Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 455 The Era of Involution

What happened all these years?

Hearing Renzu's question, Buzhou Mountain God couldn't help but fall into memories.

It was like a thrilling dream.

"It was the 49886th Yuan Hui in the spiritual world. An unprecedented evil genius appeared in the human race. His name was - Yu Xian. He called himself Da Ai. He once used the pseudonym Yu Yuan. He became the ninth lord of the human race.

The human race, no, it should be said that the entire spiritual world has entered a new chapter because of his appearance..."

Buzhou Mountain God narrated the story of Yu Xian and Datonghui.

Yu Xian was born in the name of the Ninth Dao Lord of the human race. She investigated on behalf of the human race and found that this person was born in the human race. He also proved the Tao with his strength, so she did not pursue the matter of Li Dai Tao Zang, but made the mistake. Endorse it and introduce it into the Human Race Parliament.

Later, Yu Xian's strength increased by leaps and bounds, and he made a gambling agreement with the Human Race Council. In just a few thousand years, he had reached the edge of harmony.

He also comprehended the astonishing magical arts such as the art of deceiving the sky, and used it as bait to establish the Datong Society, the future number one force in the spiritual world. Countless tyrannical beings joined it and drove it.

Later, the human world and the spiritual world competed for glory.

Zufeng was born, and a great disaster came.

The news of the calamity has spread widely in the spiritual world, and all races are in danger.

In the phoenix nest, Datong performs Taoism, the opportunity to combine Taoism, and the true spirit fights for crossing.

From then on, the spiritual world began to enter the era of great unity.

The Demon Emperor wants to transform into a true spirit, and the true spirit wants to merge with the human world.

Every individual has his or her own interests.

As a result, the relatively stable races in the spiritual world entered a special period known as the War of All Races in history.

In order to exchange more resources into contribution points in the Spirit Realm Great Union, and with the widespread spread of deception skills, it was originally difficult for the demon clan true spirit to act as a chess player behind the scenes in the spirit world, and the alien Taoist spirit Everyone entered this spiritual world chessboard and became chess pieces willingly.

Countless small tribes were brutally exterminated, and their resources were ruthlessly plundered.

Demon Emperor Xuanzun is no longer the protagonist of the spiritual world.

The spiritual mine buried deep in the ground was opened by great magic, and the spiritual veins integrated with the earth were uprooted. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains turned into a special spiritual stone in the hands of the great master of the spiritual world, and became a bargaining chip in the transaction.

Water veins, earth veins, mineral veins, mountains...

Wherever the sun and moon shine, and wherever wind and rain can reach, many spiritual powers pass by like locusts, plundering everything.

Even the wilderness land that was once said to be difficult to conquer and known as the paradise of wild beasts has been plowed back and forth over and over again.

It’s not that you couldn’t fight before, it was just unnecessary.

Just like when the human race opened up new territories, although many sacrifices were made, nine new territories were finally opened up.

It’s just that it used to be a resource in the spiritual world, a flower in the spiritual world, and I wanted to take it home.

Under the heavy "tariffs", no one is stupid enough to spend a lot of money just to take away some local products from the spirit world.

But now Datong is coming.

These "useless" resources are truly useful resources in the hands of Datonghui, and they will receive the price they deserve.

The more you take, the more you earn.

With enough profit motivation, if you lower your head and grab a handful, there will be a lot of benefits. Who can not be crazy?

Under this kind of offensive that is like "moving ants", even the size of the spiritual world cannot support such unilateral plundering year after year.

When the speed of recovery cannot keep up with the speed of damage, and year after year accumulation accumulates, minor injuries are dragged into serious injuries, and it seems natural that the spiritual world will enter the Age of End of Dharma.

"In other words, the spiritual world has been evacuated?"

Hearing this, Renzu couldn't help but interrupt.

This was a path he had never imagined. With the size of the spiritual world, a casual breath could lead to the birth and death of a small world, but now it has been emptied out!

