The giant ghost looked at him for a while, then frowned.

Not for sale, they are my pets.

Lin Yu frowned slightly: They are not your pets, they are my friends.

The giant ghost looked at him for a while and then said: So, you are determined not to return them to me.

Lin Yu thought.


He was ready to defend (acda), but what surprised him was.

The giant ghost did not attack him.

I can give them to you, but I don't need the Hades Coin.

Then what do you need?

The giant ghost did not speak. He silently took out paper and pen, wrote a sentence and handed it to Lin Yu.

Sign your name.

There was a sentence written on the paper.

I owe the giant ghost something.

Lin Yu was stunned when he saw the name. He was really called Giant Ghost.

However, I owe him something.

He doesn't want the Ming coins and wants him to do something for him.

Lin Yu didn't sign immediately, he looked at the giant ghost.

There are many things, and there are some things I won't do.

The giant ghost understood what he meant and said: When the time comes, I said, if you think you can do it, you can do it.

So easy to talk to?

However, now that he has said so.

Lin Yu naturally had no reason to refuse.


He signed his name, the giant ghost took the pen and paper, turned around and left.

Heilong and Wentian were left to look at each other.

Are we free?

We are free.

The two troubled brothers held each other's hands and cried.

Life as a pet is so frustrating.

Lin Yu ignored the two brothers who were venting their emotions. He was thinking about one thing.

Had the giant ghost long ago planned to trade Black Dragon Wentian and the others for him?

But why does he want him to do just one thing?

Now, it's unknown.

After a short rest after closing the city, the team continued on their way.

This time, we soon arrived at the ghost town.

The ghost town allocated a place to live in Nether Paradise, and the assistant director took all of them to move in.

Lin Yu and Heilong Wentian were assigned to a room.

Even when everyone checked in, he still didn't see Li Nian.

Seeing that the assistant director was no longer so busy, Lin Yu stepped forward to ask.

Why aren't the director and the lead actress here?

Oh, they have arrived and are staying with the leader.

The leader of Nether Paradise.

Lin Yu frowned.

Early the next morning, the assistant director came to arrange the tour and said it would start in the evening.

Lin Yu only played the supporting role at the end, and his role was insignificant.

After listening to the assistant director's instructions, he took Heilong Wentian out.

Why not bring Qing, because as a supporting role throughout the play, he needs to rehearse.

Gray Rabbit's letter was received on the way.

She and Lin Yu agreed to meet at the Lord's Mansion in Desert City.

It takes half a day to get from the ghost town to the city lord's mansion.

Taking into account the negotiation time and performance time, he should be able to make it back before his appearance.

Ghost horses are the means of transportation equipped in ghost towns.

After renting three ghost horses from the Ghost Horse Company, the three of them hurriedly left the city.

No one except Shangqing knew about going to Desert City.

In order not to be suspected by ghosts, Lin Yu specifically told the assistant director that he was going to seal the city.

Fengcheng's yin weapon is famous far and wide.

When he heard that he was going to Fengcheng to see the vagina, the assistant director didn't say anything and just told him to go and come back quickly.

Don't delay the show.

The ghost horses ran very fast because Lin Yushe had to buy their favorite fodder from the ghost horse shop. After a simple replenishment on the way, the ghost horses ran to the desert city in one go.

Enter the city.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at a ghost that was as tall as a person and ran away quickly.

Lin Yu was very sure that the ghost ran away after seeing them.

Could it be a spy sent by the lord of the ghost town?

His heart tightened, and he had no time to dismount, so Lin Yu directly drove the ghost horse to chase the barbarian ghost.

Apart from treasure hunting, the biggest characteristic of barbarian ghosts is that they run very fast.

After all, the desert ruins are treacherous and ever-changing, and dangers in the sand come silently. If we didn't run faster, the barbarian ghosts would have been extinct long ago.

Therefore, even though Lin Yu drove the ghost horse, he could not catch up with him.

The main reason is that the barbarian ghost turns to the alley. Lin Yu is not familiar with this place and often runs past it. In addition, the ghost horse is tired and can hardly run.

Finally, I saw the barbarian ghost rushing out of the alley.

Lin Yu let Guima catch up without hesitation.

Feed him a mouthful of fodder by the way.

This mouthful of fodder was like a powerful pill. The ghost horse suddenly gained strength and ran so fast.

He quickly caught up with the barbarian ghosts.

Just when he was about to block the barbarian ghost.

A voice stopped him.

Emperor Fengdu.

The female voice was loud and clear, with a slight smile.

Lin Yu looked over subconsciously.

Gray Rabbit stood at the door of the City Lord's Mansion and looked at him with a smile.

And just when he was a mountain god, the barbarian ghost had already ran to the gray rabbit.

Look at the respectful way he treats Gray Rabbit.

So, he is the ghost of Gray Rabbit? .

325 Coming to Desert City 100 Million Transaction

The barbarian ghosts that had been chasing him unexpectedly ran to Gray Rabbit.

Lin Yu was surprised and relieved.

Don't be nervous, he is our ghost.

Lin Yu nodded and dismounted.

Gray Rabbit has already ordered the barbarian ghosts to continue watching at the city gate.

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