Technological Hegemony

Chapter 573: Space elevator is complete!

Luo Jia was pleased with the progress of the ion propulsion project. After testing the performance in person, he set off for Weigu Island, and Cao Pingyuan went directly to Inner Mongolia to converge with the company's No. 2 project leader Momo Bei to further improve the ion Thruster, practical application in starship project.

Uh ~

When the plane landed on Weigu Island, the heat wave was so high that Luo Jia felt that he was about to be ignited. He unbuttoned his shirt and gasped heavily.

Since Weigu Island is an overseas leased land, not a land of Huaxia, there is no air bus system, and Luo Jia had to change to a jet in Sanya.

It is often said that from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality, there are now two very different transportation systems on the planet. After getting used to the fastness of airbus, Luo Jia felt unbearable for more than two hours. It's not that he can't help but he doesn't want to go abroad at all.

You can say that he is lazy, or that he lacks romanticism, anyway, as soon as he goes abroad, Luo Jia is uncomfortable and inconvenient in transportation. He needs to take cash for change when he buys things, and he holds a dirty banknote in his hand. Luo Jia felt as if he had returned to the primitive society, in an era of barter.

"You're getting more and more delicate now." An Ran greeted with a Panamanian hat and smiled. He saw Luo Jia's helpless expression and couldn't help but laugh.

Luo Jia gave him a white look and looked up at the temperature displayed on his watch. "The ground temperature is close to forty degrees. This alien can't stand me, and big data supports me."

"If you are afraid of the heat, you are afraid of the heat. What does it have to do with big data?" Anran muttered, and handed Luo Jia a Panama straw hat. Although the name was foreign, it was an authentic Guangzhou product.

Huaxia's in-depth research on fluid mechanics has run through all aspects. This hat is an improved version optimized by Xingchen Industrial Software. Air flow will generate microcirculation inside the hat, taking away excess heat.

Luo Jia smiled slightly. "You don't know. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is conducting a large-scale investigation recently. It has been found that since the popularity of Star Bus, Chinese people have become increasingly reluctant to go abroad and travel to Europe and the Americas. The number of people has plummeted. Even if you really want to go out for a trip, everyone is usually in a relatively short distance. Neon and South Korea are popular with people due to the rapid advancement of East Asian integration and similar cultures, followed by Southeast Asian countries. "

"Big data shows that not only can I not stand bad traffic now, and I hate traveling abroad, the people all over the country are becoming more and more picky, and they are more willing to stay in developed and convenient domestic vacations."

Enran said: "Isn't this exactly your goal? To vigorously develop domestic tourism, everyone in the province is going outside. Today, domestic travel is not only convenient in transportation, but also low in price. The services are all a group of robots, dedicated and lovely."

"I want to say that this is very good. Before, we ran to begging to travel to others without spending money, but we were blind-eyed, so awkward, now we're fine, please don't go."

The two had already entered the terminal while talking, and the air-conditioning in the terminal was very comfortable, coupled with the fatigue of the journey and some thirst, Luo Jia decided to drink a glass of juice before going to the base.

They came to the cafe on the first floor, Luo Jia ordered iced coconut juice, and Enran ordered passion fruit. The two looked for a corner and talked about the changes in the past two years.

Technology changes the world and the road to the sea. This kind of topic is the existence that Luo Jia and Enron are most interested in. As for the Huaxia people now do not like to travel to Thailand, the Thai girl is very injured, and so on. In fact, they are just a pastime after dinner.

"There is a problem we must pay attention to." Enran suddenly turned sharply and said very seriously: "Now it is November, the temperature of Weigu Island is still hot and unbearable, and the temperature in the cold region is terribly low. The Australian fire is still raging, volcanoes are erupting everywhere, earthquakes are becoming more frequent, all data are telling us, Mother Earth is booming again. "

"Yeah." Luo Jia couldn't help but sigh, "The horror of nature is that it is unpredictable. Some people say that the earth is warming, but at the same time, scientists predict that the earth will enter the cold Ice Age. In the eyes of geologists, , Frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions seem to bring hints of increased plate motion. "

"All pre-research seems to make sense, but no one can make a true and accurate judgment. Everyone is just guessing, including us, and they don't know the future. Compared to nature, North America and the West can only be considered pediatrics. Then. "

Enron spread his arms and made a helpless look. "Human power is still small in the face of nature. Perhaps you are right, this is not a question of whether we want to change nature, but if we cannot change nature. , It will perish. All the creatures that ruled the earth before humans, such as dinosaurs, have one thing in common, that is, they are all dead. "

Luo Jia and Enran talked in this way. They were topics related to nature or the fate of human beings. After drinking the drinks in their cups, they drove to the No. 1 base.

