Technological Hegemony

Chapter 629: Star Beast 7

After the second trial, Luo Jia and Shen Lang entered the restaurant for dinner.

Although Hassan confessed everything he knew, the expressions of the two of them at the moment were not relaxed at all, but they were more dignified.

"It feels like I know something extraordinary." Shen Lang said to Luo Jia while quipping eggs, "Teacher, if Hasan is telling the truth, the major civilizations are dying, and the stars are annihilating because of touching. With the truth of the universe, if we try to grasp the power of the first elements, aren't we now very dangerous? "

"Mechanical civilization is dead, but we have inherited the technology of mechanical civilization, and now we know the secret of elemental power ..."

Luo Jia smiled. "You are worried, you must remember that in this world, the demise of civilization is the norm, and the continuation of civilization is actually an unnatural perversion."

"All the civilizations that stood side by side with the Chinese civilization at the time were all dead, and only we are alive is the best example."

"Suppose there is no technology for mechanical civilization. As early as last year, when the Galen Empire attacked the earth, we were dead. So how can we say that inheriting mechanical civilization is a dangerous thing. Without the mechanical army, we would not be able to do it. Live to this day. "

Shen Lang frowned, nodded slightly, and realized the meaning in the teacher's words.

Luo Jia continued: "In 2020, when our trade war with North America was overwhelming, the virus suddenly jumped out. Although the losses were heavy, we defeated the virus. In the same period, North America and the West, But he was n’t even recognized by the virus, so you see, who is the enemy? Does it really matter? "

"The enemy will always be there. Even without this enemy, there will be that enemy, and the only thing we can do is to concentrate all our strengths and resources to defeat them, either to survive or die. This is the eternity of every civilization. Fate. "

Shen Lang understood, his eyes became brighter and said: "This is like life sciences repeatedly calculating the limit of human life, but in reality, it is not life that really kills humans, but injuries."

"Because of the torture of injuries, almost no one can reach the end of their lives. The vast majority of humans are killed by diseases, and they can't reach the end of their lives. We should worry about our health issues rather than worrying about not living long enough. , Work hard, don't delay if you are sick, and take time to treat. "

"So, no matter who his enemies are, the battle is just fine!"

"Only a civilization that is constantly fighting and struggling to survive can be qualified to survive."

"It is because the Chengping has been too long, that it has become lazy, forgotten the difficulties of survival, and lost its instincts of unity and fighting. When the epidemic came, they were at a loss, and they were no longer fighting, leaving only happiness and arrogance."

"But we are different. Since modern times, we have been fighting! We have not forgotten the difficulties of civilization, and we can react instinctively in the face of danger!"

Luo Jia nodded slightly. "It's good to understand. The greatest enemy of civilization is not war, but ignorance and arrogance. I will give you an important task next."

Shen Lang immediately raised his chest and asked, "Teacher, what task?"

"Examine all the Clo alloys in the vault to find the original elements," Luo Jia said.

Shen Lang frowned. "No problem, but aren't you planning to be with me?"

Luo Jia smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm going to see that little guy first."


Shen Lang froze slightly, then thought of the little mouse that the teacher picked up, that is, the little hair thief who ran to the vault to steal things. According to Hassan of the triangular eye, the little white mouse was a very powerful creature named Star Beast.


"How is the little guy?" Luo Jia asked Shen Lang to go to the vault to investigate, and he came to the medical center and asked the director, Dr. Zhang Hongzhi.

Dr. Zhang raised his glasses and said very seriously, "General Manager Luo, can you tell me, what kind of animal does he belong to?"

"What's wrong?" Luo Jia asked with a frown.

Dr. Zhang shook his head again and again, "You sent him to us for treatment, but after we examined it carefully, we found a strange thing. The little mouse was recovering at an alarming rate. Less than half an hour after you left, He has recovered as before, no matter what kind of instrument we use to detect it, we can't see the trace of his previous injuries. "

"This is all amazing. It completely exceeds our knowledge of living things. If we told the two members, Wen Chengfeng and Wen Chengling, they would be surprised!"

"Don't." Luo Jia quickly waved his hand: "Brother Wen's character, I'm afraid that the little guys will be researched, you must not tell them, this little mouse is actually very poor."

