That year Huayu

Chapter 812 Stock market crash, Shanghai Film’s invitation, the leader’s invitation

"Starring Wu Gen, Tony Jaa, Zhang Jin, Simon Yam and others, the action, crime, and drama film "Slaying the Wolf 2" grossed 64.95 million at the box office on its first day of release, and received critical acclaim."

"The Huayi movie "Youth Class" was officially released today, starring Sun Honglei, Zhou Dongyu, Dong Zijian and others."

"The imported blockbuster "Divergent 2: Jedi Strikes Back" has landed in theaters across the country..."

All kinds of film and television entertainment information on the Internet are diverse and numerous, but after all, they cannot suppress the huge turmoil and turmoil caused by the "stock market crash".

The latter is the boiling point of public opinion and makes the whole network feel like mourning!

Since the market opened at 9:30 am, A-shares have been just like they were back on the 15th four days ago, plunging all the way, even worse.

The Shanghai Composite Index took the lead in plummeting, followed closely by the Shenzhen Composite Index and the ChiNext Index. They all began to dive, and there was a strong tendency to catch up with each other.

Until the market closed at 11:30 in the morning, in just two hours, more than 900 and nearly 1,000 stocks in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges all fell to the limit!

The market at this time was so green that it was suffocating!

"This year's Magic City International Film Festival is definitely the most 'lively' one in the past ten years; everyone's minds are not on the film festival, they are all worried about the stock market, and everyone is on tenterhooks."

Lin Nan leaned lazily on the chair, with a hint of teasing in his laughter.

At this moment, the sunshine outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop was particularly bright, which matched his mood; he was just watching the excitement, and he had no assets in Big A anyway.

"Damn it, isn't this a stock market crash? The whole Internet is shouting about a stock market crash! How many people have lost their money in just a few days...

This bunch of dog experts refuse to admit it to death, they are still advocating, and they are still emphasizing that this is within the normal adjustment range of the stock market... none of them will die..."

"Director Ning, why are you so angry? Isn't Huanxi listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?"

Liu Yifei was holding a latte and joked with a smile.

Ning Hao glanced at Liu Yifei and fell silent without speaking.

Looking at Director Ning's arrogant and resentful face, Lin Nan suddenly had a guess in his mind.

"Um, isn't your great screenwriter?"

"Ah? What about her?"

Liu Yifei reacted immediately after hearing this. She quickly shut her mouth and looked at Ning Hao in shock.

The latter's demeanor suddenly collapsed, very gloomy and helpless:

"Hey, I only know that she has been buying for the past two years, and the market is still good. She is very happy from time to time, so I don't pay much attention. But who knew she bought so much?!

She couldn't hold it any longer this morning, so she called me... She was quite aggrieved... She also said she wanted to sell it on the 15th, but she listened to the experts from the China Securities Regulatory Commission..."

Lin Nan and Liu Yifei looked at each other. They really wanted to laugh but couldn't. It was so uncomfortable.

The two could only hold up the coffee in tacit agreement to hide their respective expressions, but their slightly trembling shoulders still betrayed them.

"What, it's funny? Are you gloating?" Ning Hao said angrily.

"Hahaha... No, absolutely not."

"Director Ning, how much is that sister trapped in?"

Lin Nan and Liu Yifei's "duplicity" made Ning Hao even more embarrassed.

However, he still muttered, "More than four thousand... Ten thousand, there are many types, banking, finance, media..."

"Hey...she, I really didn't expect that sister to be so courageous!"

Lin Nan couldn't help but praise, and then was glared at by Ning Hao.

"It's quite a lot."

Liu Yifei couldn't help but agree with Lin Nan. Although she also makes a lot of money, she never touches these things.

"Listen to me, throw it away, don't hesitate. With you in charge, it's not a big problem."

Lin Nan looked at Ning Hao and kindly gave him some advice.

With Ning Hao's wealth, Xing Aina's stall is indeed not a problem, but this time the blow to the latter may be a bit big. After all, she is a woman, and this is her first time encountering a stock market crash!

"Well, throw it away. I'll tell her later. In the afternoon..."

Ning Hao sighed and nodded helplessly.


It turns out that today is indeed not a good day.

Shortly after Lin Nan, Liu Yifei and Ning Hao separated, around 12:40, the film and director circles became "chaotic" again.

It seems that director Xie Tieli is gone.

A large number of people working in the film and television industry are sending messages of condolences:

Tian Zhuangzhuang, Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, Li Shaohong, He Ping, Jiang Wen... Zhou Xun, Liu Xiaoqing, Feng Yuancheng, Sixth Teacher...