How ridiculous and terrifying this is!

Buzhou Mountain God nodded heavily and said:

"Yes, the spiritual world has been emptied out. The spiritual world has now entered its weakest period."

"Could God in the spiritual world just sit back and watch this happen?"

Human Ancestor remembered a term that Buzhou Mountain God mentioned several times, and asked and answered:

"Is it the art of deceiving the heavens? In the name of deceiving the heavens, does it really have such power? It is really of great benefit to have such a defiant person among the descendants of the human race."

Buzhou Mountain God sighed: "This is the technique that really has the ability to deceive the sky. The deception technique spread in the spiritual world today is still a weakened version. The real deception technique is controlled by Datonghui, in the hands of the current Great Love Immortal.

He used this technique to take away everything in the spiritual world without being targeted by God's will. "

"The spiritual world is declining, the calamity is coming forward, and all races will be affected. Isn't there anyone who will resist?"

Human Ancestor had previously praised Zu Feng for doing a good job, which had depleted the divine will of the spirit world and brought the calamity ahead of time. They could also get out of trouble in advance and plan for the spirit world.

But now Ren Zu only feels that it is not only the spiritual world that is suffering, but also him.

"Why did Zu Feng attack you?"

Buzhou Mountain God smiled bitterly: "I am the number one sacred mountain of the human race. I am connected to the fate of the human race. The spiritual world is declining, the spiritual energy is exhausted, and the fate of the human race is weakening. Naturally, I will not agree. So I want to convene a human race council and call on all the mysterious people in the human race. Zun Dao Zun negotiated with the Immortal Lord of Great Love in order to protect the human race.

But I never expected that the human heart is selfish and under the temptation of enlightenment, the righteousness of the human race is nothing more than a thin piece of paper, which can be broken by rubbing it.

I never thought that a few human Taoists who had been with me for tens of millions of years would betray me.

Fortunately, the Great Love Immortal Lord remembered the love he had with the humans in the spiritual world.

And I am deeply involved in the fate of the human race. If I die, the human race may be in trouble.

He then ordered Zu Feng to take action and suppress me here. It has been nearly one Yuanhui and one hundred thousand years.

The spiritual world today is in a worse state than it was then. "

With the help of Human Ancestor, Buzhou Mountain God initially broke through the restrictions left by Ancestor Feng, and his vision transcended eight hundred miles from his original body, and saw the scenery of the outside world billions of miles away.

No surprises at all.

The spiritual world, which was originally full of vitality and full of spiritual veins, has gradually dried up.

It felt like a piece of cloth with countless holes in it, constantly exposed to the wind.

Hearing this, Renzu didn't understand very much.

Is Zu Feng crazy?

Although they, these Hedao beings, are always thinking about backstabbing the Heavenly Dao in the spiritual world and becoming the masters.

But one thing is certain, that is, they are closely related to the fate of the spiritual world.

Measuring calamities cannot destroy their essence because they are one with the spiritual world. If the spiritual world is not destroyed, they will not be destroyed.

The purpose of their backstabbing is to replace the heavenly law in the spiritual world and enforce the law on behalf of heaven, not to destroy the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is destroyed, how can these beings who are in harmony with the spiritual world fare better?

But now all Zu Feng is doing is "helping the evil tyrants", actively destroying himself, and incidentally implicating them.

What matters is how God allows it.

Zu Feng was born to destroy the man who rebelled against heaven, but in the end, she hollowed out the spiritual world.

Even if the spiritual wisdom of the heavenly realm in the spiritual world remains ignorant, the instinctive reaction is enough to seal Zu Feng back.

But when he woke up, Zu Feng was still in the outside world.


The spiritual world seems to be relaxed, but in fact, under strict laws, how can such thaumaturgy be allowed to occur?

But how could such thaumaturgy work on the existence of Hedao?

Questions appeared in Renzu's mind one after another, but he suppressed them again.

