Technology Bigshot

Chapter 569: : New instruction]

"Surprisingly, from competitors to partners, NASA and CMSX are heading for alliance?"-"AFP"

"Carlisle, head of ITER International Thermonuclear Reactor Testing Organization, intends to visit XlouS."-"The Times"

"Question: China has really achieved controlled nuclear fusion?"-"Science Weekly"

"The global energy market has suffered a'tactical nuclear strike', and nuclear fusion energy may impact the global energy market."-"Wall Street Journal"

As soon as the press conference ended, the news went viral all over the world, and the depth and breadth of the impact was staggering. Matrix technology broke out one after another. Among them, the most influential one was undoubtedly the first public announcement of nuclear fusion energy.

People can’t help but extract a sentence that Ren Hong once said in a public speech, which is circulated around the world, that is, the global environmental crisis and population crisis are all attributed to the resource crisis, and the global resource crisis is concentrated in the energy crisis. Solving the energy crisis can directly: no: wrong: novel www.uled.o or indirectly solve a series of resource crises, population crises, environmental crises and so on.

The birth of nuclear fusion energy is undoubtedly an excellent substitute for ending human petroleum civilization, and its influence can be imagined.

As soon as the news came out, controllable nuclear fusion energy became famous all over the world, and the focus of public opinion even overwhelmed the core theme of this press conference. There is no way, nuclear fusion energy has too much current influence on countries around the world. It is said that space exploration is still a certain distance away from human beings, but nuclear fusion energy can affect the current human society in time.

A piece of news has made China's international status skyrocket. It is no exaggeration to say that when the world's major powers are fighting for the distribution of energy interests in the Middle East, overtly and secretly, China can completely weaken its opposition to the Middle East. rely.

One more absolute trump card often means one more choice and greater initiative, which can make China's international voice more powerful. With the passage of time, China, which controls nuclear fusion energy, will only rely less and less on petroleum energy until it finally completes the energy transition. Not surprisingly, China will become the first country in the world to truly step into nuclear civilization.

As soon as the news came out, it also caused turmoil in the global energy market. Oil prices once again fluctuated sharply. The vampires on Wall Street with sensitive sense of smell tried to disrupt the market and profited from them. Almost all major oil companies have suffered the same setback in the stock market by selling their holdings of oil company stocks. This kind of market shows the current industry leader, Saudi Aramco, which has a market value of 2.5 trillion yuan, with a panic.

Fortunately, Ren Hong's remarks at the press conference stabilized the situation. Matrix Technology did not intend to enter the energy field, and the fluctuations were limited to a small range.

However, after the news of the press conference came out, it caused a hot topic in China. Countless people exclaimed that unexpected countries have realized controllable nuclear fusion in such a silent way? In particular, the series of black technologies exposed on the "Mars Express" are overwhelming.

Many people are excited to guess how many undisclosed unknown black technologies are there? The more I think about it, the more excited it becomes.

There is no doubt that space exploration is an important manifestation of a country’s level of advanced science and technology, especially in the current wave of the era of spaceflight.

The series of technologies on the "Mars Express" show that a series of high-end field presentation systems such as emerging energy technology, laser technology, propulsion systems, and new materials lead the world.

With the passage of time, on the second day after the press conference, the headquarters of China Matrix CMSX space base sent the latest instructions to the "Mars Express", requesting the "Mars Express" to prepare to return. The spacecraft finally ended the signal silence state, and for the first time The earth sends back signals.

NASA and other aerospace agencies also captured the encrypted signal wave, thus confirming the fact that the Mars Express has reached Mars.

This undoubtedly proves to the world that China has realized controllable nuclear fusion energy and applied it to related fields.

In July 2028, Mars is in high-altitude orbit.

Commander Li Xingfeng, who received the latest news from the headquarters, began to formulate a new plan

"Comrades, the latest instructions from the headquarters..." In the conference room in the centrifuge cabin, Li Xingfeng summoned Ning Zebo and a group of excellent crew members together. He took out a paper document and gave it to everyone to browse one by one, while saying this It's the top-secret information from the headquarters, so let's take a look first. "

"Martian creature?" Ning Zebo's complexion changed slightly when he looked down, and when he looked down, the American outpost base with his eyes wide open was destroyed? Three astronauts were killed, one was trapped and the other was unclear? The attacker is suspected to be a native of Mars? This……"

Ning Zebo's eyes widened and everyone saw it. Everyone was surprised to hear what he said. Another crew member quickly snatched the documents in his hand and scanned it.

"No wonder the headquarters sent a red alert order asking us to cancel the planned landing on Mars."

"Mars really has such a big creature?"

After reading the file information, everyone talked to each other. Li Xingfeng said that the mission to Mars would not be so easy. In addition to dealing with the harsh cosmic environment and the surface environment of Mars, we must beware of the local environment. Aboriginal creatures may attack the base of the outpost where my hurricane is located in the future. "

"What about it? There are new orders from the headquarters? This landing plan must be carried out, and the'Twin Project' cannot be said to be abandoned, right? There are many words in Wurong Novel Network.

"Of course it is impossible to give up." Li Xingfeng said that the Mars mission will not give up. Let me explain the latest instructions from the headquarters. "

All the crew members looked at the command first, Ning Zebo, Liu Pingdong, and Xiaozhuang without saying a word. "


"The three of you immediately set out to take over the Mars Express and return to Earth. The Earth side has already begun preparations. After you return to Earth, you will bring a new crew to Mars. The two armed and tactical teams will have a total of 18 patience. There are six American armed squads, along with a group of American astronauts and Noah 2. This time you will return to Earth and bring about 27 new crew members to Mars."


The three named immediately got up and left the meeting room. Li Xingfeng continued to say to the remaining crew members Li Bing and Huang Lei. Next, we will try to contact the Noah and rescue the trapped American astronaut Duncan Jones. And complete the space rendezvous and docking with the "Noah", the two of you will land on the "Noah". "


Three and a half hours later, Mars is in high-altitude orbit, outer space.

I saw the "Mars Express" and the "Firefly" space station officially completed the separation, and gradually widened the distance. The three astronauts on the "Mars Express", namely Ning Zebo, Liu Pingdong, and Xiaozhuang, controlled the aircraft to accelerate , The 16.8-kilometer giant light sail has been opened, absorbing solar energy in the orbit of Mars. At this moment, the aircraft has completed the formulation of a new channel.

Thousands of lasers once again irradiated more than 300,000 lasers, and the continuous energy output was irradiated on the giant light sail in the form of lasers. The "Mars Express" began its first acceleration to return to Earth, and it is expected to enter the Earth's high-altitude orbit in 91 days .



…(To be continued.)

[Chapter 569: New Instructions]

[Chapter 569: New Instructions] is written by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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