Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 465 The Spiritual Heaven Appears

The sky is gray.

I don’t know since when, whether in the spiritual world or the human world, it has been difficult to see the true face of the sun.

The once blazing hot sun remains only in memory.

Now all that is left to everyone is a gray sun whose light is gradually dimming.

At this moment, everyone felt the signs of calamity.

This is not a matter for big shots, but is closely related to every life.

The sun was obscured by chaos, the world lost its light and warmth, and evil spirits were everywhere on the earth. It was difficult for ordinary people to survive and ushered in the most difficult years.

It's fine in the human world.

The Datong Hui and the Datong Immortal Dynasty work in parallel, commanding everything, allocating resources in a unified manner, building a refuge city in advance, moving people from remote places into the city, and arranging patrol teams outside the city to kill evil spirits regularly and protect the peace of the area.

There was no need for Yu Xian to give instructions on these matters, as his subordinates had already arranged everything.

The idea of ​​Datong is still the mainstream thought of the Datong Immortal Dynasty, and no one dares to comment on it.

After all, Daai Immortal Lord is still alive and well.

But the spiritual world has been in a state of primitive and barbaric rule by deliberate arrangement.

In order to survive, everyone had to rely on ancient gods that had been worshiped for tens of thousands of years.

Only under the protection of these idols can peace be left in the land where evil spirits are everywhere, and ordinary people have a chance to survive.

As a result, the faith becomes stronger and the incense becomes stronger.

With the statue of the Ancestor of Humanity as the core, the statues are surrounded by guards, and thousands of families offer incense, forming a special level of life in a special period.

The Buzhou Mountains are gradually being infested with incense, and there is a tendency to turn into a kingdom of gods on earth.

The entire Buzhou Mountains are the territory of Buzhou Mountain God and a natural cave world.

It's just that it was integrated with the spirit world before, but now with the help of incense, it is gradually peeled off.

In this regard, Buzhou Mountain God did not stop it, nor did he deliberately promote it.

She just lived peacefully in the temple under the statue of Renzu, followed her heart, and stayed with Renzu until the world was destroyed.

Calamity does not change due to anyone's will.

It is like a set program. When the program starts, it will not stop until it completes the running goal.

The light outside the spiritual world continues to dim as the calamity continues.

Just like the previous calamities, in order to protect itself, the spirit world turned its body into fuel, shrinking in size little by little, blocking the advancement of calamities.

Of course, the human world is not much better.

The vigorous momentum of the human world was directly interrupted. The population continued to migrate to the center, and the edges of the world peeled off little by little.

Just like when Great Love Immortal Lord had not yet broken through to become a god, facing the beast tide, he could only take a defensive stance.

Now I can go back to my old job.

But now it is no different than back then. Various problems arise one after another, and they are even more difficult to solve than in the spiritual world.

After all, in the concept of great harmony, everyone is equal, so naturally we will not give up on anyone easily.

In the spirit world, it seems to be natural to abandon the weak and retain the strength. Even the abandoned ones recognize this concept and feel that they are too weak and have brought down the team.

But in the human world, everyone with registered residence is a citizen of the Datong Immortal Dynasty and one of their own.

For your own people, you must protect and love them as much as possible.

What will happen if you don't love your own people?

Above the court and in the government offices, the deaths of all the dignitaries and princes have been a warning to the world.

However, those who are favored are always confident.

Therefore, there are not a few people who rely on pampering to become coquettish.

Some people think that the government spread rumors and deliberately forced them to move so as to seize their ancestral wealth.

So they formed a group to fight and demanded full compensation before they would move out.

But there is no compensation from the government. It will be good to be able to live and practice normally in the future.

The smaller and smaller the size of the world is, the more difficult it is to practice in the future.

But the more the government hesitated, the more certain others became that they were not wrong, and they refused to leave.

Then there is local accountability from above.

In order to complete the tasks assigned above as soon as possible, the local government had to issue a compensation note and promised to compensate after the relocation.

So everything went crazy at once.

The human world has long established a good communication network, and anything that happens in a corner of the world can be spread throughout the world in the shortest possible time.

Not to mention something like this.

When someone takes advantage of the public but is not punished, imitators will spread like a virus, all waiting for greater benefits.

But no one in the official circles dares to be the first to take advantage of the situation and punish the public with the law.

Either imitate other people's excuses, or stay in a stalemate.

Until the calamity approached, tens of billions of people failed to evacuate on time. Together with the escorting team of monks, the team of rescuing monks were directly swallowed up by the chaotic airflow, and their bones were not left.