"By the way, what did the demon clan true spirit say about immigration just now?"

Buzhou Mountain God thought for a while and said:

"I've been trapped here for too long. Although people occasionally come to see me, they don't talk much about the outside world. I only occasionally listen to the negative spinner turtle talking about the end of the spiritual world. They are attached to the spirit world. The true souls above the world also have a hard life.

In order to replenish the energy lost in the spirit world, the spirit world takes more and more money from their true spirit world.

It is said that several true spirits have been drained of the origin of the true spirit world and their vitality has been destroyed.

So now all the true spirits in the spiritual world want to get rid of the shackles of the spiritual world and go to the human world to start over. "

Ren Zu slightly chinned his head, which was not surprising.

Most of the true spirits in the spirit world and the Taoist masters of the human race do not prove the Tao through force. The true spirit world relies heavily on the support of the spirit world, so it does not have much autonomy.

In the past, the spiritual world was in good condition, so naturally it would not be too harsh on these attached small worlds.

But now that the spiritual world is exhausted, these small worlds have become His backup hidden energy source.

What's more, the heavenly beings in the spiritual world only have instincts and don't understand the principle of fishing in dry lakes. They have to eat when they are hungry. It would be strange if these small worlds are not destroyed.

Originally, that was something that would only happen at the end of the Tribulation.

But now these true spirits in the spiritual world have accelerated this process, causing the spiritual world to decline.

But precisely because of this, they had to drink poison to quench their thirst and plunder all kinds of resources in the spiritual world more vigorously in exchange for a chance to escape.

I don’t know what the ability of the Great Love Immortal is to cut off the connection between the true spirit and the spiritual world, so that they can protect themselves.

Ren Zu had no doubt that Great Love Immortal Lord had deceived everyone.

A true spirit in the spiritual world is not a fool. He will believe whatever others say.

They must have seen examples of success, which is why they are eager to get this immigration quota.

Thinking about it this way, there are traces of the human race's betrayal.

Without the power to prove the Tao, the cave world of Taoist Master is not much better than the world of true spirit.

As for resistance, let's guard the spiritual world together and restore the spiritual world to what it was before.

Just a beautiful imagination.

We have entered the era of involution, and what everyone can do is either to involve others to death, or to be involved to death by others and be forced to lie flat.

Wanting to unite all the workers to fight against the bosses is just wishful thinking.

These days, the most indispensable thing is scabs and traitors.

You are working hard in the front, but the teammates who were originally coming to support you are standing still behind, watching the fire from the other side, and you are even secretly glad that you have one less competitor.

So you died heroically.

Teammates step on your bones to get promotions and raises, driving you into the abyss of shame.

After all, the dead have no say.

Through a few words from Buzhou Mountain God, Human Ancestor has already seen through the involution nature of the current situation in the spiritual world.

As of now, the spiritual world can only accelerate its demise.

Unless there is a great hero who creates a new world and leads a new era, changing everything with his overwhelming strength and incomparable courage.

Yes, it's him.

Renzu sighed in his heart.

He who originally came from the lower world to backstab the spirit world together actually walked towards the path of the savior.

But he couldn't help but do it.

The spiritual world cannot be destroyed like this.

Otherwise, after so many years of hard planning, wouldn't it mean that he helped others make wedding clothes, and even if he was lucky enough to survive, it would still be based on other people's faces.

He was used to being an ancestor, and it was really impossible for him to soften his knees to a descendant of the human race.

"Crisis is also an opportunity."

Ren Zu quickly regained his composure.

The spiritual world is now in danger, and if it wants to save itself, it must release more authority to the outside world.

Regarding this, he has already verified this in many small worlds.

Many small worlds known as Jedi and quasi-Jedi were once his experimental grounds.

The most successful example is Lingtian Daojun.

This junior who was inspired by him to embark on a path consistent with the way of heaven is his most successful experiment.

