“What are you going to do?”

Bei Ming Youyu put down the tea cup and raised his eyes, his clear eyes condensed on the purple pupils that reflected his face.

Is this really me? In the reflection, she was surprised that her expression was a bit weak.

“This is our place. I don’t allow them to act recklessly here.”

Xihe resolutely and decisively asserted that for the first time, there was intense emotional ups and downs on indifferent face.

The emotions that portray a girl’s face are not anger, but determination.

“Do you really dare to say…”

Beijing Youyu sneered.

She is not smiling at Xihe, but at herself—the self who can always only compromise.

“Only you, how do you face the people of Great Sect?”

Beijing Youyu wants to abandon all concerns and help, but now she is not only She still belongs to the countless dísciples waiting for her to return in Lingyue Valley.

Because Beiming Youyu is the leader of the school, she cannot selfishly drag Lingyue Valley into the land of eternal damnation for her own wish.

“even more how, have you already met that girl, right?”

Xihe was stunned for a while, and then he spoke to tentatively:

“Bei Ming Elder sister, do you mean’natural disaster’?”

“Well, that girl.”

“It seems that Beiming elder sister likes’natural disaster’.”

When I said this, Xihe expressed a little lonely.

However, Beiming Youyu who was already in astonishment not at all noticed this.

“Why do you say that?”

“When you mentioned her, there was a faintly discernable smile at the corner of your mouth.”

Is that true? ? Beiming had fish staying for a while.

“I know the’natural disaster’ is coming, but she will not necessarily be my enemy.”

“Do you know her?”

“Two sides Zhiyuan.”

“So do you know her?”

Xi He shook his head gently.

“I don’t understand, I only heard about it.”

“Then how can you be sure that she won’t be your enemy?”

“I just have This feeling.”

Bei Ming chuckled.

She felt that Xihe was a little naive, and she even used this baseless guess as the principle of action.

“As long as I don’t touch the people in Heavenly Jade Palace, she should open one eye to me.”

This remark brought surprise to Beiming Youyu.

She was speechless, because she felt that Xihe was right.

In the eyes of Beiming Youyu, Sue Kirin is going to go crazy for the people he valued–the incident of breaking into the Heavenly Sword Gate alone is the best proof.

“So I plan to separate Heavenly Jade Palace from other Sects.”

“Don’t touch Heavenly Jade Palace?”

“Don’t touch. “

Why? Is it just because of Sue Kirin? Beiming Youyu wanted to ask.

However, Xihe seemed to see through her heart, and before Beiming Youyu asked, he took the lead in answering the question.

“Because, the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace saved me. I am not a requite kindness with enmity.”

“So you were the descendant of Qi old man. I saved it.”

Ten years ago, during the trial of the Martial Demon Realm, Xihe was hovering between life and death. It was the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace who rescued her.

“By the way, that girl is no longer the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace.”


“Since Qi Return to Origin, old man ──”

Beijing swallowed it halfway through talking about fish. To be honest, she didn’t want to mention Qi Return to Origin.

That bastard old man always treats me like a little girl! She hated gnashing teeth whenever she thought of his attitude towards herself.

“The person who saved you has become the lord of Heavenly Jade Palace.” She said.

Xi He sighed and said:

“I have become the lord of the palace…Is she okay?”

“You haven’t seen her. “

Xi He didn’t know what he was thinking, so he shook his head in a daze.

Bei Ming Youyu suddenly felt a bit bitter. The framework of the Martial Demon Realm has firmly bound Xi He, and there is no room for her to see the life saving benefactor.

“Go back to the topic…’Asura’, how do you plan to deal with it? She is much more difficult than Sue Kirin.”

Xihe did not answer.

She is just quiet and firm, you are watching Beiming Youyu.

Beijing Youyu immediately understood it. She showed an expression that didn’t know whether she was angry or funny.

“Did you, this girl even let me in plot against?”

“I didn’t know in advance that’Asura’ would come.”

Also In other words, she at first not at all holds the hope that Beiming Youyu can deal with “Asura”.

“You should also know that Grandmasters will not fight easily.”

“But, you still saved me at the time. And you don’t have to do anything, just let her Just know that you are here.”


“Are you really sure to deal with the martial artists of Great Sect?” Beiming Youyu squinted, “Kill them?”

This is just a test. Beiming Youyu didn’t know what Xihe planned to do.

If Xihe really intends to fight to the death with the martial artist in the Martial Realm, it will only be the Martial Realm who will suffer in the end.

People know how to forgive, but the object will never be a martial monster.

──Fortunately, Xihe’s answer made her feel a little relieved.

“I didn’t plan to kill them. When is the retaliation, I just want to get rid of them.”

“You don’t understand.” Beiming frowned, “being The expulsion of the martial spirits is a kind of humiliation for them. It may be more uncomfortable for them than killing them.”

“If they really set foot in our hometown because of this, I will chase them out again. Go once.”

“Time after time? When are you going to arrive?”

Hearing Beiming Youyu’s question, Xihe’s eyes turned a certain light. A firm light.

“Until they dared not enter the realm of Martial Demon again.”

Her voice was as firm as a bell ringing in the valley.

Sacred and inviolable, there is no room for doubt.

Xihe, you are much braver than me… Beiming has a fish that curls up his mouth.

However, Beiming Youyu has another worry.

“Do you need my strength?”

The actions of Xi and holding a tea cup suddenly congealed. The flickering candlelight made her face light and dark.

She put down the tea cup and smiled on her face.

It was a sad smile.


“They lent me their power.”

Her tone was mixed with pride and emotion.

They are the martial monsters in the realm of martial monsters.

It must be that the martial demon in the realm of martial demon can lend her power and make her proud.

However, this signifies that many lives will die.

“Will you drag them into the upcoming blood battle?”

“They are already in it.” “Is it worth it?”

“It is not worth it or not. Nothing is more worthy of our own defense than what we love.”

That must be a kind of happiness, right? She is much happier than her self-independent self. Beiming Youyu raised her head and looked to the ceiling until her open eyes became dry, and she withdrew her gaze.

“I should go.”

Beijing Yuyu got up.

Now that she has understood the other party’s determination, it is time for her to leave.

“Don’t you stay for a while?”

Xi He got up and made a stay.

Bei Ming Youyu took a few steps before stopping to look back at her.

“You have a place that belongs to you, and I also have a place I should go back. This kind of gathering was originally…”

A kind of extravagant hope-Beiming has fish with bitterness The tone ends.

Xihe didn’t say much.

“Beiming elder sister, wait a moment.”

Then she turned and walked to the back room.

When she came to Beiming Youyu again, there was a bag of things in her hand, and the smell of White Dragon’s tongue came out of it. She handed the white dragon tongue petals wrapped in oil paper to Beiming Youyu.

“I know you like it, take it back.”

“Thank you.”

“This may be the last.”

Just as Beiming had a fish reaching out to pick it up, Xi He said this again, making her palms that had been touched with oily paper freeze in the air.

She was determined to die…Understanding this, Beiming Yuyu was slightly lost.

“You should go.”


This is when Beiming Youyu came back to his senses and took Xihe Of mind.

Beiming Youyu who walked outside the door stopped again.

“I will stay in our hometown until the end of the matter.”

When she said this, she did not turn around.

“I hope you can witness and understand our determination.”

Xihe’s voice entangled Beiming Youyu’s heart.

Even if the door is closed and they are isolated, Beiming Youyu can still hear Xihe’s voice echoing in his ears.

──Then they no longer expect to see each other.

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