The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Four Hundred and Thirty-Five Death Fights Over Von Braun

16 pink mega particle beams rushed towards the Musaka class, which was sharp in the enemy fleet.

Then, at a position about 4,000 meters in front of the enemy ship, it was offset and dissipated.

"The enemy fleet seems to have arranged a beam disturbance curtain in advance... The enemy fleet fired missiles, 72 in number, approaching at high speed."

"Evasion action! Air defense..."

"No, heading 336, bow down 12 degrees, max engine."

"Understood, heading 336, the bow sinks, the depression angle is 12 degrees, the engine is the largest... the impact route?"

"Activate the "core light cone" and hit me directly! This level of missile attack on the core light cone is enough to withstand, and in front of them is their own beam disturbance curtain. According to the speed at which this anti-Minovsky particle escapes, it is enough for us I hit it!" After Misaka 20020 finished speaking, he fastened his seat belt silently.

"I said No. 301, you and No. 404 can be the commanders of the mobile fleet because you are reckless..."

"Noisy, T.A.O (Tactical Operations Officer), get to work."

"Yes...Yes..." Misaka 00091, who was the tactical operations officer of S01, shrugged his shoulders, quickly clicked on the LCD screen in front of him, and activated the corresponding tactical module.

The next second, a huge green quadrangular pyramid beam barrier appeared in front of the hull, enough to cover the entire hull.

The anti-ship missiles launched by the Neo Zeon-Neogu combined fleet hit the green beam barrier and exploded.

"The core light cone, the impact mode is activated, turn it for me!"

The huge quadrangular pyramid slowly began to rotate, until it turned to look like a cone from the side.

The S01 broke through the anti-particle field and approached the combined Neo Zeon-Neo-Ogu fleet.

As a sharp-edged Musaka-class ship, the main guns turned and aimed at the approaching ship S01. Afterwards, the two twin-mounted 356mm mega particle cannons on the upper part of the bow of the Mousaka class were briefly charged and fired. Four pink beams contacted the rotating core light cone, and were hit by the high-speed spinning core light. Crushed cone.

"The core light cone load rate is 93%, so dangerous..." Misaka 00091 wiped away the cold sweat, almost embarrassed...

After finding that the shelling was ineffective, the attitude control nozzles below the bow and above the stern of the Musaka class jetted, and the Musaka class began to perform tactical evasive maneuvers, raising the bow to accelerate, trying to avoid the operation of S01, which turned into a huge green drill. track.

"Enemy ships begin evasive maneuvers!"

"Don't let him run away!" Misaka 00301 grabbed the armrest of the seat tightly.

As the helmsman, Misaka 00086 raised the corner of his mouth high, pulled the rudder backward, raised the bow of the S01, and got into the hull of the Musaka-class from the lower middle of the hull of the Musaka-class.

The high-speed spinning core light cone and the Musaka-class hull armor rubbed out countless sparks, and the scorching hull structure fragments were thrown away by the drill.

S02 and S03 followed S01 and drilled from the wreckage of the Mousaka class, which had been drilled by the drill, and the various turrets on the hull turned to the enemy fleet now on both sides of the hull. The 5 twin-mounted mega particle cannons and 90mm Gatling close-in guns began to fire at full power.

The two Musaka-class ships on both sides fired more than a dozen missiles again, which exploded on the side of the hull facing the Broken Ghost Fleet, and pale yellow particles spewed out of the shattered projectiles, forming a beam disturbance curtain. doesn't help.

Although the appearance of the hull has not changed much, the two ships have never made new moves.

The hull thrusters were also extinguished, and were drawn into the crash orbit by the moon's gravity.


The two ships were swept away by tens of thousands of 90mm armor-piercing rounds in just ten seconds. The ship had turned into a **** of flesh and blood, and there were not many living people left.

"Port missile approaching! Too late to attack."

"Start, line 043, aim the main gun, Musai-class in front of the port side, shoot!"

The S01 turned slowly to starboard, while the five main turrets turned to the Musai-class to port.

The four near-anti-aircraft gun supply systems on the port side were replaced with anti-missile AHEAD ammunition. The dense barrage intercepted twelve of the incoming missiles, and the remaining 14 broke into the minimum attack distance of the near-anti-aircraft guns.

On the eve of the hit, six large fluorescent green rigid shields appeared near the hull of S01, blocking the front of the anti-ship missiles and blocking the fourteen anti-ship missiles.

Then, the shields were closed, the S01's main gun fired a salvo, and a torrent of ten mega particle beams rushed towards the hapless late Musai-class, and the Broken Ghost, which looked like a late Musai-class but was The mobile cruisers built by combining the technologies of the three worlds are different. The late Musai-class used by the Neo Zeon-Neo-Agu combined fleet is really the late Musai-class... or the kind built in the second half of 0079. old ship.

In the face of the salvo of the new Miga particle main gun, there is only one fate.

The hull armor was penetrated, and the pink beam rushed out directly from the other side of the hull. The pierced hole spewed hot metal steam and the air inside the ship.

It was followed by the second round of salvos. I don’t know if the reactor was concentrated or the ammunition depot was hit. There was a huge explosion inside the late Musai-class. The impact of the huge explosion directly broke the connecting hull. and the link bridge of the engine compartment. Subsequently, the engine nacelle, which was still in the spray, collided with the hull of the ship, and also joined the martyrdom.

Outside the porthole, three Z Gundam Hummingbirds flew by in MA form, using the four Mega particle cannons on the large propulsion backpack to smash a Zaku III into pieces, and the wreckage of the body fell to the moon surface burning.


On the lunar surface, 18 large demon cavalry broke through the initial line of defense composed of 21 mobile suits and broke into the area of ​​the lunar city Von Brown.

"The manned container is separated, and the team will continue the MS countermeasure mission."

The 18 manned containers were separated, and under the control of the attitude control rocket, they automatically landed at their respective predetermined landing sites.

"The landing speed is too slow. Remember to triple the landing speed in the next version." Li Ping sensed the falling posture of a loader container. Fortunately, it was an airborne landing in the city. If it was really a beach landing battle, This kind of large target with a slow speed and no evasion action is basically a target.

I am afraid that the entire 37mm tractor (referring to the German Navy SKC/3037mm anti-aircraft gun in World War II, the combat rate of fire is only 20 rounds per minute...) can be shot down.

"Five seconds before landing." Li Ping checked the railgun launcher in his hand. Then, he pressed the 35-round large magazine, changed the rail gun launcher to his left hand, and pulled out a large one-handed knight sword from his waist with his right hand.

"The automatic exhaust system is Everyone pays attention to the airtightness of the armor." A synthetic electronic female voice sounded in the manned container.

The large exhaust window is activated to exhaust the air inside the container.

Prevents combatants from being disturbed when the hatch is opened due to air pressure during landing.

"Two seconds before landing, all personnel, the sole magnetic device is activated."

Li Ping and the 5 Misaka, who were wearing full-body power armor, stood up from their seats, stood facing the hatch, slightly bent their knees, and prepared for the impact posture.

"Boom!" The four sets of attitude control rockets on both sides of the box ignited, and the box was finally decelerated by 0.5 seconds, and the container hit the ground heavily.

"Bang!" The blasting bolt of the container's springboard door exploded. Driven by a small rocket, the door was fully opened in 0.1 second, and the door smashed to the ground heavily.

Inside, Li Ping and six people rushed out.

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