Technological Hegemony

Chapter 627: Finding absolute 0 degrees

"Teacher, can you please not be so impulsive in the future?"

"It's dangerous!"

With a concerned tone, Shen Lang complained to Luo Jia. Although Luo Jia gave him a high degree of authority, no matter how high the authority was, he couldn't control the teacher's mischief.

This time, Luo Jia was alone, leading the mechanical army to penetrate the enemy's nest. After the addiction of the wild darts, it caused an ups and downs in the company. Everyone was worried about death, and they all jumped out to urge them to be honest. Really stay at the base, don't ever go out again to cause trouble.

"Do you want to treat me as an old man? Although the company has been established for ten years, but I am only twenty-nine years old, I still have a young heart." Luo Jia frowned, grumbled dissatisfied, "Now not crazy, do you want to When I get a white beard? "

"I don't want to wait until I get old, and my memories are all endless work, endless trials. Let me tell you the truth, the establishment of a management bureau and the promotion of young people is to let you pick the backbone in the future."

"I've been working hard for ten years, and I want to do something more interesting in the future. It's just the beginning. If I have the chance, I will definitely go deep into the stars and see more people and scenery. I mean it. No, you do n’t need to persuade, and you ca n’t persuade. ”


This time it's Shenlang's turn to be silent. Perhaps it's too early to get famous. People are forgetting that Luo Jia is actually a young man. He is not married yet, and has a passion for adventure. He has a more magnificent life.

Hey ~

Shen Lang sighed helplessly and followed the teacher. As a result of the golden dome, Luo Jia was in a much better physical condition than his peers. He had no wrinkles on his skin. Even if he was seventeen, people Will not hesitate to believe.

Human beings are animals that will never be satisfied. Many people will go skydiving, climb Mount Everest, dive, or find a young girl to perform a trick of a begonia begonia after they become famous. Is it because they did it?

No, it's because of human nature.

Today Luo Jia already has almost everything, wealth, rights, honor, absolute loyalty to the Mechanical Legion. He is still unsatisfied. In the foreseeable future, he will definitely do many incredible things. At this point, Luo Jia, who has always been seeking truth from facts, did not lie, it was really just the beginning.

Slap ~

Opening the sealed door and closing it again, Luo Jia saw the soldier in the next room. He was tied to the icy alloy seat, snoring all over, and looked terrified.

This man was the captive that Luo Jia had brought back before. He handed these guys to Shen Lang and let Shen Lang take charge of the interrogation.

"How did you do that? How did you scare them like this bird?" Luo Jia asked Shen Lang curiously, when the star claws controlled them, these guys were still unconvinced, but now they are one hundred The 80-degree turn turned almost scared.

Shen Lang said calmly: "It's very simple. Send Star Shura and Star Executors to interrogate them to convince them that we are really a mechanical civilization, the strongest and most notorious of the stars."

Luo Jia shook his lips. Whether on Earth or the stars, history is written by the victors. The mechanical civilization that challenged the entire universe has failed and died. It is conceivable that the history of the stars will portray them as vicious and cruel people. It is the most notorious existence in the history of stars, and it is definitely not a lie.

Do n’t think that the robots designed by mechanical civilization are innocent children like humans and animals that are harmless. They are much more embarrassed. For example, the Star Executioner, the Star Shura, the Star Naga, and so on. Those robots are simply mechanical devil. Scared the child into nightmares.

It seems that these fighters of the Icefang civilization have seen the horror of the Mech clan, so when they saw the emergence of horrifying robots, they immediately thought that they were really captured by the Mech clan, and in the legend, the mechanical civilization has transformed the captives into Bloody tradition of half man and half machine.

"Good job," Luo Jia said with a slight nod. "They were lifted from the freezer. They didn't know that the mechs had died. We could just use this opportunity to get the truth out of their mouths."

Shen Lang said: "I judge their confidence has collapsed. Now the teacher can ask them any questions, I believe they will know everything."

"Just him." Luo Jia glanced, and selected the triangle eyes that seemed to be the leader of the four, ready to interrogate in person.

"Well, his name is Hassan, and he is the captain of this group of people." Shen Lang said as he passed the information obtained in the pre-trial to Luo Jia. Before Luo Jia, these fighters of the Icefang civilization had been questioned Over again.

In fact, Shen Lang's heart was not filled with many questions. As we all know, the Mechanical Corps was designed by Luo Jia. In the past, Shen Lang believed this and felt that his teacher was the strongest genius in the universe.

However, it seems that there are still many secrets of Luo Jia. The Mechanical Corps and the primary artificial intelligence are the heritage of mechanical civilization. To be sure, Luo Jia and mechanical civilization must have many secrets.

Mechanical civilization is in the stars, and teachers are in the earth.

Mechanical civilization died in the last century. The teacher is 29 years old.

Shen Lang became more and more confused, and really wanted to put a lot of strange twists and turns on Luo Jia.

Fortunately, Shen Lang's loyalty is unquestionable. Luo Jia did not explain all day, and he could only hide all doubts in his heart. With Luo Jia's right and status today, he did not need to explain to anyone.

Eyes quickly swept across the dossier. During the initial interrogation, Shen Lang had already ascertained the identity of the enemy.

They are the ice tooth civilization exploration team. They came to this planet to find the ultimate pole shape of meteorological weapons, absolutely zero!

For a long time, the ice-tooth civilization has been living in the shadow of a more powerful snow-based civilization. Among the stars with the highest strength, the best way for ice-tooth civilization to rise is to build stronger weather weapons and limit their own weather weapons. Raise to the absolute zero in the legend.

As we all know, the temperature has an upper limit, and the Planck temperature is generally considered the highest temperature in the equilibrium state, which is about 1.416833 (85) * 10 ^ 32K.

There is also a lower temperature limit. Absolute zero is 0K, which is equivalent to minus 273.15 degrees Celsius.

It should be noted that reaching absolute zero does not stop micro-particles from moving. According to the wave-particle duality, the position is absolutely determined when the kinetic energy is 0, which is not allowed, that is, it will never be in the universe. There is absolute zero in the true sense.

All in all, the ambition of the ice tooth civilization is to create infinite meteorological weapons close to absolute zero. If possible, they even want to challenge negative temperatures ...

As a result, Hassan and others came to the country with this arduous mission, and after a series of miserable encounters, they were finally trapped. Considering that the supplies would be exhausted ~ ~ they had to freeze themselves and wait for rescue.

Unfortunately, in the following days, the stars changed dramatically, and the mechanical civilization and the ice-tooth civilization have disappeared into the long river of history. Until one and a half epochs, the Earth Fleet came here by mistake, and built a base on this rare cold planet. This awakened Hasan and others in their sleep.

"It's probably like this, but we haven't figured out why these guys came here to find absolute zero secrets." Shen Lang reported to Luo Jia.

Luo Jia smiled, and said lightly, "Why do we choose here as a base? Is it because we are stupid?"

Shen Lang froze slightly and shook his head: "Of course not. This planet is frozen all year round, and the temperature is terrible. It is a rare extremely cold planet. We have built our base here to avoid a lot of trouble. Too cold climate will Help us defend against unscrupulous reconnaissance, making it difficult for others to know what we are doing under the 10,000-meter ice layer. "

Luo Jia nodded and said, "That's it. They, like us, are coming for special climatic conditions."

"Don't hold back, continue to interrogate, and take out everything they know."

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