Feeling the softness and beauty behind him, he secretly gasped!

Dragon claw fist, five fingers and two together, the posture is similar to a dragon claw.

It is a special and powerful physical technique with power beyond the six styles!

With strong finger strength and grip strength, it can easily grasp steel such as swords and helmets.

Crushing a human skull is as easy as crushing an egg!

The reason why the dragon claw fist is called claw fist is because this technique does not use the power of simple fingers, but the squeeze force of "claws"!

Its force application method, such as the fist, does not rely on the wrist alone, but has a very special way of applying force.

The finger muscles that form the dragon's claw are connected from the wrist to the muscles of the entire arm.

The power of the claw requires the blessing of the strength of the entire arm, and the arm strength involves the whole body.

It is necessary to bring all the strength of the legs, waist, chest, shoulders, and all the power to finally gather on the claws and burst out a terrifying power that can even pinch the air!

The Dragon Claw Fist, like the Six Styles, is a physical technique brought out of the rift world by humans.

Experts in the study of physical surgery have shown that this technique should also be created with reference to the real "dragon claw".

Its posture and movement and power are not different from some clawed creatures.

Therefore, if people want to comprehend the dragon claw fist, the fastest way is not to bury their heads in hard training, but to "comprehend" the body of other beasts.

Just like the ability transformation of the third-order powerhouse, comprehend the body structure of the beasts and imitate their advantages in order to exert the true power of the dragon claw fist!

Although Liu Shiyi did not have a devil fruit, she had been comprehending the dinosaur dragon related to the Dragon Claw Fist for four whole years!

Practicing a super physical technique to the extreme, it can be said that crushing the existence of the same rank!


This night was not long, and Ye Chi's accidental intention also allowed him to learn the approximate of the dragon claw fist from Liu Shiyi.

Looking at Ye Chi's practice from casual to serious sweat, Liu Shiyi was satisfied to help him wipe his sweat:

"You have practiced the shape of the Dragon Claw Fist correctly, and you are not lacking in strength, but the real beast claw power technique, I can't clearly state it with you."

Looking at the time, Liu Shiyi suggested: "Tomorrow when I have time, I will take you to the Federation's large chamber of commerce to observe the real beast claws." "Good


Ye Chi responded brightly, now in addition to the six styles, he has finally learned a regular super physical technique!

It's not too much to overwhelm!

He said that the displeasure is fake!

I once saw the handsome Saab when he used the Dragon Claw Fist in the original book, and anyone who sees it wants to have it themselves!

What's more, Ye Chi has already come to this world, if he can master the Dragon Claw Fist... One claw can crush a person - how handsome that is!


Ye Chi's fingers made a claw posture, and he clasped some items from time to time in the room.

With three fingers clamping one, he could feel that with just a slight force, anything could explode under his claws!

Liu Shiyi saw that he was still restless, and said with a smile: "Okay, rest early, don't damage people's hotels, but you have to compensate~"

"I know."

"Rest early."

After some instructions, Liu Shiyi swayed away, and when the door closed, she finally looked at Ye Chi, who was full of momentum, and shook her head helplessly.

Train as he pleases, but it's not bad to be able to use the Dragon Claw Fist to divert his attention, not to mention that he still practices so well.

Liu Shiyi ruffled her hair, and the sound of high heels disappeared into the corridor.

As time passed, the entire noisy hotel finally fell into the silence of the night.

At midnight, it was the time when the night owl activity was high, but after two hours of high mood, the night owl was napping, and the mice came out.

Squeaky -

a man on crutches and trembling wounds lifts the manhole cover.



The sound of steel hitting the ground woke up the cats in the area, and the rats in the stinking gutter also crawled quickly.

Seeing that there was no movement after the loud noise, the creatures all shrunk into the darkness, their round eyes vigilant.

After waiting for a rough breath, the man in the dark night finally took a step and jumped trembling towards the sewers.


Sewage splashed everywhere, and the sewer rats were completely shocked!


In the darkness, it seemed that there was a rainstorm, and the soaked black leather shoes were trampled by countless furry mice.

Although he usually hates these filths, now he can't care about the image.

Carrying the legs and feet of the unfavorable cable, touching the dusty thick wall, walking in the sewer one deep and one shallow.


As the pace progresses, the water becomes more turbulent, and the stench becomes even worse!

Until I saw a yellow light, I finally arrived.

The light shone through the iron cover above, and people walked quickly with joy, came to the iron cover, and struck.

It seemed that there was a guard on it, and when he looked at it, he removed the lid for him, and the crippled man rushed up to the bottom for help.

The gatekeeper reached out in annoyance and pulled it up.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Finally leaving the foul-smelling sewers, the man stood on the dimly lit ground.

Although he was wearing a decent suit, he was already tattered at this time.

The bare skin was full of blood clots, ragged clothes, physical disabilities, and the embarrassed appearance made the eyes cast by the people of the black alley with contempt.

However, it was such a limp and ragged appearance, so that the strongman did not have the desire to attack him.

Passing by lively taverns, shops where the old handwriting could not be read, and many signboards, the man finally found the place he was looking for.

【Huangquan Stall】

An old platform with a dim light projection, there is a bell on the stage.

"Jingle bells..." Huang

Quan bell rang, about to pick up customers.

Inside, several people with purple flames pierced on their shoulders turned pale, and a person with a slightly lower status was looked at by several people.

He snorted and had to put on his coat and walk out.

"Huangquan Road, do not accept wronged ghosts."

The grandstand people covered the shimmering markers, straddled the high platform, looked at the people, and smoked a cigarette in disgust.

The face was shrouded by the shadow of the man, and the disabled looked up, and when he saw the pair of cold eyes that could not be covered by the shadows, his heart trembled!

The hands touching each other in the audience unconsciously stirred together.

The grandstand man scoffed: "Isn't it, you don't even understand the code language?" Seeing

the disabled dodging appearance, the grandstand man explained boredly: "Report your name, job, status, salary, and lie about it, I don't mind sending you down first." The

cold voice fell, the disabled person hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "My name is Zhang... Zhang He, who was previously a teacher at Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, has a very low status and a monthly income... One, twenty thousand..."

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