That year Huayu

Chapter 121 Fox’s ridicule and refusal to cooperate

Directed by Li An, female protagonist, and sex scenes, these words combined have a killing effect on newcomers or most actresses.

"I only found out later."

Liu Yifei muttered, don't say she is not suitable, even if she is suitable, she will not be photographed.

"How about the effect of the Japanese EP?" Lin Nan asked.

"It feels okay. After all, Sony has done their best. They said they still have to read the album. That's the test of performance."

Liu Yifei's Chinese album and Japanese album are scheduled to be released in August and September.

Soon, the audio-visual short version of the first Chinese single will be announced in advance on major portal websites.

"Then I hope your album sells well and you can save more for your dowry."

Lin Nan joked.

"What a beautiful thought."

The girl glared at Lin Nan and raised her eyebrows with a smile.

Now that they live close by, it is easy for Liu Yifei to come to Lin Nan, and they can be together when eating. Liu Xiaoli also feels that it is quite lively, as long as they are all under her nose.

Lin Nan has a big head and doesn’t know what subject to choose for his next movie.

Over there, "The Golden Jacket" and "The Banquet" were quarreling. Zhang Weiping, who originally had not mentioned applying for an Oscar, directly submitted the application materials to the film bureau after finishing the film. "The Banquet", which had been clamoring for an Oscar, was the first to be nominated.

There is only one rule to compete for the Olympics, which makes Feng Xiaogang's team very passive. The competitors who come out halfway are more famous internationally than themselves.

CJ sent Lin Nan three invitations in a row. The filming of "New World" was in full swing, and they really hoped that Lin Nan, the screenwriter, could go there.

Bangzi, like his childhood, is extremely strong-willed. In the past three months, three movies related to Lin Nan have been released, two involving Hollywood. Coupled with Lin Nan's age and award achievements, they are eager to see him. I can go over and show my face.

"Go for a walk, relax, maybe you can make a decision."

Lin Nan is wavering between youth romance movies and costume movies. As for award-winning movies, let’s wait.

Liu Yifei still wanted to go with Lin Nan, just as a trip.

“There’s nothing good about traveling over there in Bangzi, it’s all fake.”

Lin Nan pinched her smooth face, but Liu Yifei slapped her hand away, "It's so itchy, haha."

Liu Xiaoli came out at some point, "Lin Nan went to work, why are you causing trouble? We still have album promotion to do."

She was still a little uncomfortable with the intimate behavior between Lin Nan and her daughter just now. This was her own girl.

The flight only takes two hours. Lin Nan feels that when there is a traffic jam, he may not be able to leave the capital city in this time.

Lin Nan came here with an employee, and the person who picked him up at the airport was very attentive.

"Director Lin, the company has arranged a reception banquet. We can just go there directly. There will be media reporters waiting on the set later..."

Lin Nan thought it was really a feast, but when it arrived, he realized that it was not what he thought.

There are several middle and high-level executives from CJ's production department, as well as many artists from its affiliates or sister companies, um, female artists.

The hierarchy in South Korea's entertainment industry is much clearer and stricter than that in China. The lowest level is the idols. Those with lower capitals and the highest status should be the powerful directors and screenwriters.

I originally said that I would go to the studio in the afternoon and go through the process before returning, but I was fooled by old gangsters like CJ into staying until the evening.

"Director Lin, have a good night's rest. We can go to the set tomorrow. If you need anything, you can tell them. There are many girls who admire you, and they are all clean..."

Lin Nan couldn't believe what he heard. It was the first time he came here. Was it so direct?

"No, no need, you can leave."


Lin Nan closed the door with his backhand, "Good guy, this evil South Korea..."

There were several knocks on the door in the first half of the night, but Lin Nan was indifferent. She had to be careful outside, especially when staying in a hotel. If a photo was leaked, her reputation would be lost.

The next morning, Lin Nan arrived at the set of "New World." This is a man's drama, a more thorough gangster film than "Infernal Affairs." Many people greeted Lin Nan in Korean, but he couldn't understand it.

The camera of the Korean media kept flashing. Lin Nan had 10% of the box office revenue, and now he smiled cooperatively.

"Director Lin, you are the screenwriter of this movie. Before it is released, I need your cooperation in promoting it."

Lin Nan was a little confused, "As for you guys, does the screenwriter still have this obligation?"

"No, Director Lin is different." The other party said with a smile.

Thinking back on it, CJ said at the beginning that he needed his reputation and resume to do publicity.

"no problem."

The news of Lin Nan's appearance in South Korea spread back to China, surprising many people.

The script he sold to CJ was only known to a small circle of people before, but now everyone in the industry knows about it.

"His hands are pretty good. He's in Hollywood and South Korea. Are you busy?"

Wang Zhonglei said this, but he was still quite envious in his heart. Sitting opposite him was Feng Xiaogang, who was currently discussing whether to submit materials to the film festival and apply for the Olympics.

Lin Nan did not return to China. He flew directly from South Korea to Los Angeles and asked the employees to return to China on their own.

