That year Huayu

Chapter 302 Rejecting

Ning Hao was much more cautious this time. He gave Lin Nan the new "No Man's Land" script.

"Take a look at it for me. I've retained as much of the original plot as possible."

Ning Hao's tone was probably because he was remembering the experience of being rejected again and again after review. Ning Hao's tone was filled with despair.

"Okay, let me take a look."

Lin Nan began to look through the newly produced script.

How should I put it, "No Man's Land" can no longer be regarded as a reshoot. To be more precise, it should be a reshoot.

After all, more than half of the content in the script is different.

"The three of them have no objection?" Lin Nan raised his head and asked.

The net worth of Huang Bo, Xu Zheng, Yu Nan and others have all increased a lot.

"Well, we agreed a long time ago that the schedule and remuneration are no problem."

Ning Hao knew what Lin Nan was asking, and he still had this favor.

"Then let's shoot it. Although after the modification, it is not as stunning as before, it is still very exciting." Lin Nan gave an affirmative reply.

"With your words, I can safely go to Director Han and ask for money, haha." Ning Hao had a smile on his face this time.

Even if something unexpected happens midway through a project invested by China Film Group, if funds are needed for reshoots, you still have to communicate with them first. It’s not easy for others to intervene rashly.

In the afternoon, Lin Nan received a call from Ning Hao.

Han Sanping was very generous and directly approved 20 million, which was higher than the first investment amount.


There is a lot of news in the entertainment industry, many of which come from acquaintances.

In the first half of the year, "Steel 2" grossed more than 600 million US dollars at the global box office.

At the same time, "Black Widow" was also officially launched and became very popular.

Look at Ryan Reynolds again, he seems to be still standing still, waiting for opportunities...

I remember Ruian invited Lin Nan to attend his engagement party. This scene seems like just yesterday.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them left as soon as they said they were leaving, with a clean and neat expression!

When Lin Nan saw the news, he didn't take it seriously. Isn't that what happens in this circle?

He began to devote himself to the post-editing of "Star Destiny".

Perhaps due to personal feelings, he always felt that not much needed to be cut out of this movie, and everything was very good...

"Save a complete copy, I want to keep it myself."

Regarding Lin Nan's request, the editors could all guess his intention.

I should save it to watch it with Liu Yifei in the future. After all, this is a very beautiful and unforgettable memory.

"Don't worry, Director Lin, it's absolutely fine."

The employees are very excited about their boss's movie.

The much-anticipated "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" has announced its main creative lineup to the outside world.

According to the original novel, the male protagonist chose a foreigner, Bell.

The biggest concern in the industry is still finding girls.

Although this time it is "Thirteen Hairpins", there is only one real girl.

Ni Nai!

The new picture is uncharacteristic of the norm, and the final makeup photos were also posted in advance.

A large number of people in the industry are lamenting that it is Zhang Yimou who still has such a discerning eye in choosing actresses.

Lin Nan also paid attention to it in the company. To be honest, it's not bad!

It wasn't until he saw the production cost of "Thirteen Hairpins" that Lin Nan realized why the promotion of the movie had already started before filming started.

The production cost is 600 million! It’s also a new screen exclusive!

This number made all the production companies in the industry stare.

It is absolutely impossible to make back the money by relying on box office. The only way is to rely on selling copyrights.

But the story background of "Thirteen Hairpins" is not the type that foreigners like...

Zeng Jia and Yang Mi also saw Ni Ni’s makeup photos.

"To be honest, it looks like that..."

Zeng Jia had previously complained about the casting requirements for "Thirteen Hairpins", but now that she saw the girl in the photo, she had nothing to say.

It really fits the eight words of Yan Shi Mei Xing, pure and lustful!

"What a good luck..." Yang Mi sighed and said.

As a non-scientific actor, his first movie was the heroine of Zhang Yimou, and it was a movie with an investment of 600 million yuan.

In Yang Mi's opinion, this newcomer's start should be the ceiling in the industry, and he would be the envy of a group of people, including her.

Of course, among the actresses born in the 1980s, Liu Yifei is still the strongest...


Since "Super Body", Liu Yifei's film salary has increased to 12 million.

Although she is already one of the tallest among actresses, the more she becomes like this, the more movie projects are eyeing her.

Just like the invitation I just received today.

"I heard from them that the main actors have not yet been decided. The first person who thought of the heroine was me, so I was invited."

Miss Liu was quite happy when she said this.

"what movie?"

"In "Hongmen Banquet", let me play the role of Concubine Yu."

Lin Nan put down the water glass he had just picked up.

He looked at Liu Yifei and asked confirmingly: "The team from Hong Kong Island?"

