The Amber Sword

Vol 6 Chapter 479: Valhalla, reach destination I

There was a faint whining sound from the north wind, and it shrank through the battlefield, shouting and killing, mixed with snow in the sky, and falling on the broken city.

Nimesis suddenly raised her ears, and she rose from the tower, looking thoughtfully at the direction of the perforation. There, the direction of the Old Beach is white and white, and in the distance is the heavy shadow of Dongmintai Forest. It is like a cloud hanging over the sky, and the flags of various nobles are looming on the horizon.

"Ms. Nimesis, you should not act now."

As soon as the red copper dragon Reto entered the tower, he saw the action of the female knight and couldn't help reminding him: "You'd better take a break. We can support for a while after we join forces, and I don't know why. The Bugatians seem to have left. "

"Did you hear it?"


"Voice," Nimesis looked back at the veteran, and replied, "It's the sound of a horn, it's the sound of a dragon horn, and it's deeper than the average horn. I was on the battlefield of Ampelsel. I heard it once. "

Reto froze slightly, thinking that the lady had hallucinations, but he politely listened. But a moment later, the veteran's face changed and he rushed out.

Nemesis followed.

There was heavy snow falling on the city's head. The rebels' offensive seemed to have temporarily stopped. The Bugatians were no longer visible in the sky. Only the distant rebel camps were looming in the snow.

The two stood beside the battlements and looked in the direction of the Old Beach, faintly seeing the movement of the rebel army, as if something was happening in that direction.

"Look over there," Nimesis suddenly said.

Reto looked down at her, and saw a banner bursting away from the rebels. The banner rushed to the right among the noble flags of various colors, like a reef in a storm. China stands still.

"That direction is ... Horta's reinforcements?" He frowned. "There are too few people, what are they doing, this is a death!"

"No," Nimesis hesitated for a moment. "The sound of that horn is ..."

They suddenly froze.

"Who is that?"

"Who is that commander of that army?"

Tonigel soldiers in the forest looked at each other. Their eyes pierced through the shadows of trees, and through the woodland, they looked at the lone army that had entered the noble coalition on the north bank of the Old River.

It was like a lonely knight trapped in the siege, but his opponent had no choice but to take him.

"They killed the Cade family, God," someone suddenly exclaimed. "They have a chance. The **** Yankees haven't had time to readjust their formation. Martha is up. They react quickly and make perfect judgments. Where did these knights come from? "

But no one answered his question.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the miraculous scene before them.

Nuoda's rebel army was disturbed by hundreds of cavalry. The entire huge front was mobilized as the lone army rushed to the left and right. The rebels, which had been invading south in all directions, attacked, but at this moment they slowly began to turn around.

Tonigel's garrison, who fought against the rebels on various fronts, found that the pressure before them was steadily decreasing.

When the whistle sounded above the vast field.

Everyone came to this idea involuntarily.

"It's time to counterattack"

"That was a call for horns," someone responded, "They are calling us!"

"I've heard such a horn long sound, on the battlefield of the Battle of Ampelsel," a White Lion knight recalled, he said with a little excitement: "It was the counter-attack trombone of the White Lion Legion. Lead us to counterattack the aristocracy of the North in such a trumpet! "

"So what are we still doing?"

"Look. They're playing the banner! God, what's that banner!"

A man suddenly screamed.

Everyone turned around subconsciously.

Beside the silver lily flag fluttering in the stormy sea, a swallowtail flag is rising, it is a sharp sword, the silhouette of Butch black pine leaves, the shadow of the golden dragon, and the blood-red ochre flower Modifier.

The golden dragon is the family emblem of the Cardillo family.

Butch's black pine symbolizes the beginning of a legend.

The sword is the symbol of the kingdom.

Fleur-de-lis flowers embellish the gentleness of the Cartiergo.

Throughout the kingdom of Eruin. Only one person deserves this flag. He is a hero in the eyes of every Eruin, and he is the same as a Tonigel deity.

Everyone stood there in a daze, for a moment, they didn't even know what language to use to express their mood at the moment.

Until another clarion call came from within Fort Mintai.

Long distance echoed the long sound of this horn.