Back then, when the Juetian Realm was in danger, Lingtian Daojun was not afraid of the danger. Instead, he pushed Tianyi to the extreme when he was surrounded on all sides. In order to save himself, Tianyi took the initiative to let go of the suppression of Lingtian Daojun, making him the strongest destiny in history.

Of course, it was the secret method he developed that allowed Lord Lingtian to retain a trace of his own sanity despite the fusion of Heavenly Dao, and finally transcended and truly surrendered to Heavenly Dao.

It's a pity that the time he was able to wake up before was too short, and he couldn't arrange everything. He could only make plans in advance and provide some guidance.

The situation he faces now is similar to that of Lord Lingtian.

The spirit world is too large, and it would have been impossible for one destiny to rule everything in the past. Otherwise, that person would be a free-moving Hedao and would pose too great a threat to the spirit world.

But things are different now.

He may be able to fulfill his only destiny in the spiritual world and truly control the spiritual world through external pressure.

As long as he can control a part of the heavenly will of the spiritual world, he might not be able to do what Lord Lingtian did back then, first fuse and then transcend, refine the heavenly will of the spiritual world, and turn the spiritual world into his private little world.

By that time, he will definitely transcend the Hedao and become an immortal immortal who will never be destroyed.

"Then what I have to do now is to let the spirit world know that I am the one who saves the world."

“It’s not a bad idea to activate the back-up plan we left earlier.”

Human Ancestor's mind was full of thoughts.

"Before that, I have to break the Heaven-Deceiving Technique. Without the cover of the Heaven-Deceiving Technique, the spiritual world and heaven can be my best help."

"Also, find Haotian Boy."

Human Ancestor looked at Buzhou Mountain God and asked: "You said before that the art of deceiving the sky is widely spread in the spiritual world, how can I get it? Also, what about Haotian, why can't I sense his breath? Could it be that he has also immigrated? Already?"

Buzhou Mountain God looked at the ambitious Renzu in his eyes, and couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness in his heart.

"The Datong Association is very relaxed about the spread of deception skills. In the past, it was necessary to achieve true spiritual strength. Now even the Xuanzun Demon Emperor can be taught it. All he has to do is join the Datong Association and complete some tasks for him. Most tasks can be done. Use resources instead.

I still have some resources here that I can give to you to redeem. "

"As for Haotian, he is loyal to you and has always protected the human race. When I united the human race to fight against the Great Love Immortal Lord, he was also firmly on my side, but in the end he was defeated by the power of Zu Feng He Dao.

I couldn't leave Buzhou Mountain, so I was suppressed here.

And he was suppressed in the human world, and I don't know his current situation. "

"I see."

Renzu slightly chinned his head, indicating that he knew.

"Haotian boy is very careful about his karma. When I find the opportunity, I will definitely rescue him. As for your inability to leave Mount Buzhou, I have learned a secret technique for you in the space of heaven, which can help you refine your clone. , leave the Buzhou Mountains."

He did not say that Buzhou Mountain God could not leave Buzhou Mountain. It was the restriction that he deliberately set up when he enlightened Buzhou Mountain to help him protect the human race, so as not to become wild and spoil his big things.

In fact, Buzhou Mountain God did a good job, but Zu Feng took action and was beyond human power. No wonder she was there.

Now that he is the weak side, Buzhou Mountain God is a big help to him, and the restriction back then can be lifted.

Buzhou Mountain God was really moved.

"Brother Ji Chen, it turns out you have always remembered me."

Ren Zu smiled and said: "Back then, when the calamity was reopened and everything was in ruins, I rested at the foot of Mount Buzhou. Thanks to you for accompanying me through that lonely time. How could I forget you."

He pointed out and spread the secret technique.

"This time, I have to trouble you to accompany me on the adventure."

Buzhou Mountain God looked at Renzu affectionately, nodded heavily, and said the words that had been hidden in his heart for who knows how long.

"Thousands of rivers and mountains, I will accompany you." (End of Chapter)

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