That year Huayu

Chapter 809 TV series in Hongxingwu

At the corporate forum, Alibaba Pictures is the main force.

The reason is not that they have much production experience, nor that they have any top-notch works.

It's because they are Internet companies that cross over from other industries, and they are backed by the Internet and financial behemoth of the parent company Alibaba.

Otherwise, how can a film and television company that is just like an empty shell and listed on the backdoor have a market value of nearly 100 billion in the Hong Kong stock market?

But we have to admit that "big data" and "Internet marketing methods" are the "big killers" of "dimensionality reduction" in the eyes of the film and television industry!

So much so that most of the insiders present at the forum, including the media and officials, almost all accepted Ali’s tactics, and everyone who listened was confused!

"After the film festival is over, Deng Chao's "Bad Angel" will almost be released. You still have time to regret it now."

Zhang Qiang was talking nonsense on it, talking about the new project invested by Alibaba - Chen Kexin's movie, "Li Na".

Wang Changtian and Lin Nan were chatting quietly below.

Even though many people around them noticed that the two of them were "deserting", no one would mind their own business.

Lin Nan was quite pleased when Wang Changtian invited her again, but she still chose to refuse:

"Thank you, Director Wang, for your kindness. I will give the same answer as last time and will not participate."

"You... well, just think that my feelings are wasted."

Lin Nan smiled when he heard this, and from the corner of his eye he accidentally spotted La Peikang in the distance.

Then, he looked at Wang Changtian, who was sitting on his left, and said formally:

"Director Wang, I'm getting married in the second half of the year. But at the same time, the company has a new movie to be approved, so Guangguang can prepare for it."

For a moment, Wang Changtian's eyes were shining, so bright!

He tried his best to lower his voice and asked impatiently three times: "What movie? Is it a big production? Is the director you?"

Seeing Lao Wang's appearance, Lin Nan was quite speechless:

"Like "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", it is a commercial film with the main theme, and there is a high probability that Jindun from the Ministry of Public Security will join it.

It should be considered a big production, at least the impact of the ‘original incident’ was very large.

In addition, I am also the screenwriter... As for the director? I'm not entirely sure yet whether I should do it myself. "

After Lin Nan finished speaking, Wang Changtian became even more excited because he heard the golden shield.

"Good guy, it's bigger than the battle in "Take Tiger Mountain by Wisdom"!

I suggest you be the director, you have the charisma! The movie project can be postponed, just avoid the wedding, everything should be focused on the wedding first..."

Lin Nan knew that Wang Changtian would have this idea, and then chuckled and said: "Let's talk about it later."

"This time we added a producer, what about the share?"

Wang Changtian suddenly changed the topic, and looked at La Peikang and Ren Zhonglun in the distance intentionally or unintentionally.

"By the way, there's Yinghuang this time. Yifei got Hong Kong citizenship because of their help. As for the share, it should be less than 10%."

When he said this last sentence, Lin Nan also looked at the two people in the distance.

"Well, I understand. This, hey, I don't know what to say, it was originally good..."

"Listen, what I said above is not bad."

Lin Nan interrupted Wang Changtian's emotion, and the latter immediately fell silent.

Zhang Qiang, who was talking eloquently above, suddenly paused and turned his attention to Lin Nan, and many media cameras also turned around.

"Alibaba Pictures' first main-invested film, "The Ferryman," which is about to be launched, implements the production model of 'big data + big IP + big director';

Our second master-invested film has also been decided, and we will implement the production model of "big data + big IP + big director" more thoroughly.

The novel adaptation copyright for this second film comes from Lin Nan Pictures, and the copyright transaction amount even broke the market record. After the film festival, we will hold a grand project launch conference alone...

Our box office forecast for this movie is over 2 billion. Because Director Lin is also very optimistic about it, and even said: If he were to do it, he would be 100% sure to get more than 1.5 billion in box office.

In this case, coupled with Alibaba Pictures' production model, it is appropriate for us to set a box office target of 2 billion, and even tend to be conservative..."

Lin Nan was caught off guard by Zhang Qiang and pushed in front of everyone at the scene. After the show was over, he would definitely make the film and television headlines and hot searches again.

"Director Lin, what novel is this?"

"Record-breaking rights deal? How much was that?"

Chirping sounds continued, and Lin Nan only smiled and nodded in response without saying a word. Zhang Qiang on the stage didn't even reveal it, let alone him.

"Is Alibaba Pictures going to do something big?

I said Lin Nan, you have the kind of book that can surely earn more than one billion in box office, give it to me, it’s not like Ray Ray has no money..."

"Ali thought it was expensive at first... Is Guang Guang richer than Ali?"

Lin Nan's words immediately choked Wang Changtian. Well, the light is incomparable to that of a big dog!

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the enterprise forum was successfully concluded. From beginning to end, Alibaba Pictures is the best at showing off.

During the forum, when leaders of relevant departments spoke, they once again emphasized the importance of encouraging high-quality companies in the industry to go public and contribute to the prosperity of the industry.

After hearing this, many people unconsciously pointed their finger at Lin Nan Pictures.

Lin Nan also stated his position for the first time in such a large public occasion: the company has sufficient funds and will not consider listing.


A shares have been falling all afternoon.

Huayi, on the other hand, fell to its limit. It is only one step away from falling 80 billion.

Aside from the "uncomfortable" stock market news, there is also a lot of entertainment gossip at the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival.