The long horns of the two horns, one high and one low, should harmonize with each other on the battlefield. The Tonigers finally came to their senses, and everyone looked at his companions and comrades around him. Seeing the same **** eyes from the other side's eyes.

"Master Lord is back!"

"Fight for Eru!"

The knights shouted and rushed out of position.

Overlooking from the sky, it seems as if a silver tide has suddenly been killed in Dongmintai Forest. Although their number was small, at this moment they hit the flanks of the army that the rebels were turning to.

Sir Don Higgins almost heard his sore teeth.

Why can't they stop the cavalry of a hundred people? The army of a dozen aristocratic lords kept coming up, but was constantly being scattered by the other side. Thousands of armies could not stop a light cavalry of less than ten times theirs, or even limit their speed. Here.

Until he saw that the Silverwing Heavy Cavalry Regiment from the Southern Army in the north of Silman was beaten up by a hundred knights of young men in this area, the confidence in his heart had finally shattered.

The light cavalry was turning again. Their goal finally hit him.

Sir Don Higgins instinctively told himself that he must not retreat. He is the chief commander of these miscellaneous legions in this direction. If his men retreat, then it is not simply a defeat.

Grand Duke Golan-Elson would have killed him.

But reason was overcome by emotion, because there was a deeper voice in his heart telling him that if he did not retreat, he would die here soon.

He issued a perfectly normal order.

Run away.

Sir Don Higgins and his army turned around and withdrew, and the loosening of the main rebel army's main formation triggered a series of chain reactions. In the vast field on the north bank of the Alder River, the retreat at this moment was an instant It turned into an avalanche-like defeat.

More and more people have joined this inexplicable escape, as if starting from a certain point, causing the entire face to break and fall apart.

Brando sat on horseback, just watching the scene calmly.

In this era, the army of the nobles is such garbage, if it were not for him, they would have been eliminated by Madara's undead in the First and Second Black Rose Wars.

Unfortunately, these people don't know it yet.

However, the knights around him were so excited. The young people were originally determined to die. They bravely accompanied their Lord Lord in the assault trap. The rising blood and the accelerated adrenaline secretion made them fearless to die.

But no one thought that they had succeeded.

But they understand who it is.

When they launched a charge against the lances of the Cade family, they found that the opponent was not a coward and a coward as described by their lord. The soldiers of the family with the brown bear logo were all brave and fearless. Almost the best aristocratic personal soldier they have ever seen.

But at that moment, a powerful force of order suddenly fell on everyone. When they turned back in horror, they found that their Lord Lord could extend the line of the law beyond a hundred meters. Place, and bless his elemental power to everyone.

At that moment, the outcome is determined.

The charge of the hundred white knights, under the blessing of the power of the law, was almost equivalent to the charge of the hundred strong elements of the same strength to the lances of the Cade family.

This family would be useless even if they were known for their bravery and fearlessness.

The young knights did not understand what the power of their lord Lord meant to them, because it was like the legend of the Cruzian knights, the twenty-four followers, and their king thousands of years ago. Like any old legend or myth, it is gradually sealed in the dust of history.

This is the power of the sage.

When the backbone of the aristocratic coalition was defeated in one fell swoop, there was no other force on the battlefield that could stop it.

The battlefield was already in chaos. The flags of various nobles were wrapped in the snow and fled north. Brando ordered the young men of the White Lion Knight not only to lock down Don Higgins' army, but to let them Dissolve any aristocratic army that may be reorganized on the battlefield, leaving the rebels unable to organize another counterattack and accelerate the process of the other's defeat.

Soon, the scattered rebels gradually dispersed and fled to the sides, giving way to the middle. Brando looked up and noticed that an orderly army appeared in the snow one or two miles away. . This army wearing a uniform gray shirt, Umengmo shrouded in the sky, the knights saw each other's banner, could not help but look back and said to Brando:

"Sir, they are ..."

Brando waved his hand and stopped the Cavaliers.

He had recognized it as the banner of Yanbao, and he had heard of this rebel from the north, and he knew that these people were also involved in the plan to murder Prince Levin.

…… (To be continued.)

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