Qiqiqi finally climbed up from the water. At this time, she was no longer embarrassed to describe.

Although she was soaked in her clothes and her skin was faintly discernible, she outlined a sensational curve, but Sue Kirin, who watched her steadily, couldn’t give up any crooked thoughts.

Girls just want to laugh.

It’s so miserable!

One of the socks slid down because of the wet water. The water filled the large sleeves on the ground, penetrated the cloth, and fell like a curtain of water along the edges of the sleeves, dripping with water on the long wet hair. It clings to various parts of its owner’s body in a mess.


Qiqiqi was silent. She took off her short boots and poured out the water inside.

Sue Kirin finally couldn’t bear it, and laughed puchi.

“What are you laughing at!”

Qi Qiqi threw the shoe at Sue Kirin, but she held it with her hand.

“ha ha ha…I can’t blame me for this.”

Sue Kirin wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes.

“You’re still laughing!”

“Hey, I’ll take it!”

Sue Kirin caught another shoe that was thrown toward him.

“Don’t hide or pick up!”

Qi Qiqi seemed to feel very unwilling to this, she simply took off a pair of socks and threw them at the girl taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Oh, don’t even need socks?”

Sue Kirin, who hung up on the face, received all the orders and took them all.

“You unexpectedly picked it up!”

Qi Qiqi stomped her shapely bare feet uncomfortably when she saw too many misses.

Oops, what is going on with this creature that looks like a child and has a temper? It’s kind of cute! Sue Kirin was in a daze. She moved a little.

What do you think, you are not secretly! The girl said to herself secretly, shaking her head to shake off the strange thought.

“──Speaking of Xiaoqi, you…maybe more suitable for some violent and simple spells!”

In order to divert attention, Sue Kirin proposed a new topic.

Even so, this topic is still considered.

After nearly two months, Sue Kirin discovered that Qi Qiqi had Innate deficiencies in True Qi’s strength control.

The reason is that she is practicing the Sword Sect mental method.

Sword Sect’s mentality originally emphasizes the condensing of True Qi. Simply put, it is to focus on increasing the density of True Qi.

The high-density True Qi is originally not suitable for external exposure and control. For example, the higher the pressure, the more difficult it is to change direction.

Qiqi Qi said “Yi”.

“Violence and simple spell? How to say?”

She seemed to be aroused, and she completely forgot that she was in a state of spring.

“Simple spell construction has fewer steps, so there will be less loss of True Qi when constructing the surgery. It will be better for you to play the formidable power. Hmm…”

Sue Kirin thought for a while, and then gave an example:

“For example, the flame of the sky.”

“The flame of the sky?”

Sue Kirin shook his head and said meaningfully:

“Well, that is the most powerful attack method in history.”

“The most powerful attack method…”


Qiqi Qi muttered her rumination, her eyes gradually showing longing.

The strongest-these two words are quite temptation for martial artist.

“Well, there is no proof. There is a lake here…”

Sue Kirin looked at the artificial lake not far away. She intends to use the water of the small lake to absorb the destructive power of the flames of the sky.

The water depth of the small lake is about two meters. The area does not seem to be large, but in fact it is so large that Sue Kirin cannot be specifically estimated by visual inspection alone.

“…Xiaoqi, how big is this lake?”

“en? About five acres.”

“Five acres? One acre Six hundred and six thousand square meters…that’s about half a football field…”

Sue Kirin murmured, converting the units.

Sky Flame is a large-scale destruction spell. Without a buffer, even 30% of the most huge might is enough to destroy Chaoxue Tower in one blow. Therefore, she must adjust the formidable power according to the amount of water in the buffer lake, so that the formidable power of the flame of the sky can be displayed to the greatest extent, and the flowers and plants of the Chaoxue Tower are not affected.

“Football field?”

Qiqiqi tilted her head when she heard the words for the first time.

For her question, Sue Kirin avoided answering.

“That’s not important! Come on, I will show you the demonstration of the’flame of the sky’──I do my best to one third formidable power!”

Sue Kirin let Qi Qiqi Take a few steps back.

“Look at it!”

Sue Kirin’s expression instantly became fierce, and within the body True Qi swiftly turned.

Her spit and breath are full of sparks.

Then, she traced the array on the ground with her toes, as if dancing lightly.

