Technological Hegemony

Chapter 560: An era of global turmoil!

U.S.-Mexico border city, Tijuana.

A towering wall separates North America and Mexico from the rich and arrogant lighthouse country and the barren and chaotic drug dealer country.

If you follow the news from Latin America, you will often hear that the mayor was shot dead by drug dealers just a few hours after taking office, the military police and drug dealers were fighting in the streets, and the military and police were defeated, releasing drug dealers who should have been sentenced to death, Wait for news that is more magical than the absurd novel.

In 1994, Mexico joined the NAFTA. This day is undoubtedly a disastrous day for Mexican farmers.

In this world, agriculture may seem inconspicuous, but it is actually a top-level scientific and technological force. If you do not master the core agricultural science and technology and do not have Master Yuan Longping, you will be taught by the powers.

The average corn yield in Mexico is 1.7 tons per hectare, compared with 6.9 tons per hectare in North America. The huge differences in technology, subsidies, infrastructure, weather services, etc. make Mexican farmers unable to compete with North America.

When the market was opened, low-priced corn from North America poured in wildly, destroying the foundations on which Mexican farmers depended, and the Mexican farmers who lost their viability had only two choices at this time, or they would stay on the land. Plant poppies, work for drug dealers, or go to the city to work for North American oligarchs at low wages.

The vast majority of people look at the world with good intentions, but ordinary people can't imagine how cruel the real world is and let a large number of farmers go bankrupt. This is a strategy set by the ruling classes of the United States and Mexico after consultation. of.

In fact, there is a fifteen-year protection clause for Mexican farmers in the Mexico's contract to join the North American Free Trade Area, but can you imagine that the Mexican authorities chose not to implement the clause and gave up the fifteen-year protection period, leaving thousands of Ten thousand farmers went bankrupt.

Why is this?

As we all know, North America has a strong union system. The union requires too many rights and wages are too high for the capitalists. The Mexican farmers honestly seem to be bullying, but they want to squeeze the farmers in Mexico next door. They left the land and entered the city.

The question is, how can we get Mexican farmers into the city?

The answer is the North American Free Trade Agreement, which has brought millions of self-cultivated farmers to bankruptcy through the shock of low-cost agricultural products. At the same time, North American capital has invested heavily in Mexico to recruit farmers to work in cities.

In this dirty and heinous deal, the Mexican authorities received investment, collected taxes from North American factories, boosted GDP, and produced industrial products in North America with cheap labor. The only thing that is lost is the peasant class, but in the eyes of the elite, who cares about a group of peasants.

As for drug dealers, it is only a by-product of this dirty trade. Some farmers did not work in cities as planned, but chose to serve drug dealers, but in the final analysis, who do drug dealers serve?

It is not serving North America yet, so all causes and consequences constitute a loop of no solution, making the country of Mexico deeper and deeper in the chaos.

The ancient cloud, leaning against a tree to enjoy the cold, is not entirely correct.

Suppose you are a North American, backed by a powerful country, of course, you can get more resources in this world. Suppose you are a Chinese, backed by 1.4 billion compatriots and 9.6 million wide world, when you go to Southeast Asia, Naturally, I will think in my heart, "Cut, these small projectiles ...".

Therefore, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the good weather is for the citizens of a big country. Small countries think that being close to a big country is simply terrible in the real world.

The trouble in Mexico is that it is too far away from God and too close to North America, and another major country, Huaxia, and its surrounding Vietnam, if it does not preach hatred against China, it will be extinct.

Suppose that one day, the masses in Vietnam start to think, why are the ancient sites in our country and all our historical books in Chinese characters? Why did we go to worship at Confucius before the exam? Why do we also celebrate August 15 and the Lunar New Year?

It does n’t matter if you think about it that way. It ’s over. They will find that they have nothing at all. They are all given to you by neighboring countries. The so-called national pride is all nonsense. What is the significance of such a country and nation without a spiritual core?

If you often travel to these countries, you will find a very strange phenomenon. In South Korea and Vietnam, churches have sprung up, new churches are magnificent, and the statues of the Virgin and Christ come to life.

It is also a neighboring country. This strange phenomenon does not exist. Even Cambodia and Laos do not exist, only Vietnam and South Korea.

For no other reason, all cultural habits in Vietnam and South Korea are copied from Huaxia, which belongs to piracy. In order not to be exterminated by the impoverished country, they can only choose to engage in cultural deviations, so as not to be completely assimilated.

This sense of crisis related to national self-confidence can never be imagined by the Huaxia people, because the Huaxia people belong to the oldest and most powerful ancient civilization on earth and have their own roots.

Foreign gods came to Huaxia and opened the door of the Huaxia people. What they saw was a famous history, full of loyalty, and eternal love. People who have been influenced by the Chinese tradition can hardly believe in foreign gods, because the ranks of foreign gods are not high, and the story is nothing. creativity.

Anyway, from an early age, Luo Jia regarded Greek mythology and one thousand and one nights as small books. For a while, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, and then princesses and monkeys, the scale was astounding.

