The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Four hundred and thirty-two dispatched

—————After more than half an hour of wrangling with the old fox————

"So you agreed?" Haman also evacuated from the moon to the colony Midway at this time.

"They think they've got us, so let them eat some sweets first. All along, free things are the most expensive." After hanging up the communication, Li Ping moved his shoulders.

"It's free..."

"What about the configuration of the Great Demon Cavalry?" Li Ping turned to look at Cornelia, who was eating melons.

"Because it is a special body in a gravity environment, there are not many configurations. There is a total of 36 aircraft in a brigade. What's the matter, do you want to put it into use on the moon?"

"The Great Demon Cavalry is one of the few mobile suits we have developed that doesn't have many messy functions. We are fighting to suppress the stronghold. Compared with the S Gundam and Z Gundam Hummingbird, we actually need a small manned man like Lot more. MS." Li Ping recalled the MS developed by Broken Ghost here.

"However, we haven't developed this kind of MS. You planned to use a shuttle or a space capsule for the assault landing battle from the very beginning, but..." Cornelia said in her heart that you finally missed it once.

"However, it is not yet the time for airborne operations on Earth. The production lines of small and medium-sized airframes are producing MS and MA, and the production of shuttles and airborne pods for assault landings has not started. If you don't want to expose the existence of superpowers, you can only use strong The landing operation will be carried out after the landing, but the low-gravity environment on the lunar surface is not suitable for this kind of operation at all, and only three of the assault landing ships have completed outfitting, and the number is too small." Li Ping scratched his head. , because the Zeon Republic's total military strength is very weak, he didn't put much effort into intelligence excavation. "Shouldn't the Moon Crisis be a plot from 0099? Why did it start now?"

"...The main force of the Broken Ghost was damaged and left the Earth Circle. Basically all the ships of the First Fleet of the Federation's reconstruction were lying on the ground. The combat effectiveness of the Federation Army is no longer invincible." Cornelia Said a little funny.

"Yeah, the battle power on the bright side is no longer overwhelming and invincible." Li Ping also raised the corner of his mouth.

As a supplier of the Federal Army, Nova Industries can still roughly infer the scale of the Federal Army's revival plan.

According to the inference of multiple intelligences, the final revival plan of the Federal Space Force should be to build an aviation battle cruiser Mac with the four Dogs Kea-class ships as the core and the Magellan-class design provided by Nova Industries before 0099. Magellan II and Rakelam-class battleships are the backbone, with Clap-class aviation cruisers as the main force, supplemented by four space fleets of Columbus-class multi-purpose transport ships and honeycomb-class multi-purpose large transport ships.

The general configuration of each fleet is: one flagship Dogus Kea-class battleship, 16 Magellan II & Lakelam-class ships, 51 Clap-class ships, 22 guided missile frigates, and a total of 15 transport ships, MS aircraft carriers, and supply ships. ship.

In addition to this, there are Lundbel units and units with a total number of ships equivalent to a full-page fleet.

By the way... The Magellan-class modification that Li Ping took out was not very popular. After all, the cost of a single ship was nearly double that of the Lakairam-class.

However, the frontal firepower was almost three times that of the Rakelam class, and it perfectly hit the G-spot of the deep-rooted large-ship artillery doctrine of the federal officials.

Under the pressure of the military and some governments, the coordinating committee of the Federal Army Recovery Plan stomped its teeth and stomped its feet and added the Magellan II production plan to the Federal Army Recovery Plan.

It directly led to the reduction of the huge shipbuilding plan of 110 ships in the original four batches of the Rakelam class to 60 ships.

The remaining funds were changed to build 16 Magellan IIs.

By the way, the above battleships are basically completed, but the federal army does not have enough officers to command the ships, so more than half of the brand-new ships are sealed in the space dock of Luna II.

"The entire Second Mobile Fleet is ready for deployment. If it is MS, bring a large group of cavalrymen and a group of Z Gundam Hummingbirds. The large demon cavalry is equipped with a "personnel carrying backpack", and I, Misaka, Kuroko, and Index will lead the team. Granada and von Braun's campaign of repression.

The recovery operation of Yueya Base was thrown to the Federal Army. Send five special reconnaissance ships, I want to know where the continental shelf oscillator is. "Li Ping clasped his hands on his chest, this kind of urgent and difficult battle is still very annoying." Mi Lei, I will leave the ventilation with the Federal Army to you, and at the same time, prepare for the live broadcast. "

"Understood." Mi Lei nodded, then turned to leave. She needed to prepare three to five reporting plans and at least three manuscripts for each plan.

In addition, Cornelia's battle game report is needed before she can fill in the details of the report plan.

The mobile fleet of the Broken Ghost, the main ships are new high-speed warships designed on the basis of the late Musai-class and Musaka-class battleships of the Zeon Army. Each fleet had a measly 3 squads of 12 standard Type 1 motor cruisers.

The appearance is not much different from the late Musai-class.

Can carry 6 18-meter-class conventional MS. It is equipped with five 305mm dual-mounted mega particle cannons, 6 base torpedo tubes, 12 quadruple-mounted multi-purpose missile launchers around the hull, and 8 64-mounted 122mm beam scrambling screen launchers (not available). Reloading), the main area of ​​the hull is equipped with three I-Field generators, and there are only 8 double-mounted 90mm 3-tube Gatlings for anti-air guns.

The hull is highly automated, and the damage control fully uses AI-controlled driving armor. A minimum of 3 people in the hull can perform basic control of the ship, but in order to ensure continuous combat effectiveness, the recommended number of crew members is 15.

In order to save man-hours, the hull armor only adopts the configuration of conventional armor steel and ABC (for beam) coating.

If you want to carry MS, plus ground crew, MS maintenance personnel and MS pilots, the total number of crew members does not exceed 30.

The only thing worthy of praise for this type of ship, which is named the Standard Type 1 mobile cruiser, is that the firepower of the Mijia particle cannon can barely match that of the three dual-mounted 356mm Mijia particle cannons on the front of the Lakairam-class.

The mobility is average, and even the Zimsai for space penetration has been canceled.

In the operating specification, this type of mobile warship will break through the Federal Army fleet with not weak firepower, and then drop the towed airdrop compartment and the assault landing shuttle attached to the bottom of the Afterwards, the fleet will fully engage with the Federal Army fleet, and the Misakas who survived the fleet battle will wear space combat drive armors to fight against the Federal Army fleet.

"Second Motor Fleet, the auxiliary thrusters are fixed."

"MS team boarding is over."

"The transportation of supplies is complete."

"The input of the auxiliary thruster parameters is completed, and the data flow of the auxiliary thruster and the hull OS is normal. The full self-check procedure has passed."

"The fleet is ready to sail."

"The whole ship is dispatched."

"The whole ship is accelerating!"

Two large rockets fixed between the two main propulsion bays of the standard Type 1 motor cruiser ignited, allowing the 12 ships to rapidly accelerate and head to lunar orbit according to the predetermined route.

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