That year Huayu

Chapter 174 Golden Lion, my leader, my team

Liu Yifei's birthday wish is obviously related to Lin Nan.

This made Liu Xiaoli a little bit disgusted.

A big girl can't help her mother, she has known this for a long time. They are all stubborn and just hope that their daughter will go more smoothly emotionally than themselves.

Venice is about to open, and several hit movies are starting to show.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is "Lust, Caution".

This film has been rated NC-17 by North America.

That is, those under the age of seventeen are prohibited from viewing.

When the news spread back to China, the media was in a frenzy, and netizens were begging for piracy.

"Director Lin, you must know someone at a foreign film festival. Can you get a copy of the disc and bring it back?"

It was really insulting to anyone to let Lin Nan do such a thing.

This just premiered at the film festival, where did the disc come from?

In an interview, the deputy director of the Film Bureau also made it clear that there will be no nudity in the domestically released version.

Movie fans are mentally prepared for this, but they still feel a little frustrated when they hear this.

“I’m really envious of people out there who can watch the full version of a movie.”

Foreign media even compared "Lust, Caution" with "Last Tango in Paris", the latter's restriction rating is the highest X level.

"Director Li An said it very well in this interview:

'I won't deliberately show off pornography, but if I don't do it well in this regard, I will be sorry for the audience and the subject matter, and it will be too much, and it seems to be exploiting the actors...'

The master's words are ambiguous and level. "

After Liu Yifei took a break for two days, notices began to come in.

Mother Liu accompanied her daughter and continued working.

Lin Nan was forced by Ning Hao to become the producer of "Crazy Racing".

I came to visit the crew today and a group of people chatted about "Lust, Caution".

“It depends on the person, some directors add a little bit, that’s called art, it’s polishing;

Some directors call it Level 3.

What’s even more cruel is that on the island country, the plot is added..."

"Ha ha……"

Huang Bo is simply a talent. When he said this, the crew burst into laughter and everyone gave him a thumbs up.

When the crew started working, Lin Nan watched from the side.

When the "postgraduate entrance exam" scene between Wang Shuangbao and Baduo was filmed, he really couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Who wrote this sentence?"

"I wrote this part, and your sister wrote the rest. What's wrong?"

Ning Hao answered and asked.

"Nothing, well written."

Lin Nan praised him, which made Ning Hao a little confused.

The influence of South Korean idol groups has been widely reported in the past two days.

Because outside the Shanghai Airport, there was a crowd of hundreds and nearly a thousand fans holding banners, which was a spectacular scene.

“There are popular idol groups over there, and their yang is strong and their yin is weak.

Fans surrounded the Shanghai Airport this time because they were picking up a young man who made his debut there in China. "

"Then sister knows a lot?"

Lin Nan was shocked that Xing Aina actually knew so much.

The latter smiled and did not answer.

Looking at Ning Hao again, his big face was gloomy and dark.

"Isn't that sister also chasing boy bands? Unfortunately, I'm quite familiar with several companies over there. I can ask them to help contact SM. It should be no problem, haha."

Lin Nan said jokingly.

"Shut up."

Ning Hao glared at Lin Nan and whispered.

"Why are you talking to Lin Nan?" Xing Aina asked Ning Hao.

"Don't worry about him, tell me, is your method really feasible?"

Lin Nan swallowed and really let himself guess.

"No, no, I'm just kidding, this kind of thing can't be done, it's too childish..."

Lin Nan quickly stopped, Ning Hao's face was about to freeze.

"Huh? That's a pity."

Xing Aina said and walked away.

"You'd better not mention this in the future." Ning Hao said in a suppressed voice.

"I understand. I didn't expect that sister to like boy bands."

Lin Nan clicked his tongue in surprise.

Jiang Wen's treatment in Venice was not as good as he originally thought.

Domestic media reported back from there that foreigners could not understand "The Sun Also Rises".

It’s not that I can’t understand it after reading it once, but I still can’t understand it after reading it two or three times.

Almost no studios made offers for the film.

Venice is a mecca for literary films. If you want to sell copyrights and sell them well, you must have awards.

Unlike Berlin, as long as you enter the main competition section, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell at a good price.

This situation is very ironic.

Many professors from Nortel and China Theater Company made sworn statements before Jiang Wen left for the expedition.

This movie will definitely make Jiang Wen famous in Venice again.

After spending two days on the set of "Racing", Lin Nan was about to rush back to the capital.

The recording of Zhang Liangying's "Painting Heart" has begun.

When the media reported that Zhang Liangying would sing the ending song of "Painted Skin", her fans were undoubtedly the most excited.

This generation of Super Girls has created the pinnacle of domestic drafts, and the opposition between fans is also very serious.

Now Zhang Liangying can lend her voice to Lin Nan's big-budget fantasy commercial film.

In the eyes of fans, this is trampling on the other two.

The other two people didn't have this kind of opportunity to work with a big director.

Lin Nan met Zhang Liangying in the recording studio of China Film Group.

After listening to her audition several times, Lin Nan felt that the rumors outside were true. Among the super girls of that generation, Zhang Liangying was the strongest.

A high-quality song can't be recorded once and then it's done. It needs to be recorded at least several times to select the best one.

