"Report, the car is ready and can be started at any time!" the staff reported.

On Penglai Tower, hundreds of foreign engineers, designers, and constructors are waiting nervously and expectantly.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are watching this live broadcast. This is the first phase of the super project of the "Death Star Crisis Response Plan". Whether its operation is successful or not will determine the future destiny of mankind!

"Start." Du Xingyu said decisively.

"Start the elevator!" The elevator operator pressed the button, and the elevator car began to rise.

At first, it was like a train, climbing slowly. After a few seconds, the acceleration of the climb began to gradually increase.

Everyone raised their heads and watched the elevator car speed getting faster and faster. After rushing out of the tower more than ten kilometers high, the car looked like a spaceship flying into space, reaching a speed of five kilometers per second, and Still climbing!

Du Xingyu explained to the live broadcast camera: "The speed of the car all comes from electric energy climbing. With the reduction of atmospheric resistance, its final speed will reach 10 kilometers per second, which is similar to the speed of our existing chemical energy rockets!"

"In one hour, the space elevator can reach the Tiangong Space Station from the ground!"

At this time, drone aerial photography can no longer keep up with the speed of the space elevator, and it relies entirely on the car's own camera and satellite photography to display its images.

The car passed through the clouds and climbed rapidly on the straight carbon nanotube cables. The director of the live broadcast room also specially switched to the perspective of the robot in the car to let the audience experience it firsthand.

The surrounding clouds disappeared quickly, and the outline of the sea and the earth emerged in the field of vision. The feeling of rapid improvement made people feel a little breathless.

"The sense of immersion is so strong that I already rolled my eyes!"

"This is a real roller coaster! This is so exciting!"

“This elevator ride is more enjoyable than an airplane ride!”

"Fellow Taoists, the era of ascension is coming!" the Chinese audience joked.

On the streets of a city in the United States, a group of marchers were holding signs to protest.

"The Death Star is a scam!"

“Strong protest against the space elevator, it’s all fake!”

“We don’t need super projects, we just need to raise wages!”

"The super project is Du Xingyu's conspiracy to rule the world!"

The marchers shouted loudly, wore custom-made marching T-shirts, and had protest slogans and patterns painted on their faces and bodies.

People from all over the world have become accustomed to this kind of thing. In fact, there are such demonstrations in more than one place and in various regions.

They walked through the streets and came to the bustling commercial plaza. On the large electronic display screen of the commercial plaza, the operation of the space elevator was being broadcast live.

The host said in English: "Now the space elevator has climbed to an altitude of 17,000 kilometers. In thirty minutes, it will officially arrive at the space station and send supplies into space!"

"That's a space elevator, have they built it?" someone in the parade asked in surprise.

They saw a cable connecting the sky and the earth, and the space elevator was "reaching the sky"!

"It's amazing!" Someone stopped and looked up at the big screen.

"Is it possible that they really completed it?" The parade team gradually became somewhat divided. Even the people passing by looked at them as if they were fools.

"How could they build it just a short time ago?" Seeing this, the organizers of the parade shouted loudly: "This is all fake, it's computer special effects. Don't believe it!"

"No, this is not a special effect!" A man shouted excitedly on the street.

Immediately, reporters following the parade came to interview him and asked: "Do you believe in space elevators? Have they really been built and put into operation?"

"Of course!" the man said, "I am a construction designer. I went to Penglai Island with the company delegation three months ago, where the space elevator is located."

"I saw with my own eyes that tens of thousands of Chinese workers and engineers from various countries were working together to design and manufacture this space elevator! I have never seen such a large construction scene in my life!"

"God, that's a miracle! You can't imagine an elevator going straight to space! They can really do it! It's all real!"

"I have to tell everyone, don't believe those stupid words. There are people working for the crisis facing humanity, and we need to support them instead of boycotting and protesting!"

"Nonsense!" The marchers wanted to stop him from continuing, but they did not expect to attract more opponents.

"You people are the real liars!" someone shouted.

"Yes, you are marching just to ask for money. Do you dare to swear to God?"

"They are doing a great job, we have all seen it! The space elevator is already running, there is no need for you to resist!"

The situation slowly changed, and these marchers found that no one seemed to be on the same side as them.

Even among the marchers, some quietly dropped their protest signs and blended into the crowd.

The number of people in the parade was getting smaller and smaller. When the organizers saw this, they quickly took people away from here. This parade was destined to end in vain!

"At an altitude of 35,000 kilometers, we are about to enter the Tiangong Space Station!" In Penglai Tower, Du Xingyu and others have been waiting for 47 minutes. At this time, the car has entered low-Earth orbit and will reach the end point.

In the space station, the astronauts stationed have been waiting for a long time.

The space elevator began to slow down, and during the last distance, it slowly climbed to the terminal platform in the middle of the space station and stopped steadily.

"Report, this is the Tiangong Space Station. I am Chinese astronaut Jian Lingying. The space elevator has arrived! We are unloading cargo!" The astronauts controlled the robotic arms to transport materials into the space station.

At the same time, three space loading and unloading robots were also controlled to leave the cabin and enter the space station.

Du Xingyu took a deep breath and said slowly: "I declare: the space elevator transportation mission has been successfully completed!"

"It's done!" In Penglaita, the engineers shouted, and some foreign engineers even started singing and dancing.

"We're done!" All the construction workers of the Sky Ladder project cheered. They completed a miracle in the history of human construction!

They were dancing with excitement. In just a year and a half, they built an elevator to space. This is something they can brag about for a lifetime!

"Just now, the super engineering project led by our country, the Ladder, successfully completed the task of transporting one hundred tons of materials and three robots to space! This marks the realization of the first phase of the "Death Star Crisis Response Plan" super project!"

"Human beings will have a transportation hub to freely enter and exit space, and we will use this to build more space equipment and facilities. At the same time, a second space elevator is also planned for construction..." National TV station immediately reported the news.

"The space elevator has completed its operation mission and will be officially opened!" This news immediately blasted news channels around the world!

Thanks to easyleo and Qingguoqingchengzhiwuxiu for the reward.

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