
The bad demon hangs his head boringly. If anyone observes it, his eyes will be surprised, because there are countless complex emotions in his eyes.

Cowardly, violent, cunning, resentful ...

These looks kept appearing, and then suddenly disappeared in the next second.

Inferiority is devouring the personality of the body, which is similar to eating, and it is relying on these mixed memories to strengthen its consciousness.

Bloody growth.

The bad personality gradually formed the master personality, trying to devour all the consciousness in the body. Of course, this is also a learning process. When devouring, it even mastered some simple words.


the host.

No one can investigate how many vocabularies the bad demon masters, but these two are definitely the vocabulary that it uses the most.

It will obey any order given by the owner, sit quietly here, and not even move for a day.

A woman's voice rang out in front of the door, and said, "Chen Feng, is Master Chen?"

Chen Feng?

The evil demon revealed some thoughts, looked up, and looked at the figure looking for the master in front of him.

She has a beautiful face and a proud posture. After changes, Luo Yao has dressed herself as a perfect beauty.

No one is perfect.

Even if they are beautiful, there are always one or two points of dissatisfaction, flat breasts, low nose bridges, and rough skin. In short, they are good at observing beautiful eyes, and they can always pick out their shortcomings.

However, Luo Yao didn't have such distress. As long as she has enough strength, she can recklessly modify any unsatisfactory body until she truly becomes a flawless beauty.

Even if women see each other's looks, they will presumably be ashamed, but the inferior demon's brain does not have this consciousness, it just looks at the other person so directly.

Luo Yao stood in place, squinting at the little girl with a dull look, showing some impatient colors on her face: "Little girl, am I asking you something, is Master Chen inside?"

The evil demon's expression seemed hesitant, lowering his voice: "The master is not ... the master is out ..."

"the host?"

Luo Yao gave a stunned smile, and smiled strangely, thinking to himself: "I can't think this guy is so good. From the age, it's only about seven or eight, and he can get it."

However, Luo Yao was not surprised. The higher the status, the greater the power in his hands, and the less satisfying his mind. Like some rich people in the peaceful era, after trying some ordinary love, he will look for more excitement. Things to do.

Having lived for so long in the last days, not to mention the little girl, it is even more cruel and dark conditions that Luo Yao has met.

Luo Yao leaned on the wall, looked up and down, and murmured: "Fortunately, it is not old-fashioned. As long as I have a direction I like, I can find a chance to start."

The evil devil sat aside, his face continued hesitant, the owner ordered it, and he could not kill anyone casually. Although he had some pain, it still strictly executed the order.

It decides to stop paying attention to each other, which may divert some attention.

At this time, the bad demon sat on the ground obediently, his body did not move at all.

Luo Yao stared at the closed room door, nothing was happening, looking down at the bad demon in front of the door, and whispered: "Little girl, how long have you been with Master Chen?"

"Does your host have anything you like?"

"If you tell my sister, I'll buy you something delicious."

But no matter how Luo Yao asked, the evil devil just bowed his head and didn't respond at all.

"Little girl liar." Luo Yao's eyes were suddenly awkward, with her arms around her arms.

When she followed Hong Jiuling, she acted like a tiger, and those conservatives always respected herself. Where has she been ignored?

Here is the end. The dark side of a person will swell under strength. If even a little girl can't help it, how can she stand in front of Chen Feng.

Luo Yao decides to scare the little-looking little guy.


At that moment, Luo Yao's body was like a candle. The entire body melted, and then it was put into a mold box. It was just a moment before it became another look.

With a small figure, big eyes and short hair, it was almost just a moment when Luo Yao turned into a bad demon.

Weird ability.

There are so many strangers in the world. Although Luo Yao's ability does not have attack power, it is also a rare ability, which makes people feel surprised.

At this time, Luo Yao took a few steps forward, and clicked on the face of the evil demon with his hand, and flouted his small mouth to disdain: "Ugly girl, see who I am!"


The evil devil raised his head and looked at the figure exactly like himself in front of him, with a touch of human surprise in his eyes.

Luo Yao looked at the other person's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but there was an enchantment that was not like this age: "The master is not there ... the master is out ..."

