Technology Bigshot

Chapter 396: : New Breakthrough in Project Hades]

Theater Command.

"Has the Mingxue plan made a breakthrough?" General Gao, who was answering the phone, said in a little surprise, but his heart was filled with excitement. The person who was talking with him was Ren Hong.

General Gao remembered very well the promise that the other party had given him, that is, to build advanced naval ships with subversive thinking for the Republican Navy.

Ren Hong in the communicator replied with a hearty laugh: “The Underworld Plan has been under way for three or four years. It’s time to show you what we have achieved. Father-in-law can Have time to come and inspect?"

"Of course!" General Gao replied at the moment: "You kid don't want to come over and fool me. My requirements are very high."

"I'm afraid it will subvert your thinking." Ren Hong said confidently: "All the big and the small, you are absolutely satisfied!"

General Gao heard such a positive reply, and he was also very curious. What did this kid have fiddled with during the past few years when he led the "Plan Axe", with the shock of the "Eagle of the Republic", the "Plan Axe". The results of the People's Republic of China have become more exciting, and what surprises will Ren Hong bring to the Republic this time?

A week later, Matrix Technology headquarters.

After giving an account of his affairs, General Gao secretly left the theater headquarters and went to the matrix technology headquarters. This was his second visit to Ren Hong's company headquarters.

"Go, take me directly to the Hades Base." General Gao, who had just arrived at Matrix Technology, said that when he saw Ren Hong. He didn't get the slightest bit of muddle, and he just got to the point, and he didn't allow Ren Hong to refute it room.

In a short while, three armed helicopters took off from the headquarters' parking lot, and the helicopters carrying Ren Hong and others headed straight to the direction of the "Hard Axe Base".

"Although I am not an expert in science and technology, is your progress a bit too fast? You will be able to produce a finished product for me in less than five years?" On the helicopter, General Gao looked at the man sitting opposite. Hong said suspiciously.

Hearing this, Ren Hong replied with a smile: "It's too early for the finished product, but the technical research and development has been completed six months ago. The technical problems have basically been overcome, followed by production and construction. The current progress is only to carry the hull. The keel part, but it’s coming soon, and it’s expected to be launched after eight."

General Gao was even more surprised when he heard that, "Don’t be sloppy with me. With a mature technology system and a complete industrial foundation, it will take five to eight years to build an aircraft carrier. Now in less than five years, you have completed all the steps from technology research and development to production?"

"You're already going to inspect it, don't I dare to sloppy in front of you." Ren Hong said dumbfoundedly, knowing that he understands General Gao's thoughts better. The "Half Axe Project" is almost a series of considerations from scratch, corresponding technology research and development to measuring the level of industrial infrastructure, no one wants to build an aircraft carrier in ten or twenty years, or a military technology with subversive thinking. No one would believe it.

Ren Hong then briefly explained on the flight path: "The Hades plan seems to have been developed from scratch to today only five years of development. However, in terms of technology, it is actually common to create the Eagle of the Republic. It is the accumulation of technology, which is already a complete technical system, which provides a lot of exquisiteness for the research and development of carrier-based aircraft. For example, difficult problems in the engine are actually quickly broken. Plus the company’s major research institutions With the existing mature reserve technology, such as electronic equipment, intelligent products and other technologies, they are already quite mature, and if they are integrated, they will have a considerable technical background."

"As for productivity and efficiency, it is determined by the manufacturing level of basic industries. Our company's manufacturing level is not determined by workers, but by the subsidiary's intellectual equipment. Matrix Technology has less than 10,000 employees, but the major departments and product manufacturing There is no pressure on production capacity. This is due to a complete set of fully automatic and highly intelligent production and manufacturing systems that we have already existed. The manufacturing of our company’s products or materials basically does not involve workers. In other words, Machinery has liberated productivity, and production efficiency is far from what semi-automation and worker participation can match."

"It may take five years or more for other shipyards in the world to build an aircraft carrier, but under the industrial manufacturing system of Matrix Technology, it only takes more than one year."

"Robot? No wonder," General Gao suddenly realized when he heard the explanation.

Ren Hong continued to chat: "Although our company has a complete and advanced industrial manufacturing system in this area, we dare not push it to the world. We can only popularize it internally. This is why our company has never had more than 10,000 employees. The root cause of the quantity. Technology may not be good. When this technology is introduced to the world, it will cause large-scale unemployment. Matrix Technology is so profitable. The number of employees of such a large group company should reach about one million. Reasonable, but in fact we have not broken through 10,000 people."

"All over the world, although Matrix Technology has created countless jobs, it is still difficult to offset the number of unemployed people. With all the new jobs created by us, the number of people who directly or indirectly cause unemployment is still as high as 30 million. If the intellectual machinery manufacturing system is promoted to the world, it will definitely cause chaos."

As everyone knows behind the brilliant matrix technology, how many people have become stepping stones, the number of people who are unemployed worldwide is countless, but the new jobs created by matrix technology are all concentrated in the country, you know, the world There are also countless people who hate this company.

Ren Hong has never admitted this in front of the public, nor would he take it silly, so he just talked about it while chatting with his own people internally. The dead daoists don’t die, and the unemployment of Westerners is not yet Ren Hong’s turn to worry.

The high-efficiency production efficiency of intellectual machinery manufacturing, if it will have unparalleled consumption capacity in wartime, is indeed a powerful killer. Modern warfare is not only about consumption, but not about a country's industrial manufacturing level. Once in a state of war, supported by the logistical strategic reserves, both sides were sunk by a ship or fighter. It will take years and a week for you to fill the gap with a new ship and fighter, but I It only takes one month and one day to complete the launch of the new warship and the takeoff of the new fighter.

To be continued

s was written from 5:00 to 16:00 for 11 consecutive hours. I didn’t want to type a word when I was tired. I used my few efforts to ask for a subscription. I can’t bear to see the results recently, and I can’t help it when the wind blows. I don’t want to type any more, I just want to sleep for a day and a night after uploading. ..

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