Although he was not familiar with him and had never interacted with him before, Lin Nan still followed the post. After all, he was an old-timer.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Big A "lived up to expectations" and continued to dive and fall. The dive was no less than in the morning.

More listed companies went straight to the bottom.

Green is already the most “familiar” and “closest” color to everyone!

The day after tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival.

After discussing with Lu Yang and others, Lin Nan finally communicated with the film festival organizing committee.

That is to say, all the film crews and main creators of the films exclusively produced and controlled by Lin Nan Films will walk on the red carpet together.

Not only is this a huge lineup and eye-catching, but it’s also simple and hassle-free!

Liu Yifei is still together as a family member and producer. As for what to wear? Don’t consider dresses, but bright, elegant, free and easy women’s casual wear.

"I won't go to the Asian Newcomer Awards tonight. I'll take advantage of the last two days to relax. I'll be very busy when I get back."

Lin Nan looked at Liu Yifei's delicate face and smiled meaningfully.

"Hmm, Director Lin, I will be very busy too."

Miss Liu smiled, a little charming?

But the next moment she curled her lips again, "The clothes are not ready yet?"

"It's coming soon. I just called yesterday. It will be completed by the end of this month or the beginning of next month!"

Hearing what Lin Nan said, Liu Yifei instantly became a little excited.

She had seen photos of the half-finished product. It was grand, dignified, gorgeous, luxurious, and dazzlingly beautiful!

"I'm already looking forward to it, hehe..."

"Looking forward to marrying me?"

"Hmph, I'm giving you an advantage."


Shanghai Film Studio is a bit of a jerk. In the afternoon, it suddenly sent out invitations to many big names in the industry, inviting everyone to attend a dinner party in the evening.

This operation was indeed a bit hasty and caught many people off guard.

Lin Nan wanted to refuse at first, but Ren Zhonglun invited him again and again, so he didn't have the nerve to forcefully refuse.

In fact, the most important reason is that Ren Zhonglun revealed that the dinner was of a commercial nature - Shanghai Film Studio was about to officially launch its listing journey!

When he heard this subtext, Lin Nan could already guess what the dinner party would be like that night. It would definitely be a gathering of big names!

To put it bluntly, ordinary first-line actors and celebrities may not have received invitations because they are not worthy enough!

Liu Yifei was not interested in this kind of purely "business" occasion, so she planned to go watch a movie with Shu Chang in the evening.

And when Lin Nan arrived at the hotel where Shang Ying was staying at 7:30 in the evening, it was indeed not what he expected:

At a glance at the scene, there are not only well-known domestic first-line actors and stars, but also heads of various film and television companies, big directors, and big producers. The lineup is quite luxurious!

"Shanghai Film Group definitely cannot go public. The Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. they established will inherit most of the core assets and business functions of Shanghai Film Group and prepare for the listing..."

In the huge dinner hall, Lin Nan took the initiative to sit in the corner instead of socializing. It was relatively quiet here.

Ning Hao was beside Lin Nan muttering about the news he heard before Lin Nan came.

"Are all the stars holding the moon?"

Looking at Ren Zhonglun, the focus of the audience, Lin Nan joked with a smile.

A state-owned enterprise wants to go public, and it is also a real giant in the film and television industry like Shanghai Film Group Corporation. There really aren't many people in the industry who want to get on board and build connections - 99% of the people present definitely have this idea!

After all, a state-owned enterprise is going public, which is different from the listing of a private enterprise. It is not as simple as simply going public.

Once you board the giant ship of SIPG, it means that you have a real backer in the future, which is your connections, your thighs, and a small half of the regular army... Sometimes, many "grey" problems can be solved!

"Those who live in the Magic City seem to be getting preferential treatment, right?" Ning Hao said with a smile.

"Well, isn't it always like this? Magnolia is the same..."

Lin Nan nodded in agreement. There were many people around Ren Zhonglun, and among them actors and stars, Sun Li, Deng Chao and others were the most conspicuous.

"The stock market outside is still mourning, but here is a lively dinner party about 'listing'? Tsk tsk..."

Wang Changtian walked over slowly, his mood was displayed on his face and aura, very bad!

But it is understandable. After all, from Monday the 15th to the afternoon closing of the 19th today, in 5 days, the Shanghai Composite Index plummeted 13.4%, the Shenzhen Composite Index plummeted 13.1%, and the GEM Index fell 15%! This is still an average. Many companies have fallen more. The higher the market value, the worse the fall!

