After Shangyuan finished explaining the contents of the prediction card, Lin Yu asked at the right time: Let's go get the prediction card too.


Shangyuan scratched his head in embarrassment: There are only four prediction cards in this copy.

Then it's not like we can't get it.

The black dragon muttered.

Lin Yu was a little strange, but didn't care.

Forget it if you can't achieve success, when will you enter the dungeon?

The scheduled time is tomorrow, let's all become friends with each other.

Shangyuan opened Add Friends and looked at Lin Yu.

my name.

Emperor Fengdu, please pass.

Lin Yu clicked through, and soon, all the people were added.

Shangyuan told them: I will send you a message tomorrow. You go back and prepare. Remember to bring some ghost coins. Prices in the horror world have increased during this period. If you don't bring more, you won't even be able to eat.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Lin Yu felt that he was partly responsible for the shocking rise in prices in the world.

Obviously, he didn't spend too much.


The wall was entangled with unknown vines, and the feet of the vines were firmly stuck on the wall.

Lin Yu stood in the yard, with an abandoned house in front of him.

The mist enveloped the house, making it look like a ghost.

3.0 The curtains on the second floor suddenly swayed, and a plain white face flashed away.

Is there anyone on the second floor?

Great Emperor, follow me quickly.

Black Dragon shouted from the front.

Lin Yu suddenly came to his senses, took a deep look at the second floor, and followed up.

Eight people entered the house.

There was broken glass and some trash all over the floor.

The children's homework books were torn into pieces and scattered on the floor.

The walls were covered in messy graffiti.

Several people glanced at it without paying attention.

Shangyuan found a relatively clean room and called a few people over.

Lin Yu walked at the end, and when he was approaching the door, he looked at the plain white face again.

When he stopped, that little face had disappeared.

Shangqing noticed his behavior and subconsciously asked: Great Emperor, what's wrong?

Lin Yu frowned slightly: I saw a little girl..

187 The little girl in the resentful house!

Is there a little girl here? Is it a ghost you saw?

Said the young man with gold-rimmed eyes sitting next to Shangyuan.

I checked this place on the forum, and some ghost masters who came back alive said that there is a little girl ghost here, saying that she is not a threat, just like a ghost living in the resentful house, floating in this house.

Youyuandongwu is the name of this house.


Thinking of the girl's condition, Lin Yu nodded.

Several people did not continue this topic.

After a brief silence, Shangyuan suggested.

Pair up in pairs and get familiar with this house first.

No one had any objections. Shangqing walked up to Lin Yu first and said that he wanted to form a team with him.

Heilong and Wentian were paired up one day, and Shangyuan was also paired up.

Shangyuan walked to Lin Yu and asked casually: Which floor are you going to go to first to get familiar with it?

Lin Yu thought of seeing the little girl on the second floor before, thought for a moment and said, Second floor.

Well, we will also go to the second floor for the glasses, and you can arrange the rest.

Heilong and Wen02tian decided to go to the first floor now, while the remaining two people went to the third floor.

Lin Yu walked up to the second floor. This house was very big.

Standing in the corridor on the second floor, there is a door on the left and right, and inside the door is an independent room.

Shangyuan went to the right, and Lin Yu followed Qing to the left.

Separated by a door, there are two standard rooms and one living room.

The room was very messy, with a fallen vase hitting the table and an overturned chair.

There are also black stains.

There aren't many things here, Lin Yu walked into the bedroom.

The empty bedroom contained only a table, as did the other two rooms.

No one seems to have lived here.

The two of them walked out, and Shangyuan and Glasses also walked out and talked about the decorations there.

The whole thing is the same as here, but there is a children's room and a safe over there.

The safe has long since aged, but the lock inside cannot be opened and requires a key.

Lin Yu was a little surprised. This safe had not been damaged?

We also find it strange.

Glasses shook his head.

The information he checked on the forum did not mention safe.

Just as he finished speaking, the two people who went up to the third floor also came down.

According to them, the third floor was an entire empty space with no rooms or living room.

Only a swing frame and a rocking bed were hung.

At this point, the only girl inside turned pale.

That rocking bed moves on its own.

Shangyuan Man said nonchalantly: The rocking bed will move abnormally. It will move when the wind blows. Don't make a fuss.

The girl was stunned, pursed her lips and said nothing.

As soon as they got down to the first floor, they heard Heilong and Wentian arguing.

I said I won't let you move, I won't let you move, now it's okay, the key is lost, you are just holding me back.

Why didn't you say you came to snatch it from me? If you hadn't snatched it from me, would the key have fallen?

I obviously discovered it, so I should be the one who took it.

I got it first.

You, thin monkey, do you want to fight?

I'll hit you, I'm afraid of you.

Several people came forward and saw the noisy two people with red faces.

Shangqing hurriedly stepped forward to pull the strings.

Both of them were still unconvinced and glared at each other.

Shangyuan stepped forward and asked them doubtfully: What key do you mean?

Wentian glared at Heilong fiercely and explained angrily: The two of us saw a key in a room on the first floor. I reached out to get it, but Heilong insisted on grabbing it from me. The key flew away and fell out of the window. ”

Shangyuan thought, could it be the key to the safe?

Didn't you look behind the window?

Looked for it, but couldn't find it.

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