All in all, Mexico is a Latin American country, but what are South Korea and Vietnam? They are members of the monster house in East Asia, and the group around Huaxia is the most kind and best-selling country on earth. It is by no means comparable to Latin countries.

Why is North America desperate to stop East Asian countries from joining forces?

Because if the Confucian monster room is joined together one day, no one on the earth can restrain it, the Germanic group cannot, the Anglo-Saxon group of robbers cannot, as well as the South Asian subcontinent group, Latin group, Slavic group, Turkic group, Arab group, and even more Not even a door.

The question is, why are there no black uncles in Africa who are keen on hanging?

Quite simply, the formation of a human ethnic group must be at least a little cultural. A group of gorillas is called a social animal ...

In any case, South Korea and Vietnam chose to depart from China and vowed to fight, and the Mexicans most hated that North America had not annexed the entire territory of Mexico at that time, all because of national character.

History tells us that character determines choice, and choice determines destiny.

At this moment, there are Mexicans, Haitians, Venezuelans, Costa Ricans, Guatemalans, and all Latinos who are frustrated in reality under the high walls of the US-Mexico border.

"Let us go!"

"One God, One America!"

They shouted slogans, squeezed with their bodies, and knocked on the border fence. The fence made of steel bars constantly shook and shook, causing North American military police in the back to sweat like a enemy.

"Stop! You are hitting the North American border illegally!"

"Stop your violations immediately!"

"Police brothers in Mexico, you don't care about these lunatics!"

The North American military police yelled with a loudspeaker, and the Mexican military police across the country scoffed at it, no matter? How about If it is because of their profession, they all want to overturn the fence, then rush to the lighthouse country, take their lives, and stop these red-eyed guys? Mexican military police are not crazy, why? Anyway, these people are going to trouble North America, and it's a matter of Mexican birds.

Bang ~

With a muffled sound, dozens of steel fences fell suddenly, forming a gap of about ten meters wide. The nearest refugees refused to let them go, carrying their bags and dragging their homes towards the North American territory.


"Damn! Stop your illegal behavior soon!" Shouted the loudly.

Bang ~

However, the voice just came down, and a gunshot came from the chaos. I don't know whether it was a refugee or a policeman's gun went out. In short, the gunshot finally brought chaos to the climax.

The refugees shouted, claiming that the military and police shot and killed their companions. In anger, they desperately snatched the military and police weapons, overturned the military and police, and then stepped on the military police with countless feet. Screaming like a pig.

The situation is changing, and while Latin American refugees are hitting the US-Mexico border, the narrowest distance between Europe, Spain, and Morocco is only 14 kilometers in the Gibraltar Strait. The boats lined up for tens of kilometers, and the scene was spectacular.

History will not be forgotten. As early as May 6, 2017, the European Parliament urgently called on the Ministry of Commerce of China to protest that the quality of the rubber boats made by Huaxia was too good. A large number of refugees took the rubber boats made by Huaxia and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar. Cross the Mediterranean Sea, through the Tyrrhenian Sea, through the Aegean Sea, across all European coastlines, and flood in.

This incident was taken as a joke. The high quality of Huaxia rubber boats led to an increase in refugees in Europe. This is a typical **** logic. Huaxia naturally rejected European requests and continued to export a large number of rubber boats to the Middle East and North Africa.

But the sudden appearance of these high-quality rubber boats is still incomprehensible. Just overnight, tens of thousands of stocks came out, sold at amazingly low prices, and could accommodate 24 people. A sturdy rubber boat with a single-engine engine sells for only $ 1,200, which is equivalent to paying $ 50 per person for a direct ticket to Europe?

There is no need to worry about sailing routes. The rubber boat comes with micro navigation, and the navigation locations are all over Greece, Italy, Spain, and Cyprus. This type of European territory is closest to North Africa and the Middle East.

For a while, the West was close to the enemy, and they suddenly realized that they might have messed up. At first, they refused to sell drugs and gave priority to North America, followed by Europe's strategy ~ ~. It was all for the disgusting Huaxia and Xingchen Technology. After all, before Xingchen Technology often does just that, keep the good things on its own, and specialize in inspecting some who are not high enough, sell them to foreigners to make money, and angry Western teeth are itchy.

However, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the White House never expected that the Carmen Vortex Street Power Array will not be sold if it is not sold, and the metabolism control medicaments will not be sold, and it will die for you every minute!

The nature is completely different!

When the West understands it, it will announce that metabolism-controlling medicines will be sold worldwide, trying to stop the booming refugee wave.

But they never thought that at this time, the moths were out again. According to folk rumors, the metabolism control agents for North American takeaway are not the same!

The original North American medicine has almost doubled the average life expectancy, while the weakened version sold for at least three or five years may even be a placebo at all, which is completely ineffective.

The Chinese people heard this rumor, and they suddenly felt like they had known each other. It seems that when the well-known people spread rumors in China before, they said the same thing ...

It sounds familiar ...

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