"Dr. Wang, what you said is that Shanghai Film Academy is a state-owned enterprise. Can it be the same?"

Lin Nan joked. Next to him, Ning Hao was put in a bad mood by Wang Changtian's words, because in the afternoon, Xing Aina had broken his arm and was trying to survive.

"Today, the stocks of nearly two thousand listed companies fell to the limit. Although the Rays did not fall to the limit, it was still miserable."

After Wang Changtian finished speaking, he looked at Lin Nan: "Director Ren will most likely invite Lin Nan Pictures on board... What do you think? This is a great thing!"

Hearing this, Ning Hao was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Nan.

Lin Nan had made a guess about this "possibility". The probability was quite high, but.

Just when he was about to answer, Ren Zhonglun's voice floated over:

"China Film Co., Ltd. is also preparing to go public. It is China Film Co., Ltd., but it is not very open to the is not as good as Yingdafang...

Lin Nan, do you have any intention? You can join in. Although there are some restrictions due to the nature of state-owned enterprises, it is still okay to leave two points for you. "

When Wang Changtian and Ning Hao heard this, they were really envious. Because they didn't get such a promise, they had to fight if they wanted to get on the ship. No one is short of money, but the key is that tickets are hard to grab!

Looking at the people in front of him, especially the smiling Ren Zhonglun, Lin Nan needed to organize his words.

Everyone is rushing to get on the big screen of Shanghai Film Academy, but how can there be so many good things?

Everything has two sides, there is gain and there is sacrifice, there is reward for giving!

For Lin Nan, whether he was invited by SIFF or China Film... it seems that when the General Administration was discussing how to deal with "bad artists" last year, Ren Zhonglun and La Peikang seemed to have mentioned the matter of going public.

Lin Nan recalled the scene in his mind last year, when only Ren Zhonglun had made a clear and face-to-face promise to join him, just like today's invitation.


At this moment, Lin Nan's thoughts remained unchanged.

The boat is not that easy to get on, especially for someone with a big family and business like him, who can easily be "kidnapped" and "hijacked"...

Shanghai Film is about to go public, and this ticket will do more harm than good to him. He does not lack these, he prefers to occupy a dominant position, which will be a lot more free, and relative freedom is also freedom.

"Director Ren, thank you for your kindness. I won't get on board Shanghai Film Industry's boat. I already have a lot of career. If I have more, I really won't be able to worry about it."

As Lin Nan's words fell to the ground, the three people in front of him were stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

"Lin Nan, do you know what you are talking about?"

Wang Changtian and Ning Hao were silent, but Ren Zhonglun couldn't help but speak.

"Director Ren, you heard me right, thank you."

"Think about it again, Lin Nan. I'll go there first..."

Ren Zhonglun said something "sincerely" to Lin Nan, and then responded to the person who said hello in the distance... He was still busy socializing. Today's dinner was organized by Shanghai Film Academy!

"You really refuse?"

It wasn't until Ren Zhonglun walked away that Wang Changtian asked. Ning Hao looked at Lin Nan with the same curiosity.

"It's okay to co-operate with state-owned enterprises in movies, but to 'open a company' together? Let's forget it. Director Wang, you should understand what I mean?"

Wang Changtian was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded.

"You don't need it a bit."


The next day, it was another sunny day.

The end of the working week and the market closing on Saturdays and Sundays have left countless investors and listed companies with time to linger and fantasize. Maybe on Monday, the stock market crash will end?

"Xiuchundao 2 Shura Battlefield", "Get Out!" "Tumor King", "Charlotte's Troubles", "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Secret of Looking for the Dragon"...

The creators of several films exclusively produced or produced by Lin Nan Pictures, including those who had not been to the Magic City International Film Festival a few days ago due to schedule reasons, also arrived on the morning of the 20th.

Because everyone has to walk together on the red carpet on the 21st.

Huang Xiaoming led Yang Ying to the exhibition area of ​​"Searching for the Dragon". After today, this area will be demolished.

"How is the filming of "Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty" going? It has been more than half a month since filming started."

"Fortunately, the conditions are just difficult."

Huang Xiaoming joked, then looked at everyone and said happily:

"Director Lin, Director Yifei, Director Lu, Director Guo, Chang Chang...

Save a date for early October, my wedding will be scheduled for that time; invitations will be sent to everyone next month or the month after that.

This is a private notice in advance, and it will not be made public until two months later, haha..."


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