She was actually learning to talk to the evil devil.

"Seeing that, you little guy, if you are not obedient, I will look like you and replace you to live with the host."

"I have the ability to deform, and I can become any look I want."

After speaking, Luo Yao turned around a few times in the same place, and her limbs were like pure white lotus roots, which looked exactly like the bad monsters. If she didn't speak, she couldn't tell the difference between the two.

The evil demon took a step forward and crooked his head. It completely attracted the attention of the other person, not only because of the other person's appearance, but also because of what Luo Yao said.

"Replace me ... with the host ..."


Luo Yao stopped, like a proud little princess: "Do you see what I look like? I can become anything like what Chen Yewei likes. With me, you are no longer important."

Originally given away, Luo Yao didn't have much feeling in her heart, but she was used to being flattered, and suddenly she met a guy who didn't care about her, and she certainly couldn't bear it.

Nothing happened, so she decided to scare each other.

But the speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

The bad demon walked forward.

As he got closer to Luo Yao, he could not help frowning, and muttered to himself, "I don't matter anymore?"


"Don't be replaced ... there is too dark there, no owner there ... I don't want to live there all the time ..."

"You can't replace me."

Speaking of which, the evil devil even had a crying cavity, it was a pitiful, with a weak, pale face, a melon seed face, a small cherry mouth, and tears, as if he could cry at any time.

"Eating you ... will not replace the inferior ... the master ... is mine ..." As soon as he was nervous, the inferior started to stutter, some words incoherent.

While crying, it seemed to think of some way.

"Eat me?" Luo Yao chuckled, only to feel that the other party was frightened by himself.


Suddenly, the bad monster slammed like an inflated balloon, and even the cloak was torn out of his mouth.

Luo Yao frowned, and her heart was suddenly covered with a panic. She looked straight at her. She was just a poor poor demon. At this time, she was rapidly expanding and twisting. A large number of sarcomas and sludge were creeping on him. It With more than a dozen arms on his body, even the ugliest bugs would not be so scary.

"You ... you ..." Luo Yao screamed suddenly.

It's like seeing a ghost.

At this point, the bad demon has quickly turned into a huge monster nearly five meters in height, filled with mud, and dozens of arms are stacked together, making its entire body look a little deformed. The head is a child's face, but the body But it looks like a swollen tumor, without any humanoid at all.

"Eat you ... you won't compete with me for the master ... bad guy ... you're a bad guy ..."

The evil devil looked at Luo Yao, and his eyes were completely replaced by ruthlessness, just like a cold-blooded animal. There was no good intention at all, and some, just a strong biting killing.

Luo Yao is now completely frightened. She never expected that the bad devil would look like this. How is this possible? !!

Obviously the other party is just a little girl, how can it suddenly become such a terrible monster.

Anyone who sees this scene will show this face now, she was stunned, and she had only one idea, that is, to leave here at the fastest speed.


Before she could wait for a few steps, a few rosy palms suddenly caught Luo Luo's body.

"Eat you ..."

Luo Yao's eyes widened, revealing a terrifying look, but her face and mouth were already covered by arms, so she was dragged into the inferior body little by little.

Legs, chest, head, arms, until only one white index finger is exposed ...

At this time, the evil devil stood in place, and a finger dangled from his neck. It sucked hard, just like eating noodles. The finger coated with red nail polish was swallowed directly into the stomach.

The little girl slowly recovered to about a meter.

The cape was torn, and its body was exposed. Under the sweet head, an ugly body appeared. The evil devil frowned, while touching himself with his arm ~ ~ Says: "Ugly inferiority?"

"Masters don't like ugly shit."

"Mud ... Mud has no feet and looks good ... Owner likes feet, but doesn't like mud ..."


"Bad demons have hands and feet ..."

There are some wailing voices in the bad demon's voice, but it is not difficult to hear the taste. A complete sentence is mixed with too much voice.

Men, women, elderly, children;

The sounds are intertwined, seeming uneasy and panic ...

In the process of devouring life, the bad demon once again changed, it seems to have begun to understand the so-called beauty and ugliness.

Feet, hands.

It has never been so eager to become a real little girl like this moment ... 8)

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