The songs are also post-produced.

"Director Lin, am I good at singing?"

During the break, Zhang Liangying asked with a smile.

Lin Nan applauded, "It's great. You must go to the cinema when the time comes. This song and the movie fit perfectly."

"Thank you. In fact, if Sissi sings this song, it will be very nice."

Although he knew that Zhang Liangying was trying to close the relationship with him, Lin Nan didn't mind.

"If the media interviews you, remember to keep the song secret." Even though he signed the contract, Lin Nan still had to mention it.

"Don't worry, I still want to continue singing songs from your movies in the future."

The agency has already analyzed how singing the ending song of "Painted Skin" will help her.

"Nanjing" started filming in a low-key manner.

It's second only to "Red Cliff" in terms of drag.

Speaking of "Red Cliff", many people in the industry are talking about whether this drama should be released.

Not to mention man-made disasters, God often creates troubles.

Either the ship sank, or the aerial photography aircraft lost control and crashed into the crowd.

The Dianjiang Tower and the city tower built in the Fangshan Scenic Area were hit by flash floods and collapsed immediately after they were completed and not yet in use.

Rumors have spread in the past two days that the contracts of many cast and crew members have expired.

The photographer and martial arts instructor may have felt that it was too evil and were unwilling to sign the renewal contract for another two months, so they ran away.

It is inevitable to postpone the completion of the contract. The contract will be renewed and the vacancies will be filled.

Several investors bit the bullet and added another amount of money.

It didn't make the news.

In the early hours of the morning domestic time, an awards ceremony was held in Venice.

When Lin Nan woke up in the morning, this was the CCTV news.

Li An was strong enough and won his second golden lion.

"Mad, why are you feeling so uncomfortable all of a sudden?"

Lin Nan was still quite envious, and he had to work hard.

That's a golden lion.

As a director, no one can refuse the Golden Lion, the Golden Bear and the Golden Palm.

On the TV screen, Li An was being interviewed and bluntly said that Zhang Yimou was his noble man.

Lin Nan then remembered that when Li An won the Golden Bear, Zhang Yimou was a member of the jury, and this time he was the chairman of the jury.

By winning the Golden Lion this time, Li An also became the third director in the world to win the Golden Lion twice, the second being Zhang Yimou.

"I'm a little envious."

Lin Nan suddenly thought of Jiang Wen.

From Cannes to Venice, I was so excited that I wanted to win gold and silver.

I guess I feel bad now.

At noon, Lin Nan saw Sina's interview with Jiang Wen. It was Jiang Wen as expected.

The reporter asked him: Before you left, you said, "It's up to me to plan, and it's up to me to succeed." Is this failure a problem of "planning" or yours?

Jiang Wen's answer was fierce: You should ask Zhang Yimou how I know what he thinks.

The reporter asked him to sum up his experience and lessons.

Jiang Wen was very arrogant: I never summed up the experiences and lessons you mentioned. It's just that the judges didn't give me the award. It's not necessarily my fault.

"You are really talented, and your temper is also a real temper!"

It looked like a reporter was interviewing Jiang Wen, but it always gave people the feeling that the reporter was being criticized by Jiang Wen.

Kang Honglei came with the prepared script.

"Director Lin, please read the book first."

Kang Honglei handed over a very thick book.

"This is a war drama, and I got it from Lan Xiaolong. We are good friends, and the quality of his book is absolutely guaranteed, haha..."

Kang Honglei said with a smile.

Lin Nan is already looking through the script, which is indeed adapted from the novel of the same name.

If the original author takes action, most of the revised scripts will be more vivid.

"What's the approximate budget?"

Lin Nan didn't look up and continued to flip through the script.

It's just that this time I didn't hear Kang Honglei's reply for a long time.

"Director Kang?"

Lin Nan looked up.

Kang Honglei then spoke hesitantly, "There are fewer and fewer producers like Director Lin. My team estimated that this drama will cost almost 30 million..."

Lin Nan nodded in recognition.

Among TV dramas, costume dramas are more expensive than modern dramas, but war dramas are a special case.

"When filming this movie, please contact the insurance company."

"Director Lin doesn't believe in my team's shooting ability?"

"No, I believe in Director Kang's ability and your team.

But when it comes to explosion scenes, we still have to be cautious. Once a personnel accident occurs, the gain outweighs the loss. Who is not the child of father and mother?

So it’s better to buy heavy insurance for the crew. "

Lin Nan knows that many domestic TV drama crews do not have this habit and safety awareness at this stage.

But he can't do this. This kind of war scene will use explosives. If something goes wrong, it will be a big deal.

Kang Honglei nodded. Since Lin Nan, the investor, was willing to spend the money, why should he stop it?

"Then I'll listen to Director Lin, but there is a lot of preparatory work for this drama, and the actual production may not start until next year."

“It doesn’t matter, everyone knows Director Kang’s ability, he works slowly and carefully.

Does the character have a purpose? "

"Yes, Zhang Yi is one of them." Kang Honglei replied with a smile.

"Then I'll leave it to Director Kang."

Lin Nan returned the script in his hand. On the cover was the handwritten title of the script: My Captain, My Troupe.

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