Technology Bigshot

Chapter 376: : I heard someone fights with me? 】

Roberts finally said: "This is an epoch-making game, operating on an epoch-making platform, bringing an epoch-making experience to users around the world!"

There was a round of applause at the scene, and the fans of "Star Citizen" were cheering enthusiastically. This game has been a difficult road for twelve years. Players around the world are willing to pay for the crowdfunding because of the science fiction world Roberts described to them. , And eventually broke the industry's crowdfunding record, reaching an unprecedented $160 million. [Read the latest chapters..] Starting from 2013, it is scheduled to go on sale in the fall of 2016, and it was finally postponed to 2019. Tickets were skipped several times until everyone was looking forward to the final sale date. Suddenly, all the crowdfunding was cut across the board. All items will be returned, and Matrix Technology’s intervention will finally be on sale today!

Twelve years of waiting, the birth of "Star Citizen" has been one wave of three, bumpy roads, twelve years of sharpening a sword, directing to become the next "World of Warcraft" phenomenon-level tour.

After a while, Roberts held the microphone again and announced a series of news that the global sc (Interstellar Citizen) players are most looking forward to. He said: "The release date of "Interstellar Citizen" is synchronized with the'virtual world' globally. The game's operating platform is only "Virtual World" platform. If you want to play "Star Citizen", you only need to buy the game once, and there is no need to pay for the next use. Some in-game items may require a little fee, but this is not the only way to obtain it. We sell All items can be obtained through normal game channels, and players have more choices."

"The final price of "Star Citizen" is... $60!"

The last sentence surprised the players present. Jack turned his head to look at his friend and said, "Are you sure you heard it right? $60?"

"It's really $60!" Good friend Matthews nodded affirmatively.

"Almost 1.8 billion U.S. dollars of production costs, the 3s super production only sells the price of the 3a large production. Doesn't this have to sell 50 million copies to recover the cost? Is carrot (Roberts) crazy?" Jack During this trip to China, I wondered why every company in the world had become so noble one by one, and didn't treat money as money.

Matthews smiled playfully: "Hey, who knows? Maybe Turnip is ambitious and wants to create an unprecedented world record, twelve years of polishing, twelve years of cost recovery, and another twelve years of profitability. Thirty-six years in total!"

"You are wrong, man!" Jack suddenly smiled: "Obviously, the root cause is the thighs that the carrot head hugs, but we are also happy to see the game "Star Citizen", I must start Yes, it’s only $60. It’s good and cheap!"

With the end of the developer forum by Roberts, 8,000 sets of perception helmets on site were officially opened for free experience ten minutes ago. At the entrance of the lobby, the first round of free experience visitors lined up here in advance. Waiting, as the first round of 8,000 tourists entered the venue, the second round began to line up, staring at the venue one by one.

Jack, a small group, is going to the fifth round, and it is marked with a specific time. When it is free, it will naturally go to other places to stroll. They soon came to Ubisoft’s exhibition area, Ubisoft’s representative work " The Assassin's Creed series attracted much attention at this exhibition. Because the game setting of "Assassin's Creed" is that the protagonist uses virtual games to experience a series of assassinations performed by assassins in the Middle Ages. Now the real virtual world is born, which makes this game quite topical.

Matthews walked toward a Ubisoft booth with shining eyes. Many Ubisoft fans were onlookers. When they saw their favorite surroundings, they didn’t hesitate to pay for it. Tourists who bought the peripheral products are properly true love. Fan, Matthews is also a big fan of "Assassin's Creed". He looked at the most eye-catching items on the booth and said, "How much is this figure?"

As soon as these words came out, the tourists around him were surprised. Matthews stared at the figure of a well-known character in the "Assassin's Creed" series. The shape is extremely exquisite. Every "Assassin's Creed" fan loves it. Drooling, but the expensive price of more than 7,000 yuan has discouraged them, even if they are true fans.

The sister paper in the booth immediately brightened when she heard that Matthews was a European and American face, and she immediately responded in fluent English: "7332 RMB, which is US$1128!"

"Man, are you planning to ship this thing from China to the United States? You are not afraid of breaking it in the middle?" Jack suddenly reminded his good friends, said.

The sister paper in the booth saw Matthews hesitating for a while, she felt anxious, but she smiled and said: "It's okay, sir, we can ship to the United States by air through a logistics company with full guarantee, and the postage is half price!"

Matthews looked at Jack, who shrugged silently. Matthews looked at the sales girl's paper and said, "I can't pay in cash. Can I pay with paypal?"

"of course can!"

The transaction was completed quickly. Matthews happily took a photo with the latest character figure in Assassin’s Creed, and also pulled up the sister paper, “This figure has a special meaning. It helped me complete the $500,000 Buy, I swear I have absolutely no intention of showing off, seems to be time to expand my personal exhibition space "Assassin's Creed" series, "Witcher" series, "Tomb Raider" series... Haha, please call I'm really a madman with my hands, who in the world is crazier than me!"

"Of course!"

Just when Matthews was intoxicated, a voice suddenly appeared next to him. He subconsciously said: "Who? Maybe we can communicate, is it you? Friends! How many hands did you collect?" Matthews looked towards The speaker was a Chinese. He took out his smart device and showed it to Matthews. At the same time, he smiled and said, "Of course it is not me, but no one in the world can fight him! "

Jack and the others immediately looked up and looked at the screen of the device curiously. After a while, Jack suddenly burst into, you are nothing in front of him, are you shocked? Wow haha~~~! "

"'s not fair!" Matthews spread his hand with a defeated expression. The Chinese showed him a very interesting picture. It was the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. At the same time, he also PS Classic pictures, the Chinese also specially put a line of English subtitles: I heard someone wants to fight with me?

This picture is simply dedicated to all kinds of hand-made crazy demons!

After the episode, Jack and others strolled around the Ubisoft exhibition area, then went to Comer and Square. Basically the five major game companies went around, and as time passed, it was finally the fifth round. It is now approaching the afternoon.

Finally, Matthews and others stepped into the experience area, looking at the thousands of perception helmets placed on the table, inexplicably excited. Everyone came to the area of ​​No. 7900 based on the small paper tickets in their hands. The staff in this area began to say: “Everyone chooses a comfortable posture first, and the sensing device is in a energized state, just like wearing a helmet. On the head..."

(To be continued) (To be continued.)



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