"All right." Doctor Zhang shrugged disappointed.

Luo Jia touched his chin with his hands, and quickly thought in his mind. Since it is a star beast made by biological civilization, it is not too surprising that the mouse has amazing body repairing ability.

This can explain why Triangular Eye Hasan would be so heavy on the mouse, because he knew that even if he was disabled, it wouldn't take long for the little guy's body to recover, and it wouldn't hurt the essence at all.

"The physical pain can be recovered, but the trauma in the heart is not necessarily traumatic." Luo Jia sighed and muttered softly.

Click ~

With a muffled sound, the door of the confinement medical room was opened. Luo Jia saw that the little mouse curled up at the corner of the wall, lowered its head, and looked dazed in front of its own shadow, looking really pathetic.

"He's quite obedient." Dr. Zhang said to Luo Jia, "Since I was in the medical center, I have been taking this stupid look. I can't resist checking him, but he's a good boy. He doesn't seem to be angry, not at all. Lively."

Luo Jia nodded and motioned for Dr. Zhang to go out, while he was sitting opposite the white mouse, looking curiously.

She has been abused and never cared for, which should be the reason for the gloomy character of the little guy. Luo Jia turned her golden collar while thinking.

For the little mouse, this golden ring may be a collar, but for Luo Jia, at most, it is a ring. It is smooth and can not see any abnormalities. According to Hasan, if you own this thing, you can become a small ring. The mouse's owner, he was driven at will.

In the age of World War I, the war made the stars out of order, chaos and madness. You can use a bag of fruit in exchange for a beautiful refugee girl. The army will rob the base of the free people without any punishment. Human life is like weeds, lowly, no one cares, and may be harvested at any time.

Hassan bought this little mouse in the troubled times. He is the highest-ranking star beast among the artificial creatures of biological civilization. It is also because of the powerful fighting power of the star beast that every star beast is equipped with a collar. The golden ring, as if bound by a curse, would make the beast willing to follow human trends and not resist.

The price for Hassan to buy mice is a group of top meteorological weapons that can destroy the planet. Measured by the value of the war years, it is equivalent to Hasan using a Class B survival planet in exchange for mice, which can be described as costly.

Hassan spent a lot of money to buy the Star Beast, naturally has high hopes for the mouse, hoping that he can become his left arm and right arm, helping him to build his career.

However, the combat effectiveness shown by the mouse was totally inconsistent with his worth.

The little things are stupid, they can't do anything. Except for those who are immortal, they can always recover from the painful injuries. The rest is useless to say that you ca n’t do anything. It costs you first.

Hassan soon regretted getting the little guy. He has strong resilience and can't die. Naturally, it is a very magical ability, but the performance of the white mouse in other aspects is really lacking, and I'm sorry for his expensive value.

Hasan felt that he had been deceived, suffered a loss, and felt depressed, so he punched and kicked the mouse with a nose that was not a nose, and eyes that were not eyes, and the golden collar of biological civilization was really amazing. No matter how abused by Hasan, the mouse never resisted.

"What's your name?" Luo Jia thought for a long time, and said to the little mouse curled up in the corner.

Through previous understanding and observation, Luo Jia already knows that, as high-intelligent creatures, can understand the common language of the stars, but they cannot speak, and can only answer by writing text on the ground ~ ~ It seems that the super civilization among the stars has some defense against artificial creatures and machinery, and the mechanical army does not speak. The primary artificial intelligence is very powerful, but it lacks language logic modules. Luo Jia guesses that the mechanical family This module should be intentionally ignored.

The little rat twitched his head and did not dare to disobey Luo Jia's order, but there was no excitement or surprise, and his energy kept him numb.

The ancients, sorrow is too great to die, probably that's what it means.

The mouse used a sharp and hard claw to draw on the ground. When he stopped, Luo Jia saw the text on the ground.

"Seventh? Really an uncreative name." Luo Jia read.

Then he threw the gold collar at will, letting the gold trace the arc in the air and land on the ground, making a crisp metal impact.

"Now you are free." Luo Jia said, standing up.

At his feet, the mouse No. 7 was aggressive, and if it was struck by lightning, it petrified on the spot.

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