While Gu Jijian was shocked, he was more curious.

"Ok, deal!"

"The next get out of class is biology and chemistry, right?"

"I'll be there on time!"

Zhang Ruiyun, "Good!"

Gu Jijian himself thought that with him, at least the 30th class guys still had some scruples.

But he just thinks too much!

Before the exam.

When he came to the examination room, the students in the examination room did what they were supposed to do.

The exam started and no one showed up.

Gu Jijian frowned, "A few students from Class 30 didn't come?"

He immediately looked at Xu Heng, "Mr. Xu, what happened to your students?"

Xu Heng, "Have you slept?"

It was true that he had slept, and a few students in a dormitory were yawning and walking slowly to the examination room.

At this point, the exam has started five or six minutes.

They sit down, write their names and test numbers, and answer.

Gu Jijian stared at the students in Class 30 and looked carefully.

Zhang Ruiyun followed him.

He clearly saw Gu Jijian's body shaking.

Because Gu Jijian didn't finish a single question, the students in class 30 have already completed 3 multiple-choice questions.

1. (2 points) Which of the following statements about intracellular proteins and nucleic acids is correct (?)

?A.Nucleic acid and protein are composed of the same elements?

b.The synthesis of nucleic acid requires the participation of the corresponding protein?

c.Does the breakdown of proteins require the direct participation of nucleic acids?

D.Does high temperature destroy peptide bonds in protein and nucleic acid molecules?

2. (2 points) Which of the following statements about cell life activities is false (?)?

A.Is there both gene expression and DNA replication during interphase?

b.Cell differentiation is achieved through the selective expression of genes?

c.Apoptosis is initiated by the expression of programmed death-related genes?

D.Cancerous cells are caused by dominant mutations in cancer-related genes


"B, D, C..."

Gu Jijian's eyes were fixed.


He began to doubt himself, "Am I getting old?"

He really didn't even read the multiple-choice options of the first question, and the answers to several questions came out.


Doing multiple-choice questions is like killing a chicken with a knife.


too fast!

Too fierce!

Not one person, not several people, but all 30 classmates, the collective is like this.

Even the late classmates got the multiple-choice questions before Gu Jijian and Zhang Ruiyun could react.

Zhang Ruiyun, "!!!"

Gu Jijian, "!!!"

Zhang Ruiyun, "Principal, do you know now?"

Gu Jijian took a deep breath, "Hi..."

Got goosebumps all over.

Where has he seen such exaggerated candidates!

From what he saw with his own eyes, he was completely out of temper.

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