Technological Hegemony

Chapter 657: Unlucky Offering

"The person who made the experiment has become a guinea pig himself. God, can I still be unlucky again?" Fainted, Luo Jia gradually woke up and murmured in his mouth.

The nightmare came true. Since gaining the golden dome favor and inheriting the mechanical civilization, Luo Jia has been worried about the leak of secrets and was arrested for anatomical analysis.

However, the law of the world ’s movement will not be shifted by someone ’s will. Luo Jia ’s physical fitness is different from that of ordinary people. He is still caught. He is caught by strange enemies. Right?

While in a coma, Luo Jia had many nightmares.

The enemy forcibly implanted electrodes into his brain, trying to solve the mystery of the signal across space.

The enemy used a spitting agent to tell the truth, but the strong chemical reaction burned the brain.

The enemy used a scalpel to disassemble 18 pieces of themselves and soaked in the formalin solution ...

In short, the dream is a collection of tragic circumstances, but when Luo Jia wakes up, the sound of Hai Tao patting the shore and the rich saltiness in his nose are in his ears.


"Did you say that I have not been kidnapped?"

"Everything is an illusion? Am I dreaming?"

Lots of doubts rose in Luo Jia's heart. He wanted to get up, only to find that all he could move was his eyes and neck, and his hands and feet were all numb, like he was beaten with anesthetic.

In that case, let ’s open our eyes first ...

Uh ~

The strong light stimulated the retina, Luo Jia quickly blinked his eyes, let his eyes adapt to the sun, saw the sunrise at sea, the big red sun was slowly rising, conducting light and heat, quickly warming Luo Jia's body.

There are no so-called kidnappers around, and there are no other people. This seems to be a desert island, and he is sitting paralyzed on the white stone steps.


Luo Jia thought about it, tried to twist his neck, and tried to look behind him.

After a few seconds, Luo Jia's face dimmed at a rate visible to the naked eye, because he found that he was in a worse situation than he was kidnapped and was thrown on a terrible altar.

With memory, Luo Jia recognized that this altar belongs to biological civilization, and the bizarre totem of cell division is enough to prove this.

When he got the No. 7 that year, Luo Jia had a great interest in biological civilization, so he consulted many historical materials of the stars and confidently used his judgment and memory to make no mistake.

In this world, when science develops to a certain stage and encounters bottlenecks, too many mysterious phenomena that cannot be explained by science appear, and when all scientists are driven crazy, people will instinctively return to theology and use divine power to explain those who cannot. Understand the phenomenon.

As the old saying goes, the end of science is theology, referring to this phenomenon.

Therefore, biological civilization will have altars and priests. Every once in a while, they will also launch **** sacrifices, take some unlucky eggs, and feed their own strange creatures.

The reason for their sacrifice is different from the ancients, in order to stimulate more fierce genetic mutations of strange creatures. The sacrificed creatures used are often rare genetic mutations in humans, or rare species found on faraway and harsh planets.

Biological civilization believes that if the laboratory is powerless, it must return to the starting point and seek the help of nature.

"It's over, it must be in excess of physical fitness, so it is regarded as a genetic mutation."

Luo Jia thought sadly that the sacrifice of biological civilization is not a kind. In addition to eating the sacrifice, there is also a cross, using the potion, which makes the biological instincts impulsive and impulsive, creating some non-human and non-beast freaks ...

Shaking his head, Luo Jia quickly put aside those cranky thoughts and pondered the way of survival. At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps and the voice of someone in the distance.

"Damn, this is just a desert island."

"It's not that simple. The communication device has no signal at all. There should be a shielding device nearby, which is a powerful spatial shielding position."

"This group of guys didn't even take away the personal belongings on our body. Obviously there is no fear, we are not afraid of our escape, and we are confident that we can't escape."

"It seems that there is no chance on the island. Suppose we enter the sea?"

"You're crazy! But here is a water-shaped civilization. Once it enters the sea, it's just that it shouldn't be called every day.

"Yes, water-shaped civilization is best at water creatures and water warfare, we are by no means opponents."

"What should I do? Just sit back and wait?"

There were four people, three middle-aged people, and an older elder. Listening to their conversations, it is not difficult to find that they are also sacrifices on this deserted island, just like Luo Jia, but they are awake Came earlier and went to check on the island.

"Look, that kid is awake." A middle-aged man with curly hair pointed at Luo Jia from afar.

"Ce, we all completed the whole island patrol, he just woke up, it seems that his strength is very bad." Another short middle-aged man, raised his chin in disdain.

"Don't say that." At this time, the thin old man said: "If you can be tied here to feed fish, there must be some place where we are all dying people. Don't infight."

The old man's words were calm and well-founded. The three middle-aged people were all touched and stopped talking about those that were not. One of the middle-aged people took the initiative to feed Luo Jia a few sips of water. The spring water found while cruising the island.

At the entrance of the sweet spring water, Luo Jia suddenly woke up a few minutes, the anesthesia slowly resolved, Luo Jia was able to gently hook his fingers, but his wrist still could not be lifted and he could not speak.

"Don't worry." The skinny old man said lightly: "Everyone's genes are different, maybe you are not very resistant to nerve anesthetics."

"And I don't think your looks and looks are like you have experienced a lot of tempering and fighting, so you can't activate your potential to the fullest extent in a critical moment, resulting in a slow recovery."

"In short, your peace of mind is, let's come and try to resist it. If I guess right, then the monster should be here."

monster! ?

Luo Jia's face turned white at the time.

He has always been a technology house in his life. Although he was forced to fight with the ice tooth civilization and elemental forces several times after coming to the stars, he is definitely not experienced.

Thinking of this, Luo Jia looked around, but did not see the figure of No. 7, maybe the little guy jumped into the sea and fled when he was caught. He is so small, so flexible, and should be able to escape.

For a moment, Luo Jia suddenly felt that it was good to be a small mouse. At most, he was chased around by cats, and he didn't have to worry about falling into the hands of monsters.

The skinny old man nodded gently and smiled bitterly: "Our present situation is the food on the evolutionary path of monsters."

"There is no need to doubt that the biological technology of water-shaped civilization ~ ~ is the top of the stars. We humans eat animals and get protein, fat, and trace elements at most. Can absorb our energy, our spirit, and even our soul. "

Absorb soul?

Old man, don't make a joke, it's scary to say that, okay! ?

Luo Jia was sad and inexplicable, he wanted to speak, but his tongue just didn't listen, opened his mouth, and issued only a strange whimper, really a bit like an idiot.

"Old man, leave the weak chicken alone!" A middle-aged man standing on the beach shouted at the old man: "Something is approaching from the water! Leaving that waste, we are ready to fight!"

The old man nodded gently, and finally looked at Luo Jia, with a little sympathy in his eyes, and then went behind the other three.

When they explored the island just now, they picked up some stout wood branches and some stones suitable for projectiles, and used them as weapons.

Suddenly ~

Luo Jia touched her heart, as if she was electrocuted.

Something was approaching in the sea, and that thing gave Luo Jia a feeling much like No. 7!

Although it is bigger and faster, the temperament is very similar!

What is number seven?

That is a super little monster made by biological civilization to fight against elemental power!

Even though No. 7's weak one looks like a failed work, his little monsters are not necessarily the same.

Luo Jia tried his best to shout, but still couldn't make a sound. Under struggling, he wriggled strangely like a sheep seizure.

"Shut up for me! Otherwise, I will kill you first!" The middle-aged man with curly hair turned back and shouted at Luo Jia viciously.

Hey ~

Luo Jia sighed, thinking about this bad luck, it seems that today is a real pill.

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