When you're full, let's find a place to stay first.

Walking along the snack street, you come to a corner. When you walk over, a signboard with the name Hope Hotel fluttering in the wind.

When he walked to the door, Black Dragon let out a yo-ho sound.

“This hotel looks really retro.”

Lin Yu's eyes were complicated. This place was indeed retro, it looked like it was in the 1990s.

The middle-aged man sitting in front of the wooden table wears a large cloth shirt, shorts and flip-flops.


Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man put down the magazine in his hand, took out a stack of bill books, and glanced up at them.

Single room or double room?


Here, forty dollars.

Lin Yu, who was about to take out the Ming coins, was stunned, money?

Want Xia Guo coins?

The middle-aged man's face tightened and he was unhappy: What do you mean? This is the Xia Kingdom. If you don't want the Xia Kingdom coins, why do you want the Ming coins? Looking at the decent clothes you guys are wearing, you must have just returned from abroad. Turtle, what’s so good about a foreign country that’s better than our own country? This is the root of us Xia people.”

Lin Yu was given an education class after just asking a question.

Silently take back the coins.

Look at the three black dragons.

Have you brought any money?

The three of them were stunned, and they dug into their pockets at the same time. The four of them came up with three hundred yuan (acda), which was the money that Heilong had left in his pocket because he had forgotten to change his clothes.

And among them, who would have thought that the world of horror can still use Xia Guo coins, all the Ming coins they brought.

It's fine now, I can't spend the money anymore.

A middle-aged man was given a ticket worth one hundred. The man just looked at it and gave them the ticket.

I found them six more ten yuan bills.

There are some old and new ten yuan coins, some from recent years and some from the 1990s.

Lin Yu guessed that it was given by someone who had entered this dungeon before.

No wonder the hotel owner wasn't surprised when he saw the new one hundred dollar note they gave him.

Two rooms are next to each other, one for Lin Yu and Shangqing, and one for Heilong and Wentian.

They took a general look at the room and divided the remaining money between them.

Several people sadly discovered that there was not enough money.

A double room costs 20 a night, so they want to stay in two rooms.

According to the mission of this copy, they have no clue now, which means they don't know how long they will stay.

There was only two hundred and sixty yuan left in my hand, which was only enough to stay for another six days and only twenty yuan left.

This won't work. We don't even have money to eat.

What should we do?

Black Dragon looked at him dumbfounded.

Lin Yu took a deep breath and rubbed his eyebrows: Go to the town to see if there are any jobs for Rijie.

What else can I do? If I don’t have money, I can only make money.

Black Dragon muttered: What kind of copy is this? It actually uses Xia Guo coins, and the clothes it wears are still from the 1990s. Why does it feel like a scene in a TV series? I can't be part of a crew.

He was just complaining.

Lin Yu had his thoughts moved.

Scenes from TV series.

It seems really similar.

When they came to the market, the four soldiers were divided into two groups, Lin Yu Shangqing, Heilong and Wentian.

Lin Yu planned to go to the grain store to see if he could find some physical work. Generally, this kind of work was paid on a daily basis.

Halfway through, Lin Yu saw a grain store.

The person who opened the grain store was an old man with a goatee and a Chinese tunic suit.

The old man was sitting on a chair humming music, the fan in his hand swaying to the beat.

Lin Yu stepped forward and called out: Shopkeeper.

The old man opened his eyes and glanced at them.

what to buy?

There was no ghost about the old man, just like a human being.

However, humans in the 1980s have lived too long now, and this is a horror world.

We are not buying anything. Let me ask you if we need workers here?

Worker? Can you carry rice bags?

Lin Yu nodded, the old man didn't believe it.

Boy, the rice bag is not light. One bag weighs one to two hundred kilograms. You may not be able to carry it.


Lin Yu was speechless.

I have the strength and can carry it.

The old man didn't believe it, but he didn't refuse him: The goods are available at six o'clock every morning. Go and wait at the back door. Each bag costs one yuan. The more work you do, the more you will get.

Lin Yu felt happy and responded quickly.

After walking out of the grain store, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his first job was found.

340 Peaceful Town Sudden Signal

After coming out of the grain store, Lin Yu walked forward for a while until he reached the last place selling food, and then stopped.

Because he appeared out of thin air, Lin Yu did not walk in through the town gate. He originally thought there would be a gate at the beginning of the market, but looking at the wall in front of him, Lin Yu frowned.

Why is there a wall? Could it be that this is not the beginning, but the end?

Great Emperor, Black Dragon and the others are coming.

Shangqing's words interrupted his thoughts.

Lin Yu turned around and saw Heilong Wentian and his two men walking from the street, Heilong's face was filled with joy.

It looks like there are gains.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked up to him, Heilong said happily: Emperor, Wentian and I have found a job to run a stall.

Set a stall?

Lin Yu looked confused.

Hehe, yes, fifty yuan per person per day.

Wentian couldn't stand it, so he said so directly.

The stall owner sells handmade products and daily necessities. He has a shop in the middle of the street. He can't handle it alone, so he asked us to help run the stall. It costs one hundred yuan a day for two people.

In this place where the hotel only costs twenty yuan, fifty yuan per capita is considered a high salary.

Lin Yu patted their shoulders and said with approval: Not bad, Shangqing and I managed to find them. We went to the grain store to fight against the bags.

Black Dragon was surprised: Great Emperor, that is physical work.

Well, just in time for some exercise.

After talking to Heilong, Lin Yu looked at the time, it was almost noon.

He asked the three of them: What's for lunch?

Black Dragon was immediately diverted and looked at the stalls in the market to choose from.

After walking around the town for a day, Lin Yu discovered that the stalls in the market were open until night.

They had three meals a day at the market.

It's also convenient.

Food at this time was not expensive, and four people could eat for less than fifty yuan a day.

But it’s also a big expense.

Fortunately, they have found jobs for the time being.

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