That’s Hilarious

Chapter 65: Fox

The daytime temperature in mid-March was not too high, only about 10°C; with the wind brought by the running of the horses, they felt a little cold in the armor.

Luckily, it wasn't raining because of God's praise, which made it smooth for Roland and his party who were planning to open the map.

Five days later.

Looking at the dotted line they marked on the map between the territory and Osborn City, they had already walked halfway.

On the road, he also encountered some characters who were suspected to be bandits. Roland ignored them. They saw a small group of 30 cavalrymen, and they all chose to avoid them.

This is because they are not carrying out any criminal operations, and they cannot be completely concluded that they are robbers. If the robbers encountered are engaged in activities such as robbing houses, Roland will definitely take care of them.

Of course, this also depends on the score. Those who can beat them are called Xing Xia Zhan Yi, and those who can't beat them are sent to death.

If it wasn't for the safety of the territory, and the fear of the beastmen mentioned by Duke Osborn, Roland, these suspected robbers, would definitely have to go through some inquiries.

But the peace ended there.

At night, because the horsepower was still enough, Roland had no idea of ​​camping, but planned to travel a further distance by the moonlight.

Suddenly, an unusual flame was found in front of him, and it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. In the quiet night, in addition to the sound of Roland's hooves, there seemed to be some other sounds coming from the fire.

"Everyone, take out your weapons and move forward quickly."

Following Roland's order, the soldiers took off the rider's kite-shaped shield tied to their backs one after another, took out the cavalry sword from their waists, and began to beat their horses to speed up.

The cavalry slammed into the horse's belly, and along with the shouting, the speed of the war horse began to increase. With the strong stampede of the war horse, the soil on the ground was brought up.

Slowly the sound of the hooves became louder and louder, and in this quiet night, the sound of hundreds of war horses ran out.


The villagers were all driven to the middle of the village and watched helplessly as the robbers plundered. The adults covered the children's uncontrollable cries in horror.

"My lord, we have all searched. Apart from some food, there are more than 500 scattered copper coins."

A robber reported this to their chief after scavenging the entire village.

This leader is not an adult at all, they are just a group of robbers who wandered here recently, and they only set their sights on this village.

Because he was very envious of the nobleman's life, he asked all his subordinates to call him "sir". What he didn't expect was that many civilians would give up resistance when they heard that he was an 'adult'.

Therefore, he decided to seek money every time, not to hurt people's lives. In this way, the farmers who lost money and some food still have hope of survival, because they do not want to offend the nobles, and they will not report it to the local nobles.

But he was obviously very dissatisfied with today's harvest. He threw the torch in his hand on the thatched roof. The thatched grass quickly burned and became bigger and bigger.

What shocked the villagers was that these people actually called the leader 'Sir'. This title quenched their last bit of resistance.

At this time, there was the only sober person in the crowd. Only he knew that these people were not nobles, because he was a noble himself.

Judging from the clothes and words and deeds of these people, the possibility of being aristocrats is almost zero.

They do not have uniform standard equipment and the practice of concentrating villagers with swords and soldiers in one place is the face of robbers.

The nobles are not afraid of the resistance of these serfs, but blatant robbery!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, he was no longer a nobleman.

Or he was once the second son of a nobleman, and he was frail and sickly. Later, he contracted leprosy.

When my mother was still alive, my father kept cursing him for the shame of the family. As for the brothers and sisters in the family, they laughed at him for the shame of the family every day.

Being frail and sick, he couldn't practice martial arts, so his mother gave him a lot of books to read. This was his only pastime, or fun.

It was also because he read a lot and was not welcomed by the family. Under the arrangement of his mother, he stayed away from the family residence and ran a small fortress.

Maybe he really has the talent in this area. He spent 20 years running this dilapidated fortress into a prosperous place when he was only in his teens. He has brought a lot of wealth to the family, and his father has such a good face towards him for this.

But his eldest brother didn't think so. As the heir of the family, he would not allow anyone to overshadow him.

Shortly after his mother's death, his father also died.

As the elder brother of the new Count Carney, he did not have the patience to endure the shame of his family, so he was deprived of his identity and became a commoner.

Because his mother once said: "Burton Carney, because of your achievements, I am proud of you. At the same time, don't hold grudges against your father and brothers. Because your surname is Carney."

He accepted this calmly, took off the mask on his face, and looked directly at his brother, Adnan Carney.

There was no questioning, no doubts, not even a little anger in his eyes.

In Adnan Carney's eyes, all he saw was disgust, naked and undisguised disgust.

He gave up everything without struggling. He didn't wear a single person, not even the exquisite mask forged with family resources. He was just wrapped in a turban.

He left here silently.

There's nothing left here for him to miss...

I just want to go to Duke Osborne to see if I can get a half-office job so that I can support myself.

However, when he encountered this incident, it made him a little helpless.

He simply did not wear luxurious clothes and carry a lot of money, even a horse, a weapon, his dear brother did not give him.

Since then he was no longer allowed to call himself Burton Carney, but instead gave himself a new name—Fox.

He was short of money, so he chose to take these shortcuts.

However, this also allowed him to escape today's catastrophe, because he is no different from other farmers.

"I advise you to tell yourself where your money is stored, otherwise, your village will be reduced to ashes tomorrow."

Looking at the flames that had burned to the second house, the villagers said that after a winter, they only had these things, and there was no other extra coins.

They kowtowed their heads desperately, begging for forgiveness from this 'sir' However, this 'adult' turned a deaf ear to their prayers, and instead looked at the flame and said, "What a wonderful thing!"

A young man deeply influenced by knight novels could not understand such behavior at all. Shouldn't it be the nobility's duty to protect the commoners?

Why would someone set fire to civilians' houses?

He got up and wanted to have a theory, but was grabbed by his father, who had already noticed it, and shook his head at him, signaling him not to be impulsive.

He tried his best to break free from his father's shackles, but his father's strength was too great for him to break free. The young man did not understand what his father did. From his point of view, everything that everyone did made him puzzled.

Everyone bowed their heads deeply, like criminals. But they clearly did nothing wrong. Even nobles cannot plunder their property at will.

He said loudly: "My lord, why did you come to loot our village. Even if..."

Before he could finish speaking, his father covered his mouth in fear and kept kowtowing, saying, "I'm sorry, my lord, for the sake of being a child, forgive me. Get him."

This leading figure has long noticed the movement here, and he watched all this development with great interest until the scene just now happened.

"Let go of him."

The father who heard this voice just kept shaking his head, and the tears couldn't stop falling. But he didn't let go of his child as the 'adult' said.

Just when he raised the sword in his hand with a ghastly face and was about to chop it down, he really enjoyed this feeling of 'dominant'.

At this time.

A thunderous hoof sound came over!

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