Technological Hegemony

Chapter 547: Huaxia Standard and the guys who lie on Xingchen Technology

The North American authorities were clever and sent ICAO to negotiate with Xingchen Technology. However, they never expected that Luo Jia had dug the pit. Xingchen Bus never recognized itself as an aircraft, but a new type of bus.

As a bus manufacturer, Xingchen Technology negotiates with ICAO. It doesn't make much sense to talk about it. It is also an international bus organization. However, in this world, there does not seem to be an international bus organization ...

In any case, when the time came to mid-June, the ICAO delegation was aggressive and arrived in the capital of Shanghai. In addition to ICAO, IATA, the International Transport and Aviation Association, also dispatched a four-member delegation.

The reason why IATA is fun is that ICAO must pay attention because the attributes of the two major aviation organizations are different.

IATA is a non-governmental organization with no official background, while ICAO is a formal official organization of eight hundred. Authorities in various countries have paid and sent representatives. ICAO's international civil aviation code has status equivalent to international law. To obey.

China is also one of the ICAO Contracting States and has participated in the formulation of the civil aviation code. However, Huaxia has a relatively weak voice in this official organization. Even if it wants to prevent ICAO from exerting pressure on Xingchen Technology, it can do nothing.

After all, in this world, you still have to rely on strength. No matter how many ICAO members are, it is always North America and Europe that can say everything. For no reason, almost all civil aviation aircraft in the world come from North America. And Europe, in this field, people are great.

After a night's rest, the ICAO delegation went to the Star Technology Headquarters in Baoshan District, Shanghai. The process seemed to be going smoothly. Star Technology was very polite. It opened a luxurious guest room and sent a warm reception from the Administration Department. The lady in charge of the reception told Mr. Hampton that when the owner Luo Jia would come to the scene.

"It's pretty much the same." Hampton Director General of ICAO nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction at Luo Jia's personal welcome.

Sure enough, Luo Jia appeared in the reception room a few minutes later, wearing a refreshing white T-shirt and blue jeans, looking very energetic.

By the next month, Luo Jia is only 27 years old and still young. It is difficult to associate him with the identity of the world ’s richest man and the head of the tough guy group. People who are unknown may even regard him as a graduate who has not graduated long. College students.

"Mr. Zhou."

Luo Jia stepped forward with a smile and greeted the only Chinese person in the delegation. Zhou Tingkun didn't expect that Luo Jia should talk to himself first. He was somewhat flattered and hurried to get up with Luo Jia's hand.

ICAO Huaxia is also a contracting party. It is normal for Huaxia to be present in the delegation, and it is only natural for Luo Jiaxian to greet his compatriots.

The Director General Hampton frowned slightly, blowing a moustache, he seemed a little dissatisfied and felt that he was the most important of these representatives present, and Zhou Tingkun was just an unknown soldier in the civil aviation organization.

"Actually, I voted against it." Zhou Tingkun shrugged helplessly and said with apology: "Unfortunately, in the field of aviation, the most important companies are from the West, and the rules also follow the Western rules. We do not have much say."

Luo Jia smiled and said faintly: "Understanding, because there is no right to speak, Xingchen Technology decided to play in person. From now on, we will carry the sky in China."

Although the words are simple, they are really arrogant!

Zhou Tingkun stunned suddenly, looking at Luo Jia's eyes more and more hot, and the haze in his heart swept away, as if as long as Xingchen Technology came out, there would be no trouble.

After the guests of the two sides took a seat, after a little embarrassment, Luo Jia said, "What are you doing here in Huaxia this time?"

Isn't this knowingly asked?

Hampton secretly sneered and said with a sneer, "Of course for your company."


Luo Jia pretended to be surprised, "That's weird. As far as I know, we do not have any intersection between Xingchen Technology and ICAO."

Hampton sneered, "It didn't exist in the past, but now that you have put into production supersonic aircraft, you are naturally a member of ICAO. According to the rules of international civil aviation, the sale and export of supersonic aircraft must be restricted. It ’s not just who you want to sell to. ”

"There have been rumors recently that you are planning to sell supersonic aircraft to Iran. Considering the harmony of the international community, your approach is obviously inappropriate. We ICAO will refuse to approve this transaction ..."

"Wait." Luo Jia frowned, and interrupted Hampton. "I have to correct something. We started the Star Bus, not an airplane."

"In other words, what we do is a bus business, but you need your international civil aviation approval? How can this be the case?"


Looking at Luo Jia's righteous words, Hampton's face changed greatly, feeling like eating a fly, his chest was clogged, and Hua Xia's representative Zhou Tingkun almost broke out with internal injuries. He thought that Luo Jia's use of deer as a horse was too great. It ’s cool, it ’s a flying saucer, but it ’s hard to say that it ’s a bus. People who come up with such tricky ideas are definitely geniuses.

"But your star buses can fly, and the speed has already exceeded Mach 3! How can there be flying buses in the world!" Hampton said anxiously.

