Technological Hegemony

Chapter 397: The opening of the hormonal horror!

When walking out of the screening room, Luo Jia touched her forehead with her hands. It turned out to be densely packed with sweat, and her body was exhausted. As if she had become Roland, she ran into a different world and took the witches Take a chance.

I was just watching a movie. I was so excited and so exhausted. It was an experience never experienced in Luo Jia's life. He faintly realized that there was something wrong with this movie. During the movie, his body became sensitive and excited. It's more exciting than doing a roller coaster.

He shook his arm and Luo Jia walked towards the bathroom. The movie was a ninety minute movie. Until then, Luo Jia suddenly felt a urge to urinate. This is probably the point where the film critics often said no urine.

卧 "Crouch! This movie is so exciting!"

"Who said no, I feel that my adrenaline has been soaring, and my heart beats twice as usual!"

"The fans are still waiting for my submission. Although the movie has already been watched, I really don't know how to evaluate the release of that witch. I have never seen such a burst movie before."

怎么 "What's the comment? It won't be complete without lying down!"

"I agree, from the beginning of the movie, I have only two words in my heart, lying down! Original film can still be shot like this !?"

"Xingchen Technology is awesome! Where do they make movies? It ’s clear that they show their muscles well. Such realistic CG rendering is hard to imagine that it is the product of our time. Than, it's just scum! "

"This movie ticket is too worth buying, if I have time tomorrow, I want to brush it again."

"I think so too. The film made by Xingchen Technology has seriously subverted my three views."

The audience rushed into the bathroom thinly, and their language was full of enthusiasm and eyes.

This scene contrasts sharply with the audience in the screening room next door. Some people are listless, while others seem to be smashed into blood and excited.

"I overheard you chatting, is it so good-looking to let go of that witch?" The curly young man asked curiously.

"What's more, this is the best movie I've seen this year! It's much better than Fulian!"

"The movie itself doesn't talk too much about it, and it doesn't discuss human nature, but the feeling of enthusiasm and enthusiasm during the whole process is really cool, and I highly recommend you to watch it."

"I find that the film has been adapted a lot compared to the original, with a significantly faster pace and more tit-for-tat war scenes."

"Probably to strengthen the sense of rhythm, but it does not affect the integrity of the story. What about your scene, is it funny to watch the Three Kingdoms? See the trailer, this movie lineup is quite powerful, the new and old film emperors bring a group of traffic stars and Little fresh meat. "

"There are a lot of stars, but I do n’t know why. It just feels so careless. The acting skills of a few fresh meats are not good, but fortunately, there are Ge You and Sun Honglei who pick the beams. They are barely passing. Such films are made dozens of times every year. It's almost the same, and it's done with a happy picture. "

Luo Jiajing listened to the audience ’s conversation. There is no doubt that letting go of the witch ’s word of mouth is completely blown up. Except for Xiong Da and Xiong Er, the other four films are big productions, but obviously the witch ’s word of mouth is the best. Watch this movie After the audience left, all of them blew and blew directly!

As the company's first movie, straight men showed their muscles, and used the technology of star technology to squeeze the bottom of the box. All the brains were taken out, especially the high-efficiency artificial intelligence little star, who alone used the model of a team of thousands to complete. The work took over completely.

Lu Qi once said, ALLINAI!

一切 Everything in the future will ultimately be attributed to artificial intelligence, which can solve all human problems.

This magnificent CG movie took less than three months to produce. The active modeling and rendering capabilities of artificial intelligence helped artists and modelers improve their work efficiency by dozens of times, which was completely impossible in the past. Imagine.

On the drive home, Luo Jia and Shen Lang talked on the phone, and he and his parents just came out of the cinema.

When seeing the cast table, the general plan column, Shen Lang's name, his parents almost cried, thinking about the sky and eyes, the Shen family finally Guangzong Yaozu, and so on, obviously Shen Lang's parents are not conscious at this time Now, this unique military genius, his legend has just begun.

"Of course it is based on science." Shen Lang said very calmly: "There are more than 1,200 different hormones in the human body. Many human behaviors are not autonomous consciousness, but hormones dominate."

例如 "For example, when you should sleep, your body will secrete melatonin. Just three milligrams of melatonin is enough to let an adult sleep for seven hours. If a person lacks melatonin, they will lose sleep."

"There is a kind of person in life who can sleep and fall asleep even when the sky is falling down. People usually care about this kind of person and call him sleepless, but science tells us that this kind of person is not heartless. It's just that the melatonin secretion ability is relatively strong. "

"There are also younger sisters who want the vest line. After going to the gym for a few days, they worry about excessive exercise and wonder whether they will become Schwarzenegger, but they do not know that testosterone in a person's body. The amount will determine the amount of muscle. The sisters do n’t even have testosterone. If the sisters want to get beautiful muscles, there are only two ways. Either inject steroids or transplant two. ”

Luo Luojia understood the meaning of Shen Lang. Science is amazing, but science is also cruel. Your IQ, your height and physique, whether you are handsome or beautiful, are largely determined by genetics and hormones.

There is a nasty feeling in life, called powerlessness. Obviously, you have paid ten times as much effort as others, but you cannot get the results you want. What you should do at this time is not to complain about God's injustice, but to learn to be scientific Ways to control and change your hormones.

If all children can detect growth hormone secretion and timely supplement growth hormone before the age of eleven, everyone in the world can have a height of more than 1.8 meters.

Science is so magical, whoever masters this tool will become invincible.

The reason why Luo Jia put the life science department at the top of the company's third largest department is because the life science thing is even better than Xiuxian novels. It can really change lives against the sky. Even if it is aging, it is also secreted by the pituitary gland. Aging hormones are under control, and by blocking the secretion of these hormones, humans can prolong their lives.

Anyway, Luo Jia said by Shen Lang understands, but Shen Lang, who is 14 years old, talked with Miss Luo Jia on the video phone, and she did n’t talk about Miss Sister. She had to stun her parents. Fortunately, Luo Jia also I found out that the situation was wrong, and quickly turned the topic.

Cough ~

Luo Jia coughed intentionally and said: "I understand what you mean. Humans think they can control their bodies, but science tells us that you can't control them at all. What really works is hormones, but this has nothing to do with movies. . "

Shen Lang said: "Of course it matters. Since hormones can control human thinking and behavior, we can study a set of algorithms on vision and hearing to activate adrenaline secretion in humans."

"It happened that the company had a Department of Life Science ~ ~ Yinghui was just following the two doctors Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng. I said that the idea was good and Yinghui immediately agreed. They are responsible for algorithm research ... "

浪 Shen Lang quickly explained to Luo Jia.

When it comes to professional matters, Shen Lang's parents didn't understand, but after listening to what Shen Lang and Luo Jia stopped talking about, the parents gradually became relieved, but Luo Jia and Shen Lang talked really fast. To ordinary people For the most part, it's like a huge noise that is causing them headaches.

His eyes gradually shone, Luo Jia fully understood everything the Shen Lang team did.

Science tells us that the reason why you are bored with a movie is not determined by you, but by your neurocognitive system. In the same way, the reason why you feel so happy is because the neurocognitive The cognitive system activates adrenaline secretion.

After understanding this, Shen Lang led the geniuses of Xingchen University to create a brand-new, perhaps the most unreasonable genre in the century of film history.

Hormones blow up!

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