Countless thick cables connect the earth to space. Its foundation is in the highest mountain on Weigu Island. The mountain has already been hollowed out, and the inside is where the No. 1 base is located.

The military, the authorities, and Xingchen Technology's team jointly operate this mysterious underground base. So far, it has never been opened to anyone. After all, the space elevator project is really too important. Not too much.

Suppose you ’ve taken a train and you ’ll know a little bit about how space elevators work. Cables are a mix of graphene nanotubes and carbon nanotubes. They ’re light and strong, just like railroad tracks. Their only task is to turn the planet Tethered to the Zero Space Station, what is really performing the transportation task are the self-elevating space elevator and the high-power ultrasonic motor inside the elevator.

The elevator has its own power and continuously climbs along the orbit. The fast track takes twelve hours to reach the zero space station, and the freight slow track takes seventy-two hours. During the elevator operation, humans eat, drink, and drink Lazarus. The only difference between a train is that the train is moving forward and the space elevator is moving upward.

"Well, it's quite comfortable." Luo Jia sat in the large seat of the passenger express rail and patted it hard, sighing: "I really hope that I can sit this thing early and go to our space station to see it."

Enron expresses its serious approval, they actually want to go up and see.

However, they cannot go because space is a restricted area for human beings. Assuming Luo Jia and Enran run to the synchronous orbit station, that is not to help the robot engineering team, but to trouble them.

After all, the robot does not need oxygen, nor does it need to eat, bath, and use the toilet. At present, the zero space station under crazy construction is based on the highest speed of construction. There is no water, no oxygen, no roasted duck and beer, no radiation protection coating. The environment is very harsh, and only robots that are not afraid of anything can survive there.

This is like building a house. Before the roof is capped, the building is obviously not suitable for living. If you are building and decorating people, the efficiency is too low.

The decoration and plumbing will not enter until the building is completed. The decoration and plumbing are completed. The refrigerator is powered on and the bedding is placed on the bed so that humans can move in. This is a necessary process.

To what extent has Space Zero been built today?

If the building is taken as an example, within three days, Space Station Zero will be capped, and the degree of completion of all projects will be completed.

Luo Jia and Enron came to Weigu Island. The day after tomorrow, there will be more people from the national team and company to celebrate the capping of Space Station Zero.

After the capping, there will be 45 days of decoration and trial operation. On January 1, next year, the first batch of space residents will be stationed in the space station. From now on, it will be 48 days later that the space station 0 will be opened to pick up passengers.

"No problem here, let's go and see the freight elevator." Enron said.

So Luo Jia went with him to those large freight elevators and two small high-speed elevators. In addition to the high speed, whether it is carrying people or loading, the capacity of small elevators is very limited. The real main force in the plan, Still these giants.

The freight elevator is responsible for transporting water and food. In the future, it will transport the starship module and enter the space dock for assembly. If the interstellar mining progresses smoothly, the elevator will also be responsible for transporting the precious ore in space back to Earth.

Anyway, this space elevator is a bridge for human beings to connect to the universe. It may not be the first step for mankind to enter the sea of ​​stars, but it is definitely the most important step.

When Musk was still desperately releasing the rocket to the sky, Xingchen Technology had completed the elimination of the rocket species. The space base located in Jiuquan, China will mainly undertake research and education in the future, taking students to review history and miss the past What, no more rocket launch.

From wines made in Yantai to canned fish in Zhoushan to snail flour in Guangxi, Luo Jia looked at the freight elevator that was about to lift off, and felt that the footsteps of the space age were getting closer and closer, and the base was already 48 days later. Settle in and prepare enough food and fresh water.

In addition, he was also deeply impressed by the taste of the straight men. Taking snail powder to the space station to eat it is by no means ordinary people can think of. Fortunately, it is not durian ...

According to Xingchen Technology's traditional tradition ~ ~ In addition to eating, there are also a lot of strange and weird things. Enron stared at a 4.5-meter-high, Iron Man model, which was the first batch of the team to enter One of the mascots of the straight steel men who asked to be delivered.

"What do you think?" Enron asked Luo Jia.

"Not much, wait until the miniaturization of nuclear fusion is completed, we will make it happen." Luo Jia said with certainty.

Enron froze slightly, nodding his head slightly, turning sci-fi into reality. The good days of the straight steel men may really be coming. The ambition is so big that the earth can no longer tolerate them.

Uh ~

Witnessing that the freight elevator was getting smaller and smaller at an amazing speed, and finally disappeared into the blue sky above him, Luo Jia couldn't help feeling that the toilet was sent up, how far away was the day when the space station handed in the house.

Banging ~

When Luo Jia was imagining the future, he suddenly felt a little shaking under his feet, and the duration was very short, just a few seconds.

"It seems to be shaking, isn't it an earthquake?" An Ran muttered.

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