“The Sun Wheel hanging high in the sky──”

Rhythmic chants flowed from the lips of the cherry blossoms. Countless flames lit up around the petite girl.

“Please move to the location of the Southern Ligong Jingmen──”

The flames converge in a stream and gather in the middle of the lake, creating a red light of destruction.

Its majestic breath is terrifying, and its dazzling brilliance burns people’s eyes.

It’s like a red sun dyed the sky.

“With the power of dryness, turn the elephant into the flames of the sky and burn everything!”

Sue Kirin put two fingers together and swiped down suddenly.

──might of Heaven fell from the firmament.

The flames of destruction are unstoppable, tearing everything apart and blasting towards the tiny lake below.

The scene at that moment, like a giant beast with an open mouth, biting into a rabbit, suffocating and desperate.

At this moment when people can’t help but hold their breath, Qi Qiqi unexpectedly──


Suddenly cried out in surprise, Qi Qiqi walked towards the lake. Run away.

Where she ran to, the two-tailed white cat had just lifted the head from the lake, looking back blankly, without noticing the flame of destruction coming from the sky.

Why is it there? Is it drinking water? Sue Kirin was stunned at once. Although the position of the whiteboard was not in the center of the attack, the probability of being affected was still high.

However, just as the arrow has left the string, the “flame of the sky” has been launched and cannot be retracted at all.

Qiqiqi must also understand this point before taking immediate action. She wanted to save the white board from destruction.

Not everyone is fully considering their own safety when saving people in emergency situations, and Qi Qiqi probably hasn’t considered what will happen if the slower step is affected.

No, she may have considered it, but she still made the decision to save the cat.

In any case, this is not important to Sue Kirin. Qi Qiqi is far more important than the whiteboard in her heart. She did not allow Qi Qiqi to take risks.

I saw Sue Kirin catch up with Qi Qiqi in a flash, and threw her to the ground, suppressing her heavily.

“Are you crazy!”

As soon as the reprimand left his mouth, he was obliterated by the rumbling sound that made the air vibrate. Then, the impact of the lake water mixed with fire chips, sand and rocks swept across, knocking on the shield made of Sue Kirin’s external True Qi.

The dull sound of “dong dong dong 咚” kept ringing, Qi Qiqi who was overwhelmed to the ground shouted something.

Although I didn’t hear the other party’s voice clearly, Sue Kirin’s eyes did see the changes in Qi Qiqi’s mouth clearly.

──”Let go of me!”

──”Whiteboard, whiteboard!”

Although Qi Qiqi struggled constantly, she couldn’t break free. The strength gap between the land and the sky is reflected here.

Until everything calmed down, Sue Kirin looked up at where the whiteboard was originally.

The water of the lake was evaporated by the flames from the sky and turned into mist that filled this space, blurring the vision.


Sue Kirin squinted his eyes, the color of his eyes turned golden, glowing.

The sharp line of sight penetrates heavy fog.

The trees next to the small lake were blown crooked by the impact, entwined with wisps of tobacco, and the side facing the small lake was charred. The stones that outline the outline of the small lake show a dim red light.

The location of the whiteboard is faintly discernible with aqua light.

The hemispherical wall of water covers a white board that shrank into a ball. It seems not at all injured.

“──Is this going to be demolished? I think Chaoxue Tower is pretty good, don’t you need to rebuild it?”

A clear and soft voice came from behind the two Came.

This kind of mischievous tone…Sue Kirin turned his head to look, and instantly met Aqua’s gaze.

Ping Ting’s water-colored silhouette is behind the girl.

The girl smiled and looked at the two people lying on the ground up and down with fun from the bottom of her heart.

Shoulder-length hair, like pure water silk, gleams in the sun, the skin is whiter than snow, and the clear water blue eyes are filled with soft ripples.

She has a beautiful appearance and natural temperament that can calm people down, and she is a young girl like a stream.

This girl is Sue Kirin’s introductory dísciple ── Shui Yuner.

“How can I do this…I’m so envious of my concubine.”

Another voice sounded.

Shui Yuner’s side purple clothed girl is talking.

Elegant and lovely appearance, with long black hair rolled into a soft bun and hanging down to the right of the neck, with a light purple dress embroidered with dark golden patterns, showing a certain kind of in the bones noble.

