton-class Star Destroyer.

They must still have this fleet, and they may have come here now.

Fang Yun thought so in his heart, he must have passed his heart, he turned his head quickly, and immediately sent two super lasers to the left side of him.

Go over first, then send it an antimatter bomb.

With these two levels of super lasers clearing the way, there was a large space in front of them all at once, and many fighter planes were busy fleeing. Taking advantage of this gap, Fang Yun flew past.

At the same time, the antimatter bomb was gaining momentum in my heart.

The Norton-class Star Destroyer on the opposite side didn't have time to escape when they saw a shadow speeding towards them, and then they saw Fang Yun sending a wave of antimatter bombs towards them.

The power of the antimatter bomb was extremely terrifying. The shield of this Norton-class Star Destroyer actually withstood a blow, but Fang Yun immediately added two super lasers.

One broke the already precarious shield, and the other super laser landed firmly on this Star Destroyer.

Only a loud bang was heard, and this Norton-class Star Destroyer turned into a raging fire.

The current antimatter bomb is similar to the super laser. If the level of the antimatter bomb increases, the power of the skill will definitely be more powerful.

Fang Yun was a little regretful. He thought that a single shot would be able to blast away the shield of the Norton-class Star Destroyer, but this was not too important, because this skill was quite good.


Fang Yun was drowned by a series of laser cannons. This time, his injuries were even more miserable, but he escaped again.

Hey, there are four Norton-class Star Destroyers.

Fang Yunchao swept through the team, and his heart immediately moved, ready to plan to destroy the four Norton-class Star Destroyers, but at this time, he felt a strange fluctuation.

Damn, someone is coming this way.

Fang Yun's face was ugly, and then he swung his body, and was about to leave the battlefield, Forget it, leave first, but these guys sent such a large force here, I don't know where their Emperor Star is. what's the situation.

Fang Yun sneered in his heart, and his previous perception made him realize that there were so many fleets that came to round him up this time, which completely exceeded his expectations.

And he also knows that there are not many Norton-class Star Destroyers near Emperor Star and Emperor Star, and there are so many now, so how is Emperor Star's current defense?


Finally, Fang Yun sent a super laser to a Norton-class Star Destroyer whose deflector shield had previously collapsed, causing that Star Destroyer to explode as well.

With the injuries on his body, Fang Yun left the battlefield with a swoosh.

Hey, let him run away.

In the headquarters command center, John waved his fist regretfully, but in the end, the giant python escaped before the large army gathered.

And with the speed of the other party, their fleet is simply wishful thinking to catch up, and they will definitely be defeated by the other party in the end.

Losing two Norton-class Star Destroyers and getting nothing at all?

The elder Murray gritted his teeth in anger. He could see that the opponent's attack power was too strong, and the shield safety of the Norton-class Star Destroyer could not block others' attacks.

As for other ships, it is even more unbearable, and the shields are not the same.

Elder Murray, what do we do now?

Captain Harris of the Thirteenth Fleet asked the elder Murray.

There are more and more fleets coming here, but they are really confused, not knowing whether to pursue or retreat.

Let's retreat and spread out, but you don't have to spread out too far, just inspect that area first.

Murray arranged for Harris and the others, and then turned off the communicator.

On the other side, after Fang Yun got rid of the huge fleet behind him, his body wandered freely in space, and then, his body swayed and went in the other direction, and it didn't take long , a huge turtle appeared beside him.

The two giant beasts headed towards the direction of the star of the Xinglan Empire.

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