Su Bai smiled and readily agreed!

When Teacher Huang saw that Su Bai agreed to show his hand, his face was instantly full of smiles, and he hurriedly recruited Teacher He to borrow some painting tools from the program team.

At this time, Yang Mi, who was teasing the child, suddenly spoke up.

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, you don't need to borrow tools. "

Yang Mi went to the living room to pick up her suitcase in a hurry, and took out Su Bai's commonly used painting tools from inside.

"My husband likes to draw, and sometimes he paints two when he is in the mood, and I usually carry these sketching tools with me. "

Yang Mi came out with the painting tools, and then explained to Teacher Huang.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

"Wow Sasa, I'm not mistaken, Da Mimi actually carries Su Bai's painting tools with her, is she so considerate?"

"Da Mimi is so caring, since she opened the studio, I thought she was a vigorous and resolute female man, I didn't expect to have such a soft side. "

"Da Mimi has become so virtuous, and she looks like a little woman in front of Su Bai!"

The people in the mushroom house also seemed surprised, they didn't expect Yang Mi to carry Su Bai's painting tools with them.

From this small detail, it can also be seen that Su Bai and Yang Mi have a good relationship!

Peng Peng and Zifeng came over to help set up the painting tools, and Teacher Huang and Teacher He couldn't help but look at Su Bai to discuss.

"Su Bai, what are you going to paint?".

"High-rise buildings, human figures, or the style of our mushroom house?".

"Su Bai, let's draw a mushroom house, the scenery here is beautiful!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also speculating at this time, what will Su Bai draw?

"What does Su Bai know how to draw? I think he can draw mushroom houses. "

"I think painting tall buildings is more of a test of painting skills. "

"I think Su Bai can draw human figures, and he can roughly draw their family of four. "

"I think so!".

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded, and Mr. He and Mr. Huang were also discussing what Su Bai was drawing, but they discussed too intensely, and they didn't pay attention to the situation on Su Bai's side.

Su Bai looked at the drawing board, but what came to his mind was the beautiful and quiet mushroom house that he had just planted in the vegetable field.

Su Bai glanced at the drawing board, then raised his hand and began to draw.

The audience in the live broadcast room and the people in the mushroom house haven't reacted yet, Su Bai has been writing for a while, and when they reacted, everyone didn't make a sound, and quietly watched Su Bai draw.

Everyone didn't expect that Su Bai was drawing Yang Mi, and as the outline slowly emerged, it was Yang Mi's figure.

Su Bai's painting seems to have magic power, not only the people in the mushroom house are watching quietly with their breathing, but even the audience in the live broadcast room did not continue to brush the barrage, and they all watched him draw quietly.

Su Bai is very serious, every stroke is extremely smooth, and the technique is quite beautiful, even the photographer on the side holds a camera to record the footage of Su Bai's paintings.

As time passed, the whole sketch began to take shape.

Su Bai depicts Yang Mi standing in a vegetable patch, with a mushroom house and a beautiful sea of flowers nearby.

The characters and everything in the mushroom house sketched by Su Bai looked lifelike, and it was completely at the level of a master.

In less than half an hour, a sketch was completed.

Yang Mi on the painting showed a faint smile on her face, her eyes looked softly into the distance, and she was exactly the same as a real person!

Su Bai put down his pen, and everyone was shocked!

Such a master-level painting, Su Bai actually took less than half an hour to paint it, it's too powerful!

Su Bai didn't refer to it, Yang Mi's figure standing in the vegetable field was completely drawn by Su Bai by imagination.

Just imagining, you can draw so lifelike, this skill, it's really amazing!

It's incredible to be able to draw it in such a short time!

Everyone in the mushroom house was stunned, and Teacher Huang, Teacher He and others didn't blink their eyes, just looked at Su Bai's finished paintings.

In the live broadcast room, Su Bai's fans were also surprised that they couldn't!

Yang Mi and the two babies are right, Su Bai is really almighty!

When some fans saw this scene, they couldn't wait to increase the heat for Su Bai, so they recorded the scene of Su Bai's painting and sent it directly to the scarf.

Su Bai's song became popular, and the scarf is still his popularity, and this small video was put on, with Su Bai's name, which attracted a lot of attention in an instant.

"Wow, Su Bai actually painted in the mushroom house, this painting is too good!".

"This is Su Bai, he can actually paint, and the painting is too similar!"

"What's the situation, Su Bai changed his painting?"

"I'm sa, is this Su Bai? Why is his painting skills so good, everything in Yang Mi and the mushroom house is simply lifelike, it's amazing!"

As more and more people paid attention, this post became popular in an instant, and countless likes and comments directly pushed the post to the hot search.

Everyone thought it was incredible, Su Bai was so good at painting in addition to singing!

It's so shocking and unexpected!

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