Tom said that 20th Century Fox wanted to meet with him. When he said this, Tom was very excited.

Lin Nan asked him what the specific matter was. Tom only knew that they had taken a fancy to a script and hoped that Lin Nan could give a reply as soon as possible or meet.


When Lin Nan was on the plane, she was still thinking about which script the other party wanted to talk about, but she really couldn't guess.

After landing in Los Angeles, Lin Nan got into Tom's car.

"James' crew has just been organized and will start filming in two days." Tom reported back.

"Tell me about Fox." Lin Nan urged.

"They just said they watched a science fiction movie, but they didn't elaborate. They just wanted to see you as soon as possible."

"Then go to the company first and tell them I'm here."

Lin Nan felt a sense of satisfaction as he entered his own Crystal Pictures. The employees noticed the oriental boss and greeted him warmly.

"Recently, I have taken on some post-production work for animated films, and everyone is working very hard." Tom said from the side.

Lin Nan walked to the office area and took a look. It shouldn't be a famous animated movie.

That afternoon, Fox made an appointment with Lin Nan and Tom.

When passing by Beverly Hills, both Tom and Lin Nan paid attention.

It is known as the most expensive residential area in the world, and it also has the most upscale commercial streets.

"Lin, one of my biggest dreams in this life is to buy my own house here."

When he said this, Tom rarely showed any emotion.

Lin Nan smiled and drew a pie, "I also want to buy one. We will all have one."

Arriving at 20th Century Fox, Lin Nan and Tom were received into the lounge.

It is one of the top eight companies and is famous all over the world. This is evident from its headquarters in Century City, Beverly Hills. It is simply inhumane.

Not long after, two foreigners in their forties came in, "Tom, this is your boss, Lin?"

"Yes, the youngest Berlin Silver Bear director."

Tom account took the initiative to defend.

"Lin, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for meeting us so quickly. Logically speaking, we should be the ones looking for you."

Lin Nan felt that what the other party said was against his will, so why don't you let Tom convey it to you?

"It doesn't matter, it's all for the sake of film art." Lin Nan also went against his will once, not because of the money.

"The marketing department has actually seen a lot of your good scripts, but as you know, we also have our own screenwriting department, but we only occasionally go to the guild to take a look. Several big companies are like this..."

Lin Nan was mentally prepared for this kind of price reduction, but also a little disdainful. It was all leftover from his ancestors' playing for thousands of years.

"Tell me directly, which book does your company like?"

Lin Nan interrupted the other party's words at the right time and asked with a smile.

The other party was stunned for a moment and then said: ""The Martian"."

Lin Nan was smart, and his heart was beating a little fast, thinking that these guys had really vicious eyes, and they immediately spotted the big deal.

"So, what price is Twentieth Century Fox going to offer me?"

Lin Nan said the full name of the other company.

"The script and all copyrights are completely sold to us, and we will no longer have anything to do with you after that."

"What about the price?"

"Eight hundred thousand dollars." The other party said.

"Haha, sir, isn't this too cheap?"

Lin Nan had already put away his smile at this time, and Tom next to him also looked dissatisfied. The price offered by Lionsgate for horror movies was higher than this, let alone this kind of script.

Lin Nan's script was written with Tom's help, and I generally have an impression of it. This is a very imaginative science fiction script, and it will be a blockbuster when it is produced.

"We can add your name to the finished film. This is not comparable to those horror films from Lionsgate."

"Then I might as well take the pictures myself." Lin Nan said while holding back her anger.

The other person on the other side seemed to have heard a very funny joke.

"Hahaha... Lin, this kind of movie can only be made by Hollywood and a company like Fox.

Do you want to film in your own country? Even with the level of your country, it is difficult to achieve. "

At this moment, Lin Nan felt that not only was he being insulted, but the domestic film industry was also being ridiculed. It was not just about the industry anymore. This arrogant tone was disgusting.

"Sir, your words are very rude." Lin Nan said in a cold tone.

"Sorry, Lin, I speak more directly, but these are the truth. We know what the current film industry in your country is like. Only those kung fu movies can be watched.

Just like you and New Line's "Journey to the Center of the Earth", the 3D version is very exciting, but you can't even get a hundred theaters..."

This feeling of being ridiculed but unable to refute was simply too frustrating, and Lin Nan didn't want to endure it anymore.

"Sorry, our cooperation cannot be achieved today and will never be achieved."

After saying that, Lin Nan stood up and walked out directly, and Tom quickly followed.

The remaining two foreigners stared at each other, "Didn't you say there is a high probability of success?"

"It stands to reason that it will succeed, but why would he refuse? Did we lower the price too hard?"

"Forget it, let the news go out and say that the Chinese director rejected our cooperation invitation of 1.2 million in script fees and 2% of the box office share."

"Okay, boss. But don't we stop fighting? How do we answer the question from above?"

"He refused, can we still detain him and force him to sign a contract?"

"Oh, I see."

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