That is a calamity that only Hedao Immortal Master can resist. Others, even if it is Tao Master, can temporarily protect themselves, they are considered powerful.

The loss was so huge that Yu Xian, who was watching the human ancestor in the spiritual world, was alarmed.

"My twelve years of compulsory education were in vain because I was incited so easily."

Yu Xian looked very bad.

Although in his eyes most people will die, after all, he cannot protect everyone.

The power of Liangjie is there, it is a true immortal method, and it is good if he can protect the last part of the core.

But he didn't deserve to die, and he shouldn't have died so hastily.

Most people were incited and joined in the fun.

Those are his precious resources.

With Renzu's incense and refining method, being able to practice falsehoods into reality will make the population even more precious.

Especially those monks who were able to run away but died with a group of ignorant people.

Those are all faithful executors of the Datong concept.

Equivalent to his direct younger brother.

He is the boss and can't protect his younger brother. Isn't this a slap in the face?

"Yueru, you can do it yourself. With your presence, others will know what to do."

Yu Xian calmed down and looked at his shadow, the commander of Datong Immortal Chao Guangming Guard, Commander Liu, said this.

"You don't need to sell face to anyone. Anyone who dares to shirk is still guilty. He thinks that if he doesn't do it, he will make no mistakes. How can there be such a good thing? After becoming an official in Datong, they have enjoyed the benefits. It's their turn to take the blame for something they did. Everyone is smart. Kill them all."

Master Liu looked at Yu Xian with gentle eyes and said:

"I understand, don't be angry, I will take care of these things."

In front of Yu Xian, Master Liu is a gentle and considerate lover, but outside, he is a real devil. A cough can send chills down the back of Taoist Master.

Guangmingwei, authorized by the emperor, kill first and then report.

The number of important officials who have died under the Guangming Guards in recent years, not even 10,000, but 8,000, and even more petty officials who have never even had a chance to see the true face of the emperor, are worth 1.8 million every year, and the list is 10 days old. I couldn’t finish reading it all night long.

It just so happened that the commander was the one who slept with the emperor, and no one else even had the chance to impeach him.

Anyone who dares to file a complaint will be punished for inciting feelings between the emperor and his wife. Unless he is really a perfect person who can escape even if the investigation cannot find anything wrong, otherwise he will be punished as long as he finds a little bit of evidence. .

He didn't even wipe his butt clean, yet he still dared to sue the emperor.

The emperor is majestic and cannot be provoked.

Such people usually kill the three tribes.

After doing it a few times, even if someone complained privately, they no longer dared to file a complaint.

With such favor and trust, Leader Liu's power can be described as overwhelming.

Yu Xian waved, and when Master Liu approached, he buried his head in his chest, took a deep breath, and then laughed.

"I'm fine. I'm just anxious, but there are people behind me who are holding me back."

By now, Liang Jie has officially entered the mid-term stage.

Both the spiritual world and the human world are cutting off their tails in order to survive.

However, Ren Zu was still enjoying the incense and did not take action.

If he really had to wait until the end of the later period of Calamity Tribulation and Renzu was still delaying to take action, he would have to take action.

Yu Xian had to doubt.

Renzu, this old boy, wouldn't be playing him.

Leader Liu hugged Yu Xian gently and retreated.

Then Yu Xian turned his eyes and entered the spirit world.

Catalyzed by the calamity, the integration of the spiritual world and the human world became deeper, with almost half of the world overlapping.

"Human Ancestor, if you don't take action yet, I will attack you first."

Over the years, he has refined incense beads a lot, and his control over the spiritual world has increased to one thousandth.

It sounds like a small amount, but don’t forget the overlap between the spiritual world and the human world.

He probably heard Yu Xian's thoughts.

In the third ten thousand years since the human ancestor transformed into a god, the calamity has reached its later stage.

On this day, the statue of the Human Ancestor, which was already level with the sky, suddenly cracked in its shell, and rays of light emitted, like a new sun, shining hope in the dark world.

"finally come."

Yu Xian felt that he was almost turning into a Wang Fu Stone.

At this moment, Renzu took action. He was refreshed, quickly concealed his aura, escaped back to the human world, and prepared secretly.

This is Renzu's stage, he should not take the spotlight.

next moment.

The cracked shell peeled off piece by piece, revealing the human ancestor who seemed to have transformed into a giant of light.

