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The energy storm next to Fenix’s body raged for nearly 2 hours, and the scope of the impact increased, and finally Jiang Fei had to retreat 5 kilometers away.

Two hours later, the energy storm had finally subsided, and Jiang Fei came forward bravely.

At this time, Fenix’s body was quietly lying in a huge deep pit. The surrounding ice had long been disintegrated by the energy storm. After Jiang Fei descended into the deep pit, he discovered that Fenix’s body was intact in the energy storm. As if just asleep.

“0541, she died like this?” Jiang Fei is still a little unbelievable. How could a Dignified Level 5 powerhouse die so easily?

“Well, her death is already doomed …” 0541sighed, and then explained to Jiang Fei.

Although Level 5 powerhouses all have fairly long lifespans, some can even live for 1000 years, but that’s the normal Level 5 powerhouse. Fenix’s predecessor is translucent Jennie. She is just the first level Mutant. .

And the Japanese Devil’s biochemical technology is not familiar, they just learned some of the skins of Planet Namek’s biochemical technology, so the Level 5 biochemical person finally produced is not perfect.

Fenix ​​seems to be extremely powerful, but her own energy is tormenting her every moment, and she is also overdrawing her Spirit, which is why Fenix ​​occasionally loses Level 5 Strength and restores Jennie’s memory.

In 0541’s words, Fenix ​​died not from external forces, but from herself, because she could not bear such a huge energy, and eventually her will collapsed, the will collapsed, and the whole person no longer exists. It’s just a body.

“Ah … forget it, let’s bury her!” Jiang Fei sighed said.

“Don’t! Sir Captain, how can you waste such good materials!” As soon as I heard that Jiang Fei was going to bury Fenix, 0541 was anxious. If that’s the case, wouldn’t he be in vain?

In fact, as long as Fenix’s will had not collapsed, 0541 could save her, but he decided out of absolute rationality that Fenix’s collapse and death would be more beneficial to Jiang Fei, so he let Fenix ​​die. .

But if Jiang Fei buried Fenix ​​now, then 0541 would have given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it. In that case, Jiang Fei would not only have no gain, but also lost a Level 5 backer. In case of trouble, then no one else is going for Jiang Fei!

“I will never allow you to squeeze her into a biological potion!” Jiang Fei flatly refused.

“Who said I was going to squeeze her into a potion? What a wasteless natural resources!” 0541said with a smile.

“Then what are you going to do?” Jiang Fei didn’t understand the meaning of 0541 for a while.

“Sir Captain, have you forgotten why we searched for the power capsule so hard?” Asked 0541.

“Of course it was the Level 5 body that brought Isabella back to life!” Jiang Fei said immediately.

“Now, isn’t there a ready-made Level 5 body? Don’t you want to resurrect Isabella?” 0541 asked.

“This …” Jiang Fei hesitated, but he didn’t look like a profane friend’s body.

“Sir Captain, before Fenix ​​was dying, she agreed to use her body casually, and we are not blaspheming her body, but letting her live in another way, which is justified by your earth organ donation. , But she donated everything! “0541 continued to persuade him that this was the first move planned by him at first. If this move could not be completed, subsequent plans would not be implemented, and Jiang Fei would lose huge benefits. This is absolutely not allowed as an auxiliary system.

“Live another way …” Said 0541, Jiang Fei’s heart moved.

Indeed, although Fenix’s corpse was used, it was not squeezed into a potion, but instead re-giving her soul and letting her continue to live, in a way, it can be regarded as the last wish of success Fenix’s death. …

“Well … what are the requirements for resurrecting Isabella?” After hesitating for a while, Jiang Fei finally agreed to 0541’s proposal, after all, Isabella was too important to him.

“Sir Captain, I suggest you resurrect Ariel instead of Isabella!” 0541 saw Jiang Fei agree to use Fenix’s body, so he started to guide in another direction. He just said that the resurrection of Isabella was mainly to allow Jiang Fei to agree to use Fenix. Only corpses.

“Ah? Why?” Jiang Fei was a little puzzled. Of course, if conditions allowed, he certainly wanted to revive Isabella first!

“Sir Captain, Fenix ​​is ​​just a biochemical person who has just entered the Level 5 threshold, and she had serious defects when it was created. Although we now have a medical cabin and a biochemical laboratory, I can repair these defects at most, but I cannot Let her strength go one step further, that is to say, she can only enter the Level 5 for the rest of her life. There is no way to improve it! “0541 said.

“Oh!” Jiang Fei nodded, the Japanese Devil’s biochemical technology is inherently imperfect, and there must be something wrong with the Level 5 biochemical man they made.

“Would you like Isabella to use an imperfect body? And Fenix’s main attack methods are lightning and mental shock, which is closer to the identity of Ariel Magic. If she resurrects Ariel, she will be more likely to develop battle strength, but Used on Isabella, her near-battle skills are all wasted! “051 continued.

“That …” Jiang Fei was already a little tempted at this time. The plan of 0541 was very successful. First, he used the resurrection Isabella as a bait. Jiang Fei agreed to use Fenix’s body. After breaking this psychological level, Jiang Fei was in the subconscious. It has been assumed that Fenix’s corpse can be used, and then 0541 will resurrect Ariel, Jiang Fei will be easier to accept. If 0541at first says that Fenix’s corpse will be resurrected, then Jiang Fei will probably resist.

“Sir Captain, have you forgotten? We now have a Level 5 hog! If you resurrect Ariel, then we have a Level 5 helper, and let her take the Zhanlu Sword to find Evil beast, is n’t it how you want to cut its fat? Then we are equivalent to having an unlimited source of biological samples. After we find the power module, we can definitely create a perfect biochemical person with such a body Wouldn’t it be better to resurrect Isabella? “0541 continued to seduce.

“Ah … okay … I listen to you!” Jiang Fei finally clinched the teeth. Although I’m so sorry for Ariel, so that she can only be resurrected with a defective body, but who made Isabella occupy a larger proportion in his heart Much more!

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