Chapter 166 The first good thing

   Bai Yuxue thought the same thing.

Although when she went to her elder sister Bai Yumei's house for the holiday yesterday, she had already inquired about her brother-in-law Zhang Hongyi in advance. She knew that the county production department had not yet reached a formal cooperative relationship with any of its subordinate mutual aid groups, so she was concerned about this issue. Things are still somewhat under control.

   However, there is some truth to Liu’s concern. If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of what happens. If things are not settled, no one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

   In addition, Liu Xingwang obviously made up his mind, he must go, but Bai Yuxue could only nod and agree.

   In line with the principle of rushing things early and not late, Liu Xingwang immediately drove and took Bai Yuxue to the production department of the Longjiang County Office.

   Bai Yuxue found Zhang Hongyi first, and explained a little, lest he be kept in the dark and go to ask questions later.

   In this regard, Zhang Hongyi didn't say much, but reminded: "Minister Huo Jipeng of the production department is not very good at talking, and he is used to embarrassing people. If you want things to be successful, it is best to go to Vice Minister Qiu Ying."

   "Deputy Minister Qiu has a good impression of you on the second sister. Now you can go to her directly. No matter whether the matter is successful or not, at least she will give you an accurate answer directly, and will not hang people ambiguous."

   "Hey, brother-in-law is in trouble."

   Bai Yuxue responded with a smile.

   Then, she followed Zhang Hongyi's reminder and went directly to see Qiu Ying with Liu Xingwang.

In the    office, the two sides met and explained the situation directly, and Qiu Ying also felt that the proposal to cooperate together was a good idea.

   Nowadays, the popularization of cooperation is being carried out all over the country. Once the industrial chain from production to acquisition to sales is formed, it can be considered to be at the forefront of the times.

   If it is done well, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to be rated as an excellent model in the province by the end of the year.


   Qiu Ying also asked about the output of the Lichuan Township Breeding Mutual Aid Group.

  Liu Xingwang’s food is mainly pork and chicken and duck eggs, and the others are relatively small.

  Qiu Ying nodded, thought for a moment, and then said: "Last year, the county introduced a new batch of grassland fine-wool sheep, you all know this."

"This batch of fine-wool sheep has been locally raised by the county animal husbandry station for more than half a year, and now they have adapted very well. We are thinking about how to promote it throughout the county to increase farmers' income, but it is because There are very few farmers who breed wool sheep locally, and not many people will take care of them, so it was shelved for a while.”

"Since you are here, and you mentioned the establishment of a breeding mutual aid group to cooperate with the county production department, I think it is better to directly divide a part of the fine-wool sheep into the animal husbandry mutual aid group in Lichuan Township and raise them. As soon as the mutual aid group has a special person to manage it, I am not afraid. If you don’t raise it well, you spoil things, and secondly, this is a brand new attempt to actively respond to the call from above, what do you think?”

   "Oh, that's a good thing." Liu Xingwang rubbed his hands together, feeling very happy.

  Everything else is second. In this way, if they organize villagers to join the mutual aid group voluntarily, they can have more bargaining chips. Some farmers who do not have livestock at home can also directly join the group with labor.

   Sure enough, it came early, right, this is not the first good thing to let them catch up.

  Liu Xingwang was overjoyed, and he seemed to have seen a prosperous scene in front of him.

  The two sides have finalized some details.

   Then, Qiu Ying issued a note to let Liu Xingwang and Bai Yuxue go to the county animal husbandry station to pick up some fine-wool sheep on the grassland.

   This side is talking.

  I saw an old woman who didn't knock on the door, and broke in directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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