However, she bit her handkerchief like this and put on an expression of hatred.

Her appearance and her words and deeds create a sense of incongruity.

“Well, isn’t this an accident?”

Shui Yuner tilted his head slightly, deepening the smile on his face.

For some reason, Sue Kirin couldn’t feel a smile from Shui Yun’er.

This makes the girl shiver.

“──Let go of me!”

Qi Qiqi yelled excitedly and asked Sue Kirin to subconsciously let go of her hands. Without waiting for the girl to move away from her body, she propped up her body and rushed out almost frantically.

“Hey—it hurts!”

Sue Kirin lost her weight and sat on the ground.

“It’s hard for Dao Palace’s main elder sister to have this kind of hobby? Impossible…how the concubine doesn’t look like it…if there is one, then the concubine can also overthrow the elder sister. Ah…”

Nangong Mingming’s eyes were startled, and he muttered dangerously to himself.

Sue Kirin chased Qi Qiqi’s back, ignoring Nangong Mingming, who did not know what went wrong.


The water wall turned into raindrops. Hearing the call, the white board raised his head.


When she saw Qi Qiqi running towards her, she called out, and her voice was obviously scared.

The white cat tried to prop up her body several times, but she failed.

Its body is still trembling, it seems to be really frightened.

“Whiteboard, are you okay?”

Qi Qiqi picked up the whiteboard, then held it up in front of her eyes and kept looking at it.

As if to say that I was okay, the white board meowed again.

“It’s okay.”

I don’t know if I understood the meaning of the whiteboard, or if I personally confirmed that it is safe, Qi Qiqi finally relaxed and hugged the whiteboard to her cheek. , Rubbing gently.

“The whiteboard is okay?”

Sue Kirin peeked out of Qi Qiqi’s back.

Hearing the question, Qi Qiqi turned angrily and looked at the girl.

“Why don’t you see clearly!”

Sue Kirin was speechless for Qi Qiqi’s accusation.

She does have a certain responsibility for launching “Flame of Heaven” without confirming the environment.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it…I didn’t expect that the whiteboard would suddenly run to the lake to drink water…”

Sue Kirin scratched his face in embarrassment.

“Why didn’t you let me save the whiteboard!”

Qiqiqi’s tone was almost questioning.

Sue Kirin became angry when he said this. She subconsciously picked frowned, but then thought that she had made a mistake first, so she tried to speak softly.

“I’m not afraid of your accident…”

“Will you leave the whiteboard and leave it alone?”

“…In my mind, You are more important than the whiteboard.”

Sue Kirin directly tells what’s in his heart, without concealing it. Although she likes the whiteboard, if she wants her to choose between Qi Qiqi and it, she must choose the former without the slightest hesitation.

Everyone is impossible and equal, impossible in this world, and even more impossible in people’s hearts.

Equal treatment is just a big lie.

Who can truly treat everyone equally? Saint?

No matter what, what can be done is definitely a ruthless person.

And Sue Kirin is not a ruthless person, so she can’t do it.

Hearing Sue Kirin’s answer, Qi Qiqi’s expression became a little stiff.

The anger has not faded from her face, but it has eased much.

“The whiteboard is just a cat, you are much more important than it.”

Sue Kirin said sincerely.

──If she didn’t want to take advantage of the victory to chase and coax Qi Qiqi back, I am afraid that the following things would not happen.

“The whiteboard is alive too!”

Sue Kirin was stunned.


The white board looked at Qi Qiqi and gave a weak cry, as if to persuade her not to get angry.

Qi Qiqi took a long breath to ease the anger in her heart.

“If something happens to the whiteboard, I won’t forgive you.”

Qiqiqi gave Sue Kirin a cold look and left with the whiteboard.

For some reason, the situation that has improved will suddenly worsen, and the girl looks at Shui Yuner blankly. The two looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Qi elder sister seems to cherish the whiteboard very much…”

Shui Yuner said with a wry smile.

I want to come too, otherwise Qi Qiqi will not react so much. Sue Kirin has nodded pain and does not know how to coax Qi Qiqi back.

“This is troublesome…”

She couldn’t help but sighed.

In spite of this, Sue Kirin bit the bullet and caught up with Qi Qiqi’s back.

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