"Well, it seems so. The director and screenwriter are all from there."

Lin Nan felt relieved now and said, "Reject it."

"Huh? Why? You haven't even read the script."

Liu Yifei asked doubtfully. Although she would listen to Lin Nan, she still wanted to know the reason.

“Because people on Hong Kong Island can never take good photos of historical subjects.

Of course, don’t say this nonsense when you go out, haha..."

Miss Liu nodded and rolled her eyes at Lin Nan, "I'm not stupid, so I won't look for trouble."

"Then I'll let the company's people reject them?"

"Well, refuse."

Lin Nan remembered the previous entertainment news.

Originally, the investors wanted to hire Lu Chuan to film "Hongmen Banquet", but it turned out that the guy was too lazy to get into trouble, so he was replaced.

Although he was kicked, Lu Chuan, who thought he had worked hard, was not willing to accept it.

After exchanging blows with investors on the Internet for a few days, he turned around and went to Xingmila for investment. After finishing the matter, he continued to write the script of "The King's Feast".

In Lin Nan's view, both movies are destined to end.

One is a historical film about Hong Kong Island, so it is naturally flawed. The director of the other film is Lu Chuan, a guy who has no experience in commercial films and has high ambitions but low abilities.

"Haha, if this is not a loss, it will be damned!"

The last time I saw Xue Xiaolu was in early November. At that time, "Thirty-Three Days" had not yet been released.

Now seeing Xue Xiaolu again is different.

"Director Xue, congratulations." Lin Nan joked.

"'Sister Xue' still sounds comfortable.

These days, the word 'Director Xue' makes my ears tingle. "

Among the three movies, "The Journey", "Xiu Chun Knife" and "Thirty-Three Days", the latter has the highest profit.

Lin Nan couldn't favor one over the other. Yue Jun has already prepared the red envelopes for Bao Jingjing and Xue Xiaolu.

“In fact, you don’t need to give so much extra.

I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity and giving me the title of director of the 300 million box office club. "

Lin Nan waved his hand, "Yes. If there are any projects in the future, we can continue to cooperate, right?"

After hearing this, Xue Xiaolu was no longer polite.

"Okay, if you need a director for a movie in the future, feel free to contact me.

In addition, if I have a suitable movie role here, I will definitely give priority to Yifei and Zhang Yi..."

The premiere of "The Orphan of Zhao" is today.

Lin Nan must give Chen Kaige face.

I remember the first time I attended the premiere of Director Chen's movie, it was when Lin Nan was filming "Time Cruiser".

It was just "The Promise" and he was confused the whole time.

"Okay, let's go."

Liu Yifei, who had her ear-length hair cut short, chose a casual outfit today to highlight her heroic beauty.

It only took over half an hour to put on makeup, which was much faster.

"Let's go."

After the two got in the car, the driver set off towards the destination.

Although Lin Nan had been mentally prepared for a long time, when she arrived at the place, she was still quite impressed that Chen Kaige really knew how to play.

The premiere of "The Promise" was very flashy, and it was still the same this time.

Hundreds of people in costumes stood on both sides of the red carpet, lining up neatly to welcome the guests.

It was also the first time for Liu Yifei to see this kind of premiere, and she was very interested for a while.

"Let's get on the red carpet."

Lin Nan stretched out his hand, and Miss Liu took it.

As soon as the two stepped onto the red carpet, they saw the "costume actors" on both sides making a unified greeting gesture.

This pomp is really done!

The protagonists at today's conference are Chen Kaige and Ren Zhonglun, a director and a producer.

Han Sanping doesn't seem to be here. He is probably on the set of "The Great Cause of Party Building".

"Director Lin, Yifei."

"Director Lin..."

The first person to greet him was Huang Xiaoming, followed by Fan Bingbing.

"Congratulations, you won the Tokyo Best Actress Award."

"Thank you, Director Lin."

Fan Bingbing smiled and thanked. Among international A-class film festivals, although the Tokyo Film Festival is not ranked high, its actresses are still good.

Lin Nan led Liu Yifei to the center.

"Lin Nan, Yifei, welcome to the premiere of "The Orphan of Zhao"."

One of Chen Kaige's characteristics is that he always maintains a posture and pays great attention to etiquette.

"Director Chen, you're welcome."

After exchanging a few words with Chen Kaige and Ren Zhonglun, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei sat in the first row.

Not long after, the premiere officially began.

There are more than a dozen directors and actors on stage, and they look very similar to the original "The Promise."

Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh.

When asked about box office expectations, Chen Kaige did not speak, but Chen Hong, the producer, did the talking.

“The investment and promotion of our film definitely exceeded 100 million.

Director Chen spent a lot of effort on this movie.

In terms of movie box office, we hope to guarantee a minimum of 500 million, the more, the better..."

Lin Nan looked at Liu Yifei and said, "When the premiere of "Star" is held, I will leave the speech to you."

Miss Liu smiled sweetly, "No problem, don't underestimate me."

Starting from Ge You, each actor introduced his role in the movie and his feelings...

The feature film is here.

Liu Yifei watched it very seriously. She was quite interested in non-commercial films by people like Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

The first third is really good, the middle third is just average, and I won’t talk about the rest...

This is Lin Nan's experience watching movies.

"Why do you feel a little confused in the back?"

Liu Yifei leaned on Lin Nan's shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Sissi, your skills have improved." Lin Nan replied softly.

Hearing this, Miss Liu was stunned for a moment, then sat upright. Did the director also make a mistake?

In Lin Nan's opinion, if it were an ordinary director, this movie would actually be qualified...

The video ends.

Amid the applause, Chen Kaige smiled happily. This is a great director obsessed with flowers and applause.

During the reception, Liu Yifei joked with Huang Xiaoming and talked about the latter's girlfriend. The leader hesitated for a while, but finally said he would introduce her to her some other time.

Lin Nan said hello to the two of them and walked away. He saw an actor who interested him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao."

There was almost no one around Zhao Wenzhuo.

He had planned to sit down and have something to eat and then go home after it was over.

Who knew that Lin Nan would come over at this time, which caught him off guard for a moment, "Director Lin, hello, I am Zhao Wenzhuo."

Many people in the distance saw this scene and had some vague suspicions in their hearts.

At the premiere, it’s not like Lin Nan has never said hello to unfamiliar actors. The last one was Wang Baoqiang, and the next one was "The Man on the Road"...

Many people saw Zhao Wenzhuo handing a business card to Lin Nan with both hands.

"This is my contact information. I also hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Director Lin in the future."

Zhao Wenzhuo did not expect that there would be an unexpected harvest today.

"There are not many excellent action actors now. I will contact Mr. Zhao next time I have a chance."

Lin Nan nodded and accepted the business card.

"Thank you, Director Lin."

Back to Liu Yifei, Huang Xiaoming said with a smile:

"When I was on the set, Brother Zhuo performed his skills, which was very shocking!"

The media is already reporting the news about "The Orphans of Zhao".

The slogan of guaranteed box office of 500 million has spread throughout the industry.

In addition, the topic of Zhao Wenzhuo and Lin Nan's friendship also appeared on the Internet...

"Do you have any plans to make a kung fu movie or an action movie?" Liu Yifei was a little curious.

"I don't have any plans for this in the short term, but when I saw him, I asked for his contact information. Maybe it will be useful someday."

Liu Yifei thought she had a new drama, and she was happy for nothing.

Lin Nan didn't lie. The last time Lu Yang invited them to watch "Su Qier", he said that he would have the opportunity to film with Zhao Wenzhuo in the future.

"Thirty-day Love" did not complete its release period, and the box office stopped at 355 million.

It has become the biggest dark horse in the movie market this year, unless any movie has a higher profit rate than it in December, but this possibility is slim.

Lin Nan continues to stare at the later stages of "Star Luck".

Liu Yifei also visits Tiangong Color from time to time, buys a lot of fruits and distributes them to everyone to win people's hearts...

"Director Lin, someone comes to the company and wants to see you."


"He is the person in charge of film selection for the Asian region of the Berlin Film Festival."

Hearing this, Lin Nan patted his forehead with one hand, and he had completely forgotten about it.

In the conference room on the third floor, Lin Nan saw a foreigner.

In the past, he had signed up for his films by himself, but this was the first time he had contacted anyone on the film selection committee.

"Lin, nice to meet you.

I heard that you made a literary film called "The Fault in Our Stars"? "

Berlin has a different meaning to Lin Nan.

His first Best Director trophy was won in Berlin.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is considered a direct descendant of the Berlin Film Festival.

"Yes, The Fault in Our Stars is in post-production."

Lin Nan had nothing to hide. He knew the other party's intention.

"Lin, you are an internationally renowned director and have won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director twice.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I extend an invitation to you to come to Berlin..."

Lin Nan did not agree on the spot. He promised to give an answer when post-production was completed.

After all, the Berlin Film Festival won’t open until February next year, which is still a long time before the film collection deadline in early January.



"Venice...forget it."

There is only one chapter today, and this chapter was written with great effort.

Because the author has yang, second yang, the symptoms are almost the same as the first time...

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