His body gradually shrank and became the size of an ordinary person, but his majestic aura was not reduced by half.

Human Ancestor did not go to fight Tianyi immediately, but landed in the temple that had been with him for tens of thousands of years.


Renzu looked at the woman who had been waiting for him for nearly a calamity, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

"I am here."

Meng Yan also looked at Ren Zu seriously, with expectation and desire in his eyes, wanting to hear him say those words.

There was a hint of apology on Renzu's face.


"Don't tell me you're sorry, this is all of my own free will."

Meng Yan shook her head vigorously, with tears in her eyes, as if she already knew the answer.

Renzu smiled bitterly and said: "I shouldn't regard you as her substitute. You are yourself. I am too selfish. I am committed to the great road, and I can't tolerate others, but I am selfish and reluctant to part with your good, but it will delay you." ”

Meng Yan said seriously: "I said, this is of my own free will."

Ren Zu sighed: "In this battle, I narrowly escaped death. You have no name and no status, so you don't have to accompany me."

He shouted loudly in the direction of the human world:

"Brother Yu, I know you are looking over here."

"I want to ask you something, just think of it as fulfilling one of my last wishes."

Yu Xian, who had already hidden himself, had no choice but to speak out. Although they were far apart, they seemed to be talking in their ears.

"I think it's good for you to live together and fly together. Even if you die, it will be fulfilled. But if you entrust the mountain god to me, it is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. I am not a good man and a believer. A beautiful woman came to my door and I slapped her face. Be a gentleman."

Meng Yan heard the hidden meaning and looked annoyed.

"Yi Xian, a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth."

Ren Zu's face turned green. He didn't control the power of his own incense, but he still said:

"As long as you don't force Meng Yan, you will really make Meng Yan fall in love with you, and that's your method."

Meng Yan still wanted to say something, but was pressed on the shoulder by Renzu. His own strength was cut off directly, and he lost the connection with the Buzhou Mountains. Only the original body of the 800-mile Buzhou Mountains roared and rose from the ground. Get up and merge with Mengyan.

"Go ahead, don't let me leave any last regrets."

Yu Xian's figure appeared, gave a thumbs up and said:

"Brother Ji, your realm is so high, I am not as good as you. If I die, even if I don't want my women to die with me, I still have to think about them being widowed and living alone for me. How can I entrust them to other men? take care of.

You are a real man. "

Ren Zu nearly spit out his blood, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

"You promised not to force Meng Yan. Besides, I may not die."

Yu Xian looked at the tearful Buzhou Mountain God, shrugged and said:

"I have cheated and abducted in my life, but I have never forced women. I guarantee that they are with me voluntarily."

He took Buzhou Mountain God's wrist and suppressed it with strength.

"Miss Meng, this man has kept you waiting for a calamity without giving you a place. Either he loves you very much and doesn't want to delay you, or he really doesn't love you and has no feelings for you. He can't even borrow money from you." Neither is willing.

If it's the latter, staying here will only create another sad person. If it's the former, you shouldn't stay here to hold him back.

So let me go. "

Meng Yan's eyes brightened slightly and he looked at Ren Zu.

Ren Zu, however, had an expressionless face and looked up at the sky, no longer looking at her.

When Yu Xian took Meng Yan away, Renzu sighed in a low voice, then he became energetic and laughed loudly:

"Lingtian, in the last calamity, I was only one step away from killing you and entering the Tao. However, I fell short and had no choice but to join the Tao to avoid the calamity. Now that the calamity is about to happen again, you and I will continue the unfinished battle."

Human Ancestor raised his feet and walked forward, his clothes flying, and he climbed into the sky.

In front of him, there seemed to be invisible steps, one after another, building a ladder for him to ascend to the sky.

behind him.

The ancient statues of gods that had been dormant for tens of thousands of years bloomed again, and each and every fanatical believer fell to the ground, worshiped, and contributed the most pure incense and wish.

The idol turned into a villain and penetrated into the human ancestor's body.

With each additional villain, Renzu's momentum increases.

And there are more than a million such villains.

Under such power.

A violent wind whipped up the earth, the sky shook, the stars fell, and the invisible force tore the void apart.

A void, ethereal, ancient, and powerful existence slowly pulled away the fog, revealing its true appearance.

They were a pair of eyes that were as calm as ever, indifferent and ruthless.

His eyes reflect the universe, the sun and the moon, and shine for eternity. He is the undisputed master of this world.

He is heaven.

Lingtian! (End of chapter)

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