Technological Hegemony

Chapter 245: 27 deadly sins (2)

Study books are boring and tedious. The so-called happy education should improve students' interest in learning and make boring studies more interesting.

Reduce learning time and let students play happily. How will students adapt to the brutal global competition in the future? What does the Chinese people take to revive? A group of happy but ignorant children?

All in all, the birth of the super-many text of the Twenty-seven Sins has set off an unimaginable stormy sea. The whole society quickly pointed its finger at the education department and began to speak loudly.

Education is a belief in this land of China.

For a while, the education department became an ant on the hot pot. What is more frightening is that the so-called official protection is not working, because the power department also has children, and the salary and time of ordinary civil servants cannot afford to raise children. They also feel that education in the education sector is really terrible.

Together, this trend is intensifying, and it cannot be calmed down. It has caused a series of torrential rains and showers on the land of China, and the education sector has been living in this storm for years.

The end result is an education system that shocked the world!

The new China Education System that shocked the world has the following characteristics.

First of all, students' class time is more reasonable. Afternoon school time is postponed to 6:30, which is convenient for parents to pick up and drop. The weekly class time is increased to six days, which increases the teaching capacity and difficulty. The summer and winter vacations are shortened to 14 days. .

Secondly, due to the increase in teaching tasks, the treatment of teachers must be improved. There is no good way to do this. They can only spend more money, increase teachers' salaries, and increase the number of school teachers.

No matter how poor you can't be poor in education, in this world, I haven't heard of any nation who is poor because of education.

As we all know, the Jewish people attach great importance to education. They spare no money to train the next generation. As a result, the Jews have become the richest being in the world. Countless Wall Street predators, scientific elites, and even Einstein are Jews.

It is a pity that the Jews have accumulated huge wealth, but did not establish sufficient self-protection mechanisms. As a result, the head of state seized the opportunity and washes a wave of blood.

Therefore, after the founding of Israel, it would desperately engage in military affairs. The small country with a population of more than 8 million would smash all the neighboring countries.

Some would say that the Israeli military is strong because of North American support.

This view is irrational.

Big Middle East dogs also have North American support. M1 main battle tanks worth tens of millions of dollars are exploding. At every turn, they are tens of billions of dollars in military purchases. But the big dogs ’army runs to fight a small Yemen. The coalition forces ended up looking for teeth on the ground of the AK47. This is the best proof that the equipment may not be able to fight.

Only a nation baptized with blood and fire can truly understand the hardships of survival, erupt an epic powerful combat force, and become a real fierce character in this world.

This article of twenty-seven sins ignited the entire Huaxia enthusiasm for education with a large space of 60,000 words, and gave specific solutions. If Huaxia wants to become a real power, it must start with education. .

It is interesting that no one knows who wrote this great article, and why he wrote such a doomed article, and for how long he has prepared and brewed it.

The emergence of Huaxia's education reforms quickly shocked the world, and made people around the world feel suffocating pressure.

"Is the Chinese people crazy? They just started Xingchen University, and now they are doing such a high-intensity education for all?"

"Before this reform, Huaxia graduated more than two million engineers and researchers every year. Do you know what this concept is? Except for Huaxia, the engineers trained by all countries in the world each year are no better than Huaxia! "

"Halo, what does Huaxia want so many engineers and researchers?"

"Aren't you nonsense? Of course, engineers are serving industry and technology. Look at the things in your house. How many are not made by Huaxia."

"Do you want to do this absolutely? The Huaxia people have occupied a lot of industries. Xingchen Technology has even made the existence of the Kamen Vortex Array an outrageous existence. Now they need to strengthen their education?"

"What's the use of complaining here? Take the time to face it! I've enrolled my child in three training classes for him to learn violin, programming, and Chinese."

"Why learn Chinese? I heard it's hard to learn Chinese characters."

"This question is really an idiot. How do you read Star Magazine without understanding Chinese?"

In European and American forums, there are countless discussions of this kind, so it can be seen that this educational storm has not only affected Huaxia, but also the entire world.

Luo Jia and the three of them sat on the reef by the seaside to rest, and by the way asked Shen Lang a few questions and inspected some of Shen Lang's studies.

When he stood up and left, Luo Jiashun sent an email to Shen Lang's mailbox and said to him, "This is your new book list. Please check back later when you have time."

Enron glanced curiously, and immediately expressed a startled expression, "No, you asked him to read Machiavelli? He is only twelve years old!"

Luo Jia said disapprovingly, "What books can be read is not determined by age, but by the mind. Just now Shen Lang was strong and vigilant about public opinion. You also heard it. He began to read the monarchy with his mind. I don't think What is the problem."

Since Shen Lang is a student of Luo Jia, Enron is hard to say anything, but he is inevitably confused because Luo Jia's education method for Shen Lang is very different from other 1,561 talents at Xingchen University. Luo Jia asked Shen Lang, 12, to start reading Machiavelli's works?

Machiavelli is an Italian genius who lived in the 15th to 16th centuries AD. His main works include monarchism, the art of war, the history of Florence, etc. In addition, he is also proficient in drama, wrote the famous mandala, and masked.

Machiavelli's thought can be summed up in one sentence, "What is more unforgivable than crime is failure."

Shen Lang is destined to become a general in the future, and in this world, anyone can fail, only the general cannot, because if the general fails, the consequences can be found in the Opium War that scourges the country and the people.

"It's my turn to drive ~ ~ An Ran said he got into the driver's seat and drove the vehicle forward quickly. The reason why they did not take the high speed, but instead returned to Shanghai along the coastline to see where the coast is. Construction site for power generation array.

While Luo Jia was busy with Xingchen University, an unprecedented scale of coastal power generation construction has officially opened, and the national team is investing in the development of new energy at an incredible speed to the world.

It won't be long before Carmen Vortex Power Generation, an epoch-making technology, will bring unprecedented upheaval to Huaxia Land. To this end, everyone is very excited and looking forward to it.

"Our inspection of the auto parts industry chain has ended, let's keep it informed. Tomorrow morning, the brainstorming group will meet." Luo Jia sat looking at the co-pilot looking out the window and said to Shen Lang.

. Emperor Jiutian

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