Technology Bigshot

Chapter 413: : The River of Life and the River of Death】

In any case, audiences around the world who like this movie want to see the new "Jurassic" series of movies in the future, they can only look at the decision of Matrix Technology. Universal Pictures has no control over this "IP" at all. .

Matrix Technology spent more than US$8 billion to buy the world’s "dinosaurs", and soon began to integrate dinosaur resources. More than 170 dinosaur theme parks around the world were immediately undergoing major transformations. The main link in the transformation of offline theme parks is Add two panoramic visual effects technologies to make the dinosaur theme park more vivid.

At the same time, Matrix Technology has also acquired some dinosaur museums around the world that are poorly managed by the government and are unable to fund funding. They bought their dinosaur fossils and even archaeologists in this area to raise them. You need to know, even Many scholars like this in foreign countries will find it difficult to realize their ideals due to insufficient funds, and Matrix Technology will be happy to invest in them.

The effective integration of resources is very important to lay a good foundation for the future layout. Ren Hong does not want to make wedding dresses for others. He pays and makes money for others. Although the profits are average, the nature of the problem is different. Failed investment Ren Hong does not allow it, as can be seen from the attitude of selling the five game companies as long as they have a revenue deficit.

Matrix Technology, headquarters.

It has been nearly 20 days for the group of research scholars in various fields led by Kang Tao to come to the company headquarters. In these days, these scientists are all brainstorming around the western reconstruction project, and some of them have established goals and A new expedition team set up from the funding of Matrix Technology has flown to the western region of the country to conduct field surveys and research, and groups of professor-level scholars have led their teams to set off.

However, some of them still stayed at the company headquarters for theoretical discussions. At this moment, they are discussing with Ren Hong.

"After the Xijiang River passes water, there is another serious problem that cannot be ignored." A geology professor said, pointing to the map on the concentrating screen, and said: "Although the main road is located far away from the mobile desert area, Below the ridge, more and more sand will be deposited in the river channel to block the river bed over time, especially in these relatively flat locations, where the water flow is not very fast, and gravel will be deposited in a large area here."

He looked at Ren Hong and said: "It is not enough to just open the Xijiang River. Long-term maintenance must be carried out before the desert area north of the river has been greened. The focus is to clean up the gravel deposited on the river bed to prevent the river from being blocked and causing the middle and lower reaches. An awkward situation without water."

"Not only that, there is another issue that needs to be considered." An environmental research scholar pointed to the map and said: "Once the Xijiang River is opened, it will become a lifeline in the western region, but it is also a river of death. The river is soaked in water and some vegetation will grow on the edge of the river bank. The surrounding geographical environment of the Xijiang River will form a geographical environment similar to the Colorado River Basin in the United States. It also has the danger of the Colorado River. Riverbank swamps composed of water and silt will be formed. If people and animals step into it without understanding it, it is very likely that their lives will be ruined."

"In addition to the dramatic changes in the geographical environment, some endangered animals in the eastern region are likely to migrate here due to water source problems and dramatic changes in the environment, thereby posing threats."

"This really needs to be considered, especially the personal threat." Ren Hong nodded, but he smiled: "This problem is not difficult to solve. The danger of opening up the Xijiang River must be announced to remind some tourists and adventure enthusiasts. As for the animals in the eastern highlands, this is easy to handle. There are high mountains to the east and south of the Xijiang River, such as Altun Mountains and Kunlun Mountains. We only need to set up blockades in some low-lying areas to prevent eastern animals from migrating to the northwest. "

“As for the problem of sand accumulation in the river bed, it is a bit tricky.” Ren Hong said. After the Xijiang River passes through the water, a large amount of quicksand will inevitably be carried in the water. There will be no silence in the rapids, but some areas with relatively slow staying speed cannot bring the sand accumulation. Walking will gather a large amount of accumulated sand at the deposition point in the area, which will block the river bed over time.

"There are ways, but this will increase the river's operation and maintenance costs." Ren Hong said in deep thought.

"Mr. Ren has a solution?" the geology professor said curiously.

When Ren Hong heard it, he smiled and said, "It's not a fancy idea, it's just a method of death. Just take the deposited sand out of the riverbed. Our company will design a set of machinery and equipment to clean the sand in the riverbed. As for How to solve the cleaned up river sand? There is also a way to generate economic benefits. These river sand can also be used for sale. As long as an external bid is issued, relevant companies will definitely come to bid. You must know that after the opening of the Xijiang River Basin The Great Northwest is bound to usher in rapid development and can make good use of these river sand to produce economic benefits."

Ren Hong added: “During the shaping stage after the opening of the Xijiang River, it is indeed a dangerous river of death. The risk factor at both ends of the river bank will be more than ten times higher than that of the Colorado River in the United States. More people will come here for development. Full consideration must be given to safety. An artificial warning sign of about 2 meters must be erected every 100 meters on the edge of the local river bank. Although we cannot achieve zero casualties, But to minimize such accidents."


With the passage of time, a group of research scholars in various fields who came to Matrix Technology have left. Only a small number of them are still at the headquarters, and most of them have received company funds and related equipment. On-site surveying and mapping in the western region.

After the establishment of the western reconstruction project, it officially entered the implementation stage. The first investment has been established, reaching 200 billion US dollars, which is mainly used for the production of the first batch of M-series intelligent equipment and 27 new production lines.

How terrible is the production materials and production efficiency of Matrix Technology? This is clearly reflected in the manufacturing of omnibus in AI subsidiaries.

It has been less than a month since Ren Hong assigned the task to the AI ​​company. From the first three production lines of the M series to the present, it has expanded to 25. The production efficiency under the manufacturing of intelligent machinery is the most geometrically improved human production material. Good performance, the machine will not be tired, as long as it is given energy supply and consumption, it can work day and night.

While opening up a new production line, the existing production line also immediately entered the production of M series intelligent machines, and each intelligent machine began to come off the production line.

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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