"Flying and speed don't prove anything," Luo Jia said. "Harry Potter's broom will also fly. According to your logic, does the magic broom also require approval from your international aviation organization?"

Hampton was furious immediately. "General Luo, you are also a person of identity! How can you say such irresponsible words? Harry Potter is fictitious, and we are talking about reality!"

"In the real world, as long as it can fly and can carry people, it is an airplane! We must accept the management of our ICAO!"

"That may not be so."

Looking at Hampton's desperate look, Luo Jia laughed suddenly, and a radian evoked from the corner of his mouth. He waved his hand and let the secretary take the printed document and distribute it to everyone.

"In 1903, the Wright brothers invented the aircraft, and they were permanently loaded into the annals of history." Luo Jia stood up and looked out of the window with deep eyes. "However, the wheels of history rolled forward. Today, more than a century later, the rules have been changed. . "

"What you have in hand is an official document issued by the Ministry of Communications of China this morning. From now on, all non-flying vehicles must not use the name bus. From now on, in China , Buses must have the ability to take off and land vertically, they must be able to fly, otherwise they can only be called wheeled cars. "

What's going on! ?

Everyone at the scene was stupid. The national team came forward to support Star Technology and help them rewrite the rules of the game?

From now on, only Chinese vehicles that can fly and have vertical take-off and landing capabilities are eligible to call buses. As for the speed, it doesn't matter. After all, buses have not only long-distance but also short-distance. Speed ​​of sound.

"Niubi! Only those who can fly are eligible to call a bus. Huaxia is the rhythm of rewriting the rules!"

"Don't be convinced, you can study a flying saucer if you have the ability."

"That is, the flying saucer was invented by Xingchen Technology. Whatever they want to call a flying saucer, they can be called anything!"

"Where is this? Because of the urine of Xingchen Technology's steel straight men, maybe they will invent the starship tomorrow, but insist that the starship is a carriage!"

"Strong support! Horse model Starship praise!"

"In fact, it does n’t matter what the name is. The stars of Xingchen Technology may not even care. What they really care about is the right to set the rules of the game! Lao Tzu said that UFOs are buses, that is buses! They want this."

"Oh my God, come and see the lunatics of Huaxia, they call the flying saucer a bus, and they plan to make a starship a famous carriage!"

Compared to the Hampton team who knows the future, the Internet has been noisy for a long time. The national team has a strong heart and star technology, pointing at the deer as a horse and using a flying saucer as a bus. This wave of operation is really too coquettish and almost angered the foreigner Their noses.

What's more, the wording used in the official announcement is what the official family said.

Due to the different levels of technology, the definition of buses is always changing. In ancient times, people used ox carts and buses as buses. After the invention of cars, cars were used as buses all over the world. Now China has entered the era of flying, so UFOs are used as buses. There is nothing we can do. The level of science and technology has reached the point where it is necessary to update. According to the Chinese tradition, everything must go with the flow.

This is well-founded and really makes people speechless. Think about it, too. Huaxia has developed to a stage where UFOs can be used as buses. It just makes no sense to stop and wait for others.

Thinking of the first industrial revolution of the year, the West did not wait for other countries, but used the advantages brought by the industrial revolution to colonize the world and burn and plunder everywhere.

As the so-called feng shui turns, there is reincarnation in the heavens, and it should come sooner or later. As the evidence of the sky, the Chinese people will definitely return to their original status.


After Luo Jia sent away the ashamed Hampton team, it didn't take long for the news of NATO to lift sanctions on Star Technology. The source was a general and there should be nothing wrong.

So at another regular meeting of the Authority, Luo Jia told everyone this news. Everyone was not surprised when they heard it. Even Cao Yuan, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, even vowed.

"To be honest, I really want to sell a few star buses to Yiguo, and directly open the express express from Yiguo to Washington, which is more fun." Cao Yuan muttered.

"You can pull it down ~ ~" Anran smiled and cursed: "I thought you would be more mature when you come to the Authority. Why are you afraid of the unruly children's temper? Even if we want to make North America, we will be honest Head-to-head confrontation will not borrow the hand of a hooligan like Iran. After all, we are a well-known steel straight men's group. Everyone lives forever, and all of them are autumn. The company's brothers simply disdain to cooperate with Iraq. "

Cao Yuan poked his lips. "That's the same. Although everyone doesn't like North America, it's more disgusting to those **** countries. I'm just YY. I'm bored to do experiments every day. Since I took the ion to advance this big pit, I The hair fell off one by one. "

An Ran smiled, "Knowing the hardships you have been through, but there is nothing you can do now. The company has already entered the deep water area, and one project is more difficult than the other."

"Even the hard research and development, you know, we are rushing forward, but there are still a bunch of **** behind, lying on us to **** blood."

"Who, who?" When Cao Yuan patted the table, he burst out furiously: "Dare to **** the blood of our tough guy sky group? Are you not afraid to break your teeth?"

An Ran snorted coldly. "Who else can be, the real estate gang of people scream, we are desperately repairing the air bus station, these grandchildren are scraping the ground around us."

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