The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Three hundred and ninety-five Mary Tan II

However, the Master is gone, and if the Master is gone, why do we continue to fight.

Even if the same genetic factor is used, even if it is designed to be the same existence, but each of us is different, Pru Six calls itself "people", and I do use "I" to call myself, Pru No. 4 It seems to be always calm, not panicked even before death, but Pru One is a little crazy.

We came from the same roots and received the same training, but we weren't exactly the same.

They call this individual differences.

I (Mary Tan) once heard the doctor say that.


I (Mary Tan) had heard of it from nowhere.

This is something everyone has and everyone is different.

Do we really share a soul? But why, we have so many people, I am so lonely.

——So the technical level of Neo Zeon is really not good. Even the souls that are specially shackled in the Misaka series are all independent individuals, and it is impossible to achieve shared souls. Minerva, who saw Maritain's heart at that time, sighed slightly.

When Gremi died, the hearts of the Pru series were scattered, and the distance between everyone became infinite.

Unable to hide his shaking because of the death of the Master, he (Maritan) controlled the machine whose senses became sluggish.

"A formation that is too dense will be killed." Maritan didn't have time to say anything, but just left the queue a little.

In the next second, countless beams ripped apart the void, and before he had time to look at the positions of his sisters, Kabini was hit by the Mega particle beam, the body was torn apart, and the display screen of the whole sky went black, and only the inside was left. The cockpit where the sparks exploded and a little bit of light was spinning, and the connection with the sisters and the body was cut off, and everything returned to darkness.

Until... she caught a light again.

It was obscene and dim neon light.

The short and dilapidated buildings formed a simple street, as if there was only prosperity on this street. In the alleys on both sides of the street, the smell of rot, vomit and feces came from the corners of the street.

"This child is so stinky..." The middle-aged woman with her back to the neon sign said with a frown. "I'm still a child at all, how do you want me to use her for business?"

"There are guests who like this, right? She was in the escape pod when I picked her up. She seemed to have gone completely crazy, her head was empty, and she was told to do whatever she wanted, so she would listen to anything she said." Rubbing his hands, he smiled wryly.

The middle-aged woman pinched her face and looked up and down. A pungent and inferior perfume smell entered her nose. Although Minerva now remarks that the smell is not as good as the smell of toilet perfume, at that time, Maritan's body Neither the mind nor the mind reacted.

She squeezed herself (Maritan) hard, and evaluated her voice. The woman pulled her (Maritan) thin clothes, and let herself stumble into the house by stepping on the sewage on the ground. On the way, the bed The neon lights outside seemed to flicker.

At this time, Minerva felt that someone was lifting her by her neck, and she turned her head to see that it was Maritan with a complicated face.

Maritain told Minerva not to look at herself and to watch the "movie".

The trafficker took some money from the woman and hurried away. The man who pulled me out of the darkness of the cockpit was supposed to be my new master man who was leaving. MASTER, with a vague voice in her throat, the girl intends to chase after the man.

"From today onwards, your MASTER is me!" The woman grabbed the girl's shoulders and spit out a smell of oil and rouge at her.

MASTER, if you don't have MASTER, you won't be able to live, that's the entanglement between yourself and the world. But in the girl's current world, the master changes every night.

His new task is to accept its demands and let MASTER be satisfied. Rotten slugs licked all over her body every night, and when everything was over, the girl would feel as if she had become redundant. Dirty fluids accumulated in the body, and eventually even his own existence gradually disappeared.

In the end, all that was left was this skin.

However, it is not enough not to obey the MASTER.

Because I survived alone.

From the point of view of the part where one's own will cannot be involved, fighting with MS is no different from serving a different master every night. After all, artificial objects do not need will. Obviously, as long as he strictly observes the precepts of obedience and dedication, and does the same thing as his sisters, he will not be left alone.

Hearing the cheap bed creaking and the unpleasant stench on her face, the girl, for the first time in years, had her own thoughts.

At this time, also crunching, and Minerva's teeth. Minerva clenched her teeth tightly, her fists clenched uncontrollably, and she didn't even notice that her fingernails pierced her palms and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. Only now, seeing the military uniforms on the guests, did Minerva realize where Maritain is now.

Side3, Zeon Republic.

Why are you treating Neo Zeon soldiers?

- Light, cold and a symbol of lost light.

The girl's face was reflected from the shadowless lamp that had broken several bulbs.

Compared to the medical facilities in Neo Zeon, this clinic was cheap and dirty.

"You're still so young..." The young but old bald doctor wiped his glasses with a yellowed white coat.

The girl who woke up from the anesthesia stared blankly at the reflected body full of scars. With his right hand, he stroked his lower abdomen. Just now, something was taken out from here.

What am I missing? The words condensed in her chest could not be turned into a voice, and the girl was carried out of the consultation room by the doctor.

"Isn't the product hurt?" The middle-aged woman in the waiting room glared at the No, but..." The woman ignored the doctor. She just said, "Well, go back. ' and turned around.

The girl stood up and glared at the woman.

"Let's go, what are you doing!" Being dragged forward by the woman who shouted like this, the girl stepped out staggeringly. "Have you removed the big stone? Come here."

The girl was forcibly removed from the clinic, the woman cried hysterically. The decadent young doctor could only shake his head helplessly, and invited another bruised girl who was pulled over by a middle-aged woman into the consultation room.

No, that's not a big rock. After all, the voice in her chest did not turn into a voice. The girl was pulled out of the clinic and pulled into an electric car parked by the street. The car drove all the way to the busy street where the store is located.

The street scene flows from the window, and people's faces disappear.

Those scenes were wet and faint, and cold water droplets flowed down his cheeks. tears. Tears that hadn't been shed when I lost MASTER and my sisters dripped from the blue hole.

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