During the press conference for "Escape" next door, Jackie Chan publicly "disparaged" Fan Bingbing's boyfriend.

The reason is that when the host mentioned that Fan Bingbing was in love and her boyfriend was Li Chen, Jackie Chan directly asked in confusion: "Who is Li Chen?"

And from the looks of it, the eldest brother has never heard of "Li Chen", an unknown actor, and doesn't know that Fan Bingbing officially announced her boyfriend.

When the host introduced Li Chen's resume to Jackie Chan, the latter's reaction made Fan Bingbing laugh in embarrassment:

"Oh, that sounds totally unworthy of you! Why didn't you tell me that you should be looking for someone like me to fall in love with? You took the initiative to tell me everything before..."

In the evening, Lin Nan teamed up with Liu Yifei, Shu Chang, Lu Yang, Guo Fan and others to visit "Night Shanghai"; after hearing Lu Yang talk about this, Director Lin immediately couldn't help laughing.

Jackie Chan's old problems for so many years have not changed at all. He took advantage of the actresses a lot...Fan Bingbing is definitely one of these actresses!

"Oh, we've gone quite a distance. Isn't this Hu Ge's store?"

"Let's go, let's go to another hotel and we won't go to eat and drink."


On the night of the 15th, there were definitely countless people who couldn't sleep.

The whole network is looking forward to tomorrow morning at 9:30, Big A can tell everyone that it just has a slight cold and is fine today...

And this kind of "picture" must have been dreamed by countless people at night.

But dreams are just dreams and they won’t come true!

The next morning, whether online, in the industry, or at the Shanghai International Film Festival, everyone saw the stock market as before - green!

"Financial News: A-shares opened in the morning, and the Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index continued to fall, with all lines turning green..."

"Compared with yesterday, although A-shares have shown a sharp decline overall, they are no longer plummeting... Industry experts have analyzed that A-shares are expected to stop falling in the near future."

“According to news from the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival, Alibaba Pictures President Zhang Qiang said that Alibaba’s second main-controlled film has been confirmed.

The film is an adaptation of an online novel, and the copyright was purchased from Lin Nan Pictures. The transaction amount has broken the domestic film and television industry’s record for online novel film and television copyright transactions... The film will target a box office of 2 billion + movie..."

"At present, the title of the novel sold by Lin Nan Pictures and the copyright transaction amount are unknown. They will be announced by Alibaba Pictures at the launch conference of the new film project..."

Lin Nan slumped lazily on the sofa and looked at Liu Yifei, who was smiling and with malicious intentions in front of him. He felt a little "panic" for no reason?

"Sissi, what are you doing?"

"When did you sell the rights to adapt the novel into a movie? I didn't know about it? What novel?"

Hearing this, Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was not scared to death.

Although you haven’t done anything bad, you always feel guilty. Why? It's like the feeling before high school when you were suddenly stopped by the school's director of political education!

“Sold the day before yesterday, the contract was signed by Yue Jun.

"Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" tells the story of a couple's sadomasochistic love for Three Lives Three Lives. It can be regarded as a very beautiful novel.

But to make it into a movie, it would have to be made into two or three parts. I thought it was troublesome, so I sold it. Originally, Yue Jun said that we should act together, but with our current status, we are really not suitable for acting like this. It makes no sense. "

Hearing what Lin Nan said, Liu Yifei nodded, "How much did it cost?"

"One hundred and twenty million! It's like killing a big dog once."

"It's so high! No wonder it's a record."

Liu Yifei's left thumb and index finger unconsciously pulled her lower lip, looking serious and emotional, very cute.

At this moment, an idea suddenly flashed through Lin Nan's mind, a very interesting idea!


"Well, what's wrong? It's only around 10 o'clock. Do you want to go out to watch a movie? Or attend an event? It's still early for lunch..."

Liu Yifei looked at Lin Nan and asked innocently, and lowered her hand from her lips.

"I discussed with Yue Jun before, originally we wanted the company to produce the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom". But now I have other ideas."

"what idea?"

"Shall I sell you the TV series rights? The copyright transaction amount only costs a lunch."

Lin Nan talked about serious matters in a joking tone.

"What do I need the copyright for...give it to me? Do you mean to let Hongxingwu produce a TV series version of "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom"?"

"Well, that's right. The filming team and production team of Lin Nan Pictures can be reserved for you;

Even the later trade negotiations with TV stations and Tudou can also provide a certain degree of help to Hongxingwu.

But you have to pay for the production costs of the TV series yourself. How about it, Mrs. Liu? "

Looking at Liu Yifei who reacted, Lin Nan added with a smile.

Ms. Liu's Hongxingwu has already independently produced the movie "Wolf Warrior", and now she is producing a TV series... Both movies and TV series are involved, and her identity as a producer and producer is even more perfect and complete!

"Humph, I took it!"

Liu Yifei smiled slyly and agreed.

She is not stupid. To be retained by Lin Nan and Yue Jun, the TV series produced by the company must have been evaluated and very marketable.

Furthermore, Lin Nan would never trick her, otherwise he would be dead, bite him to death!

"Then it's settled, I'll say hello to Yue Jun later."

"Okay, remember to ask the screenwriting department to make the script better."

Liu Yifei had already switched to producer mode and ordered Lin Nan "condescendingly".